“You demonize somebody, with falsehoods and all the rest and then you merchandise it.” ~ Nancy Pelosi
Image Credit: Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi / Facebook
Submitted Kat Stansell (Independent Journalist and Earnest Patriot) –
Thanks, Nan. Everyone knows how you and your kind roll (increasingly on walkers, it appears…). Whether or not she and her kind are still in the discussion – and I’d be willing to bet they ARE – we need to remember this when we listen to the debate over some of Trump’s picks for his Administration. We trusted him enough to vote him in in record numbers; trust him to choose those with whom he will work.
This isn’t to say that he will trust everyone of them; several will have to prove themselves. Forty-Seven will be watching very carefully for treasonous bed bugs in his nest this time around. It is his life on the line, literally and figuratively.
I know several folks, whose judgement I trust implicitly, who are questioning an appointment or two.
I think we all have gone through that stage since Nov 6. Let’s not become “conspiracy theorists”, as we have been accused of being. I know folks who drag up college tales and even supposed actions as teens, to try to blacken the eyes of some of his choices.
Matt Gaetz, I believe, resigned Congress to try to avoid the flying flack he knew was going to follow. When he was investigated for these allegations several years before, it was found that there was no evidence to support the charges.
That is the same as “innocent”. Isn’t that our American thing … “innocent until proven guilty”? PLEASE let’s not forget THAT, since the totalitarian regime in DC has so abused that part of our laws. I understand how tempting it is to try to help our President, to protect him from something he might not know.
I’m thinking we must give Trump and his administrative choices the good old “benefit of the doubt”, however. You know that I will be the first to highlight their acts if and when they prove questionable. Remember how I LOVE to dig in the DC litter box. If I happen to miss a buried turd, I’m counting on you to tell me about it. IF it smells truly bad.
When it comes to proven Globalists hiding in Elephant’s clothing, that’s when I like the shine bright lights on dark actions. Which, of course, brings me to DeSantis and his RPOF. Stay tuned…they are still lifting their leg on Trump Republicans. There’s even a new tactic.
One Response
What happened?? Where did my comment go?? No explanation as to why it was not approved?? There was no cursing… no trashy words like above… no childish insults like in the above article. This article was not under “Humor” so I assumed it was intended to be serious. Even with words like “litter box” “turds” the TENNESSEE Conservative didn’t think that the above article was even a bit childish among other things said in it and not up to the standard that it tries to maintain? Or maybe I was too mean. I can only assume you denied my post because I called out the article above as “childish” because of the attempt to be funny with references to “litter box” “turds”. So much for your support of FREE SPEECH………..