WHAT ELECTION? “The Diabolical Final Push For America’s Transformation” (Op-Ed By Thomas Budds)

WHAT ELECTION? “The Diabolical Final Push For America’s Transformation” (Op-Ed By Thomas Budds)

WHAT ELECTION? “The Diabolical Final Push For America’s Transformation” (Op-Ed By Thomas Budds)

Image: The South Portico of the White House is seen lit up in rainbow colors, Tuesday, December 13, 2022, following the the “Respect for Marriage Act” bill signing. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz) Image Credit: U.S. Government / RawPixel / Public Domain

“Though this be madness, yet there is method in it.” ― William Shakespeare, Hamlet

Penned by the Bard circa 1600, the wisdom in his phrase uttered by the “Prince of Denmark”, seems particularly applicable to contemporary America.

Submitted by Thomas Budds –

Today’s democrats seem to be making their final push for, as Barack Obama put it, “the fundamental transformation of America”. We’ve come to learn these radicals are a ruthless, amoral, and wily bunch who may currently have us taking our collective “eyes off the ball” as they broaden their rules for radicals.

When Churchill originally put forth the concept, “never let a crisis go to waste”, contextually he meant for the triumph of good over evil. The concept was reprised by the Obama Administration during the 2008 financial crisis as part of their game plan to transform America from a Judeo-Christian constitutional republic into the Godlessness of Marxist socialism. However, the speed of their plan was interrupted with the election of Donald Trump.

President Trump was upending America’s “transformation” even though he came up against a “Barak-wall” of administrative state.  Mr. Obama had great success over eight years in replacing thousands of key federal employees and bureaucratic management with critical race theory radicals. These unelected bureaucrats slow-walked and impeded Trump policy changes as the weaponized bureaucracy attacked the new president directly. So, Mr. Trump had to go so the “transformer’s” plans could get back on track, but how?

The arrogance of Barack Obama seems limitless! He couldn’t help but tell us about the next step. He told the world that he would love to continue to run the country behind the scenes, pulling the strings, no meetings, or appearances. He complained the Constitution got in his way of governing, implying he and his ideas are bigger than the Founding Fathers. It becomes clearer with each passing day that Mr. Obama and his formidable political apparatus tied their strings to their puppet president, “C’mon man”, Joe Biden.

The seemingly incongruent events of madness cascading from the Biden White House and its alphabet soup of agencies seem to have taken on form and method. It’s not so mysterious any longer why the borders remain wide open, why police are defunded, BLM and Antifa are not prosecuted, and that Mr. Obama’s close relationship with the terrorist state of Iran has been renewed. This all appears to be the radical left’s final push in America’s transformation, a goal they seem to want before the next presidential election. It seems their impatience has caused them to radicalize Churchill’s concept from “using” crisis to the “creation” of crises”!

While the nation’s focus is on the Mideast crisis, sinister events are fast moving here at home! Radical transformers have taken to the streets supporting the global slaughter and torture of Jews and Christians spurred on by Congressional radicals. FBI Director Wray and others have been heating up the rhetoric about domestic terrorism. I suggest these “events” are a new diabolical “methodology” being implemented by the “puppeteers” who will have President Biden declare Martial Law, a nationwide lockdown and suspension of the 2024 presidential election as “too dangerous to conduct” under the guise of terrorist threats?  

Learning from Covid, they seem to have intentionally created the conditions for national turmoil and it seems their plan is well underway! But will the bureaucracy, especially intelligence and enforcement agencies, and state national guards join the military implementing martial law? Will they support the administration’s call for suspension of the coming election? Think it’s too brazen! They are mutilating and sexualizing the nation’s children, abortion without limit, unresponsive to a national fentanyl holocaust, jailing political enemies, sans habeas corpus; et cetera, ad Infinitum? 

A wooden puppet’s nose grew every time he lied, only becoming a “real boy” after repentance and by telling the truth. It’s never too late with God’s help, so let us all pray that Our Lord intercedes on our behalf with our generation’s White House Pinocchio and his Gepetto before America becomes a battlefield from sea to shining sea.

About the Author: Thomas Budds is a Tennessee resident that writes from Murfreesboro.

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2 Responses

  1. Totally Thomas Budds. I believe Obama was and is the evil monster behind all of this disruption in our Country and afar. God be with us.

  2. This article plainly states a sad truth. There are and have been those in our political leadership that want this country to fail big time! We have been warned!

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