Ruining Star Trek, Immigration Doves, Lobbyists, Censorship & Weekend Plans [Brandon’s Brain – Issue #5]

Ruining Star Trek, Immigration Doves, Lobbyists, Censorship & Weekend Plans [Brandon’s Brain – Issue #5]

Ruining Star Trek, Immigration Doves, Lobbyists, Censorship & Weekend Plans [Brandon’s Brain – Issue #5]

U.S.S. Enterprise 1701-A Image Credit: yentov / CC

By Brandon Lewis [Founder of the Tennessee Conservative] –

My parents split when I was young – like 1 or 2. We lived in a small house for a brief time in a typical residential neighborhood. One of the only memories I have of that house is lying in the green shag carpet watching the original Star Trek… it mesmerized me for some reason.

I think it was the Enterprise tooling around in vast, open space.

The weird alien fight scenes… and perhaps the green ladies in mini-skirts.

In high school, I watched Star Trek, The Next Generation. I loved it. It still holds up as a pretty good show.

Over the years, I have watched the movies.

Though I would not call myself a fan boy, I have gone to a handful of Comic/Sci-Fi conventions with my best friend – a brother of 30+ years – Tommy. He introduced me to a lot of things and spending time in his home was a real culture shock.

He was ½ Ohio-Yankee, ½ Korean. It was quite a change from the strictly-southern culture I was being raised in. He and I went to Atlanta one year and I even saw “Jean Luc” at a distance.

So, I’d call myself a decent fan.

I fell out of watching Star Trek for about 10 years because I opted not to have a TV. I did not watch much TV in college either, preferring to be doing something instead.

So, I missed out on all the spin offs up until a recent one called Discovery.

I thought I’d give it a try, but it was chocked full of so much liberal B.S., I stopped watching about half-way through the series. I am not sure if it is still running or not.

Then, Picard came out… Now this I could not miss. Not even IF it had all the nonsense in it.

To my pleasant surprise, it did not have much. At first…

Fast-forward to the most recent episode, it’s 2024. We humans, apparently, have not paid the Gia the Earth Goddess her due. As such, there is no ozone, dirty water, etc.

Never mind that every leftist doomsday prediction since the 1960’s has failed to materialize. Fearmongering is one of the best tactics corrupt leaders can use to control people. I mean, look at the last two years. It works.

Next, they normalized the rampant homeless encampments seen in cities where democrats “lead.” Now this is a prediction that will likely hold true. For this, I will give them points for accuracy.

Then we throw in a little LGBTQRTAGSJDMNHQ12O+ nonsense that’s irrelevant to the plot.

Finally, they can tell the person they are looking for is not from the present time because… they don’t have a vaccine chip implanted in them!

I am not kidding. The writers crammed all that in about 5 minutes of an hour-long show.

It’s like there is a checklist for this stuff.

You name it… Education, music, government, movies, sports, culture… everything woke turns to sh*t.

And it’s a shame that in so many situations, cowardly Conservatives let it happen… very often without a fight.


I must, out of strict obligation as Tennessee’s Chief-Defender-of-Freedom, move directly into an action item for you. I prefer to lazily get into these things in “Brandon’s Brain.”

However, the legislative session is almost over and Conservatives have lost more battles than we have won. Let us hope we can salvage a skirmish or two… with your help.

You must, sooner rather than later, call/email some people so that we can have freedom of speech in Tennessee. Start with the people you know or your own representatives.

As you know, I began working on a Social Media Censorship Bill months ago. It started with an email to all legislators appealing to their self-interest about being silenced on social media in their campaigns.

We followed up with the results of a massive poll we conducted. Many of you completed that poll. It clearly stated Conservatives were under attack for expressing their opinions and that the legislature should do something about it.

Click Here to Call & Email These Legislators

But keep on reading…

Now, you must know that Big Tech has their fancy-pants lobbyists up in Nashville lying to our Republicans about this bill and what it does.

The truth is that this bill is NOT like other social media censorship bills and does stand the best chance of setting a nation-wide trend – and of standing up to legal scrutiny.

If you appreciate the work we have done as the only organization in the state of Tennessee advocating for free speech online, please donate. 

You will be one of approximately three people to have done so thus far… and that should make you sleep better tonight 🙂


These are the people who make a living up in Nashville trying to persuade Republicans to do this or that thing. For the most part, there are two types of lobbyists that make the most money.

First are the lobbyists paid by leftist corporations who hate Conservatism, its values and any laws that might result in Conservative reforms.

Second are taxpayer-funded lobbyists who take your money and lobby in Nashville against accountability or results in government – and almost always against the best interest of the taxpayer.

GOP lawmakers most often listen to these people instead of the Republicans in their districts, with a few exceptions of those who reside in the “freedom caucus.”

Now, this week there was a bill that said something very simple. It said that government agencies would have to disclose how much of your tax money is currently being used to lobby against your interest.

Esther Helton, Republican chair of this committee and my state rep, told bill sponsor, Todd Warner, that this bill would not even get a second to be heard by the committee. Not even get a second.

That means that Esther Helton is not in favor of taxpayers even knowing where their dollars are going to pay for lobbying! And, that neither does any other member of the committee?

The incestuous relationship between lobbyists, political action committees and lawmakers should be of deep concern for every Conservative… and we need policies that prevent the conflicts of interest created by them.

I doubt we will see any reforms this year. Our leaders like it the way it is. Out of sight, out of mind and in the campaign coffers.

Illegal Immigration Doves

It’s about to be primary season and you’ll hear incumbents talk a lot about being tough on illegal immigration. As a whole, it must be a lie – and here’s why.

Right now, we have a larger problem with illegal immigration than at any time during Tennessee’s history. Yet, a bill that would have stopped tax-payer funded education for illegal immigrants died… and was killed by Republicans.

Policies that would have stopped illegal aliens from competing for TN jobs by requiring E-verify with monetary penalties was also killed… by Republicans.

The two main reasons Tennessee is like a magnet for illegal aliens is employment and tax-payer-funded education. The GOP has done nothing to turn these two magnets off.

Now, legislation that would give local law enforcement the authority to enforce federal law and arrest anyone transporting, harboring or facilitating the transport of illegal aliens into Tennessee is progressing in the Tennessee General Assembly. It’s House Bill 2222.

It is still alive and I hope it passes. However, it does not address the root cause of the problem.

Let me remind you of this: One of Bill Lee’s campaign promises was to stand firm against illegal aliens in our state. It was one of his many broken “Ten for Tenn” campaign promises.

Again, if we are experiencing the worst problem with illegal immigration in our history, why don’t we see Governor Lee pushing legislation to end it?

It’s simple: It’s because he is for illegal immigration. This is the most logical conclusion one can draw.

The General Assembly will attend a special session to give left-leaning Ford Motor company $1-Billion Dollars of our tax money! So that they can push the green new deal agenda with electric cars. But, lift a finger to stop illegal immigration?… Nah…

Illegal immigration is another issue I can’t seem to find being fought by a Tennessee based organization of any influence. If they are out there, they are hiding really well.

I reckon the Tennessee Conservative is it.

If you think this issue is critical, please help us keep fighting for reforms by clicking HERE.

Weekend Plans

As soon as I hit send this morning, I am going to meet Eric at the new place. He is a friend I made while forming the Chattanooga Trades Association, a referral network that was very effective, but broke up several years ago.

The new place is 4+ acres… just big enough to cut out a walking trail that should be a ¼ mile loop. My plan is to plant the same shrubs, flowers and other things I typically see while camping. Kind of a “hiking garden” of sorts.

Eric is probably the handiest man I know. He’s smart, resourceful and has no sense of time. This means whatever he works on will get done because he just doesn’t stop until it is.

After we do this, I have to meet a landscaper, grab lunch with the family and then go to the shop to pack up the campaign gear for next week.

Sunday is up in the air, but I know I’ll be at Calvary Chapel of broad street.

If you live near Chattanooga and are looking for a place to attend, I’d recommend it for a number of reasons. Perhaps I’ll tell you another time, but for now I’ve got to get on the road.

Maybe I’ll see you at Church. I go to the 11AM service most always.

I hope you had an awesome weekend!

Thanks for reading…

Yours In Freedom,

Brandon Lewis, Founder of The Tennessee Conservative

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One Response

  1. ALL of them need to be voted out, we don’t need any BIDEN folks in our GOVERNMENT. PEOPLE here are sick of ILLEGLAS breaking out laws, and we have to pay for them.

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