State Sovereignty Topic Of Warren County Republican Meeting

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State Sovereignty Topic Of Warren County Republican Meeting

Image Credit: & canva

By David Seal [Special to The Tennessee Conservative] –

Tennessee State Senator Janice Bowling (R-Tullahoma) wants the legislature to put their money where their mouth is by passing a bill aimed at creating a set of legal pathways for the citizens of Tennessee, or legislators, to exercise their constitutional authority to nullify certain federal overreach.

She will be discussing this important issue at the Warren County Republican Party Meeting on July 22nd, 2024.

Legislation of this type would seem like a no-brainer since the general assembly enacted Senate Joint Resolution 9005 in October 2021 acknowledging Tennesseans’ right of nullification and the importance of state sovereignty under the U.S. Constitution and describing in great detail the necessity of keeping the federal government in its constitutional lane.

Governor Lee returned the resolution unsigned on November 22, 2021, the act taking effect without his approval.

Multiple Tennessee legislators took the next logical step to empower the state and its citizens to nullify federal overreach when they deemed it necessary.

Bowling filed a state sovereignty bill in January 2023 in the 113th General Assembly, which was referred to the Senate State and Local Government Committee for first consideration. The bill was supported by at least five county resolutions, the Tennessee Republican Party State Executive Committee, and over 12 patriotic grassroots organizations across the state.

She made an impassioned plea for passage, but when Senate Bill 1092 was moved by Senator Mark Pody (R-Lebanon), it did not receive a second and expired at the end of the legislative session for lack of action.

A companion bill was filed in the Tennessee House of Representatives by Representative Bud Hulsey (R-Kingsport) and 14 co-sponsors, which was taken off notice when the senate bill was rejected by the Senate State and Local Government Committee.

One of many county resolutions enacted in support of the Bowling/Hulsey state sovereignty legislation was sponsored by Jefferson County Commissioner Janet Norton (R-Dandridge) and 13 commission co-sponsors. Resolution 2023-48 was made on October 20, 2023.

At the county commission work session, “Making this resolution is the least we can do considering the federal overreach we are seeing at the local level. State legislators need our direction and support in getting this done.” said Commissioner Janet Norton.

The state sovereignty issue is far from over.

“I am grateful that Warren County Republicans are giving me the opportunity to discuss my bill on State Sovereignty. Our Founding Fathers knew that the federal government would have to be limited. They provided for our freedom from an overreaching federal government with the nullification provision. My intent is to provide five pathways to exercise our Constitutional provision of nullification,” said Senator Janice Bowling.

Danny Blitz with Tennessee Citizens for State Sovereignty (TNCSS) will also provide commentary on the state sovereignty and nullification of federal overreach bill. Blitz has extensive knowledge of the issue and serves as the TNCSS County Leader for White County.

The event, scheduled for July 22, at 6:00 PM, will be Located at the Warren County Administrative Building, 201 Locust Street, McMinnville, Tennessee, Magnolia Room. 

For more detailed information on TNCSS, state sovereignty, copies of resolutions mentioned in this report, and many other resources, a link is provided HERE.


About the Author: David Seal is a retired Jefferson County educator, recognized artist, local businessman, 917 Society Volunteer, and current Chairman of the Jefferson County Republican Party. He has also served Jefferson County as a County Commissioner and is a citizen lobbyist for the people on issues such as eminent domain, property rights, education, and broadband accessibility on the state level. David is also a 2024 winner of The Tennessee Conservative Flame Award.

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4 Responses

  1. Restoration of State Sovereignty is an idea whose time has come. If America is to ever regain our greatness, we must reestablish the proper balance between Federal Government & our Sovereign States.

    USC 10A is routinely violated by the Fed’s usurpation of rights specifically reserved to the States.

  2. David Seal has worked tirelessly for 10+ years on many issues involving Big Govt overreach. He richly deserves the Conservative Flame award. TVA and the Feds have gone woke and have abused their power over the people, so appreciate your efforts to push-back.

  3. Most Rino’s are illiterate when it comes to the US Constitution and History.
    Most Rino’s view the United States as a Democracy rather than a Constitutional Representative Government with a Democratic process. We are the most unique country when it comes to our governing papers.
    I guess I am now called an Old Timer. However, I was taught that the Federal Government only has those authority’s that the various States author to the Federal Government. States rule over DC. and may Nullify any Law that is in direct conflict to the US Constitution.

  4. It is unfortunate the law has been so misread… SCOTUS has ruled against nullification by states 3x since 1803. And the TN AG posted a legal opinion on it also after being asked by Sen. Briggs last year when the nullification bill was presented. No one wants to listen. People want a silver bullet. Technically, we do not need a bill or amendment to REFUSE anything from the Feds. We can do it now unless we have a contract with them in the area of dispute. It is shocking and disappointing how ignorant this is being portrayed. The write of the nullification bill told the senate committee that attorneys have opinions and he disagreed with the TN AG. Really? I think those opinions are called case law. I have read the history and law and it is not viable as written. But there are other ways. And it has been discussed. But considering the rabid fight over this it’s not worth discussing now. I was involved in writing a state sovereignty bill. Instead of joining forces to get something through, the nullification people want it their way or no way. So, they got “no” way. This is called butting your head against a wall. The fight needs to be done right. Not just forcefully.

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