We Deserve Transparency In the Covenant Trans Shooter Case

An Open Letter From Constituent To Leadership Makes Case For The Full Disclosure Of The Covenant Shooter’s Manifesto.

Image Credit: MNPD / Facebook

submitted by Tennessee Resident, Kirk Burgon –

Once again I am writing with outrage concerning the cover-up of the “Covenant School Manifesto”.  There have recently been some more leaks of documents and testimony.  The Tennessee Firearms Association has written an article that covers the recent leaks and their efforts to get the documents via FOIA.

In the article by the TFA, a whole new level of corruption and government cover-up is being outlined and suggested:.

If you have not read this article, please do.  If you are not equally outraged, then please tell me why.

Here are the events that fill me with anger and I would really like to see at least one politician attempt to uncover this corruption and prosecute it/or refer it for prosecution.

1.   The event itself.  It was a tragedy.  But that was only the beginning.

2.   The obvious cover-up of the writings of “The Shooter” by the Nashville police really outraged me.  But now I see they were just the puppets of the real corruption.

3.   The fact that immediately, gun control was the hot political agenda with no desire to understand motives or details.  Just the desire to remove the liberties of the innocent.  The groups that were started, and the Covenant School parents were obviously organized on a Marxist political agenda.

4.   The governor sucked into it.  A “Special Session” of the legislature was called to address gun safety (Red Flag Laws) and we had to fight like hell to preserve our civil liberties and we still have pending (perhaps unconstitutional) legislation related to this farce.

5.   Unprecedented legal maneuvers were permitted by the “legal system” to block the release of the documents.  I suspected it was all being done by the LGBT (whatever else acronyms) to hide trends of mental disorders from medication or other symptoms.  I never even thought of the evil corruption that was also at play to hide liability from those who should have done their jobs along the way.  And the efforts to run out the statute of limitation for the people that had a role in the whole thing.  I knew that school was corrupt at some level; but the Alumni are playing a role too.  Why are they so powerful and so interested in burying the facts of this incident?

So here we are: 

• We still don’t have an official release of these documents.

• The cover-up by government and guilty parties is still in full swing, with the participation of the corrupt legal system in America where justice is only allowed if it does not affect the corrupt actors.

• Tennessee was a place I hoped still loved the values of the Constitution and Law and Order and I just had a revelation they are as corrupt as the Federal Government – and march to the orders of the Deep State Corruption.

Here is my request to you as my representative for government in the United States of America and in the State of Tennessee…

Please give a damn.  This is as serious as it gets and is part of the unraveling of this great Nation.  As my representative, I am expecting and begging you to do the following:

• Immediately start probing this issue.  There are a lot of guilty parties and entities funding this mess.

• Fixing weak legislation (like allowing the statute of limitations to expire simply by buying corrupt judges to delay rulings).

• Referring people for prosecution.

• Do the oversight required of these government entities and fire/prosecute the corruption.

• Pass no gun laws or even entertain them until two things are fixed:

1.   This manifesto is released and studied (the corruption even goes back to Columbine – are you curious why?).

2.   The courts start prosecuting and holding law breakers accountable for the violation of current gun laws.  Most of the gun violence I see on TV every night is done by repeat offenders and people out free without being prosecuted for previous crimes.  This is infuriating.  I don’t want to hear about arrests.  I want to hear about accountability and convictions.

I beg you, engage this and pursue it with vigor.  It is just another part of the downward spiral of this great country.  The Federal Government is nearly lost and the legal system is corrupt in this whole country; but, we can fix this in Tennessee to at least slow it down.  If we fight and don’t give in to all the Marxist money, liberal news,  and organizations trying to destroy this country (like it appears the Covenant School Parents have done).

Thank you for your time.

3 thoughts on “We Deserve Transparency In the Covenant Trans Shooter Case

  • June 10, 2024 at 3:37 pm

    Thank you for this. I could not agree more!

  • June 10, 2024 at 6:54 pm

    When I wrote this letter, I sent it to my state representatives, our TN Senators, and my Congressional Representative. I CC’ed the Tennessee Conservative News as I frequently do, just to add a little more weight to my comments and let them know people are watching them. Brandon immediately responded and asked if I would be willing to have this published as an opinion piece. I was reluctant at first but then thought, this needs to be said. So, I agreed. I am happy I did. I appreciate them publishing this to a bigger audience. They did a great job of making my opinion public. I thank them.
    If you agree, please make your opinion known to your representatives as well. They love to sit in the sidelines and post fluffy comments to social media. Some appear to be trying harder than others. Let’s get them to actually push for something that might change things a bit.

  • June 11, 2024 at 3:40 pm

    This shooting event has all the hallmarks of Operation Gladio. There is a long-standing, very secret group of satanists who have been pushing for the destruction of society by fomenting chaos and terror. They will use these shooter scenarios. Because there is no transparency for the public to know the details of these kinds of events, it is obvious someone, somewhere in the chain is intentionally hiding that from the public.
    There is a retired Colonel who has done an excellent series describing Operation Gladio and learning how this works, I immediately thought of the Covenant shooting. Learn more here – https://rumble.com/v4d7ov0-operation-gladio-part-i-featuring-the-colonels-corner-ep.257.html


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