Status Of The 2nd Amendment And 2022 Legislative Session In Tennessee

Status Of The 2nd Amendment And 2022 Legislative Session In Tennessee

Status Of The 2nd Amendment And 2022 Legislative Session In Tennessee

Image Credit: Compiled from gmsjs90 / Pixabay & Thomas R Machnitzki / CC

By John Harris [Tennessee Firearms Association] and The Tennessee Conservative Staff-

Tennessee Firearms Association is releasing interviews with State Legislative members regarding the status of the 2nd Amendment in Tennessee and the 2022 Legislative session.

Beginning in December 2021, TFA started releasing interviews with members of the Tennessee Legislature on the status of the 2nd Amendment in Tennessee.  As of January 3, 2022, interviews with Rep. Clay Doggett, Rep. Chris Todd and Rep. Jay Reedy have been produced and are released on the TFA’s podcast page

TFA is working with other legislators who are eager to participate in these interviews to set them up as quickly as possible to allow them to speak to the concerned citizens of Tennessee about the continuing Second Amendment issues in Tennessee.  

So far only one legislator has refused to participate in the interview but TFA is still trying to work with that legislator because the format is designed to let the legislators control the interview and discussion with as much openness and transparency as possible.

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TFA views this as an opportunity to increase awareness among voters concerning how the legislators, at least those who participate, feel about the 2nd Amendment, what they understand it to mean, and their thoughts on what still needs to be done to fully remove infringements on the rights protected by the 2nd Amendment from government encroachment. 


2022 is a huge year for gun owners in Tennessee.  Tennessee has a legislative session in the near term which will need to address topics such as actually trying to pass REAL constitutional carry (not merely another defense to a criminal charge like they did in 2021).  

More significantly, given the last 12 years, Tennessee also has a statewide election in which all House members are up for re-election and 1/2 of the Senate will be up.   

We already know that there are several who are retiring from the legislature and several whose districts have been intentionally “combined” which is forcing 2 or potentially more incumbents to run against each other.   With all of this activity, 2nd Amendment issues will be a major consideration for voters in 2022.


About the Author: John Harris is the Executive Director of The Tennessee Firearms Association. You can contact TFA here. You can join TFA here.

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