Bill Filed To Relocate Illegals In Tennessee To Home States Of Biden, Harris, Pelosi & Schumer

Photo Credit: State Representative Bruce Griffey / Facebook

The Tennessee Conservative Staff –

Representative Bruce Griffey (R-Paris-District 75) has introduced a bill in the General Assembly to relocate illegal immigrants residing in Tennessee to the home states of President Biden, Vice-President Kamala Harris, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.

“The Biden administration is quietly moving thousands of illegals to various states, including Tennessee, by putting them on planes and buses and transporting them in the middle of the night, and we should return them to their sender!  I imagine that if we relocated them to the backyards of those responsible for allowing the flood of illegal immigration across our border, then those with federal power might be more apt to secure the border and secure it quickly,” explained Griffey.

“It is incumbent upon Tennessee legislators to protect Tennesseans from the harms of illegal immigration and bad federal policies.  We must fight back and that’s what I’m trying to do! Tennessee should not be a repository for people coming from all over the world illegally through the southern border and landing in our state.  We must focus on Tennessee citizens first – what’s best for them – instead of facilitating Biden’s reckless policies,” Griffey continued.

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Illegal immigration has been one of the main issues driving voters in recent elections.  It was a key component of TN Representative Bruce Griffey’s (R-Paris) 2018 campaign platform, and has consistently been the focus of a number of bills that he has filed over his 4 years in the TN House.  

Griffey’s latest bill filed yesterday (HB1994) is a tactic initiated by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis – relocating illegals to the home state of individuals responsible for our border crisis.  

Specifically, Griffey’s legislation calls on the TN Commissioner of Safety and the TN Commissioner of Human Services to develop and implement a system to identify illegals in TN and relocate them to Delaware (Biden’s home state) or California (the home state of Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, and Mark Zuckerberg), Greenwich, CT (home of Jennifer Psaki, Assistant to Biden and White House Communications Director), Martha’s Vineyard (home of the Obamas) or North Hero, Vermont (location of Bernie Sanders’ vacation home).


“The bottom line is that illegal immigration hurts Tennesseans.  According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform, illegal immigration in Tennessee cost Tennessee tax payers $793 million in 2017 alone, and that number has undoubtedly risen as the Biden Administration has allowed record numbers of illegals to pour across our border.  Illegal immigration also suppresses the wages of Tennesseans at the bottom of the economic scale.  Furthermore, it introduces crime into our communities.  With violent drug cartels controlling portions of the southern border and operating human trafficking rings, drugs are flooding across the border with the illegals and, with drugs, comes crime,”  stated Griffey.

“Illegal immigration is just that – illegal – and I have a responsibility to my constituents to call for the enforcement of the law.  We need law and order!  Instead, in my opinion, we have lawlessness that is intentionally being allowed to happen to benefit powerful, entrenched, wealthy corporate interests, who want cheap labor at the expense of national security, safe communities, and low-wage labor markets.  If Tennessee bands together with Governor DeSantis and Florida and other states follow suit, we might actually be able to effect change,”  Griffey concluded.

11 thoughts on “Bill Filed To Relocate Illegals In Tennessee To Home States Of Biden, Harris, Pelosi & Schumer

  • January 27, 2022 at 4:46 pm

    I am all for this legislation. I don’t know that it’s legal but this effort to send ilegal aliens all across the country in the middle of the night without the knowledge or consent of the citizens of that state should definitely be illegal.

  • January 27, 2022 at 4:48 pm

    Thank you Rep. Griffey for using the same tactic initiated by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis – relocating illegals to the home state of individuals responsible for our border crisis.
    Especially in Martha’s Vineyard (home of Obama) — since he’s the one pulling Biden’s puppet strings!

  • January 27, 2022 at 5:01 pm

    These actions are being done for the sole purpose of influencing future elections once they take steps to allow these illegal aliens to vote in our local, state and national elections. They represent a deliberate attempt to undermine the legitimacy of our democratic republic and should be considered illegal and treasonous activities. In the mean time they are an obvious burden on the citizens of the states they are being sent to. Furthermore there appears to be a deliberate effort to do so in the electoral battleground states to give the progressive liberal a distinct advantage in the upcoming elections.

  • January 27, 2022 at 5:06 pm

    Best idea yet. Let them deal with it. Better yet take them to their House!!

  • January 27, 2022 at 5:27 pm

    Good. it’s time we, the people took back our country.

  • January 27, 2022 at 6:11 pm

    what they are doing to our country is scary. it has to stop. can we impeach biden and that lady? if so i’ll be one of the first ones to sign the petition.

  • January 27, 2022 at 7:42 pm

    Great bill to be introduced, Bruce Griffey! Does anyone know if DeSantis has actually shipped any out of FL?

  • January 28, 2022 at 12:06 am

    Thank you for standing up for the citizens of Tennessee. I am an older citizen and I fear these illegal aliens, who we don’t know anything about, are Helen spreading illnesses and crime throughout our communities.

  • January 28, 2022 at 3:40 am

    I could not agree more with Rep Griffey. I would love to see our government take this stand. I will send my representative along with many of my friends and neighbors to call and support this bill. We need to make sure we remain free. Thank you

  • January 29, 2022 at 6:56 am

    Initially, I thought it would be great to take them to DC, put them up in hotels, motels, shelters, then keep going into the surrounding Democratic states until they understand what it’s like to have illegals dropped at your doorstep. This may be a better idea.

  • January 29, 2022 at 8:28 pm

    I love the Tennessee conservative news! The honesty, and the allowance of citizens to speak their mind on their concerns of their home state, and their country is wonderful.
    I am one of the many migrants who came to your beautiful state to escape the many Spanish-speaking people in California. I am sorry to have somewhat “invaded” your state and added to it’s population, with the many that are fleeing these undemocratic, democrat states. At least I am a legal, born-here American, tax-paying citizen; we are not a financial burden on Tennessee. But my husband and I could take it no longer. A great majority of the people in California, where I was born and raised, and the state I once loved, have a really skewed view of right and wrong, and fairness. They ignore the rights and well being of the citizens for their ideologies that include a belief that EVERYONE has the right to live here in the US no matter what. They are one LOUD voice and will not listen to anyone. They will only call those who disagree racists. Maybe it is for the vote, but that, I can’t wrap my head around as I see them destroy California and our country.
    I live in the small town of Elizabethton now. We love it. But I just got an ad in the mail about a new, Mexican restaurant that is opening. I want to warn my fellow Tennesseans. Mexican food is delicious. Being born in California I ate it often. But this is how it starts. They open a restaurant and then another and another and of course, they need more Latinos to run these restaurants and it gives them opportunity to send for more of their family members and friends. Several years down the road Tennessee is a bilingual Spanish/English state.
    These people are supposedly coming to our nation out of poverty. Where do they get the money to open a restaurant? Besides changing our country, this is where it is unfair to the citizens. If they are poverty stricken the money must come from US or TN government programs….and those monies come from citizens’ taxes. I have never owned a business, but I believe it takes money.
    I lived in the tiniest little town in Northern California. We hardly had any restaurants, but we had about 4 or 5 small Mexican food establishments run by their families. We had two small grocery stores. One of those stores had a majority of Latinos working there. They all spoke Spanish between each other. I felt at odds in my own “American” community because I could not understand them. I actually tried to learn Spanish online so I could communicate with people in my community, but found it too difficult without someone to practice with. AND, why should I have to learn another language to speak with people in my community – something doesn’t sound right there. Most of them spoke English also, but their choice is to speak Spanish over English. Our Latino population has grown in California so much that many jobs would be given to someone bilingual over someone who just spoke English – which I believe should have, a long time ago, been made the legal language of our nation. When people speak different languages, it causes misunderstanding and drives a wedge in communities; there is no unity. We need a universal language.
    I believe in diversity, but not a take-over by a race that changes the very fabric and culture of our communities and country. I stand firm in my belief that before you can become a citizen you should have a grasp of the English language and swear off any allegiance to the country you came from. When people come here illegally they don’t have to do that and from my experience they DON’T. The Latinos I have lived among the last 20 years seemed to have a sense of entitlement. Their Spanish-speaking community just grows and grows and they stick together. There was no gratefulness for the new country they were living in. People from that area will disagree with me, but it felt like a gradual take-over when I can’t even speak the language of the workers in my local grocery store. Some of the liberal thinkers just don’t understand that it isn’t a matter of racism; it is a matter of the very fabric, the foundation of our country and the welfare of ALL of its citizens no matter what race they are.
    All of us are different. Some adapt to these changes, and then there are people like me who love this nation, the history, the people who established it and made it great. I want to celebrate that. Not Cinco de Mayo. Sorry I went on. This is so important to me. I left California, with its skewed views swimming in wisdomless liberalism, to come to a bit of the America that I love. Now I see a new, Mexican restaurant opening up in this wonderful little “American” town. When will the next one pop up? We already had three: although, I don’t know if you could include Taco Johns as a true Mexican restaurant and Taco Bell is iffy. I have not been to the other establishment that appears to do very well. Again, I like diversity. Let us just be careful not to lose America in the process.
    And YES, I hope this bill passes. Yes, send them to the people’s homes that are encouraging this mess of immigration issues! What can we do to help? And Biden AND Kamala should be impeached for going against the constitution of the United States and breaking their oath to uphold the laws (immigration) of these United States. Kamala was my representative in California. She is major trouble. She is a first generation citizen and she has no respect for The United States of America and has no idea what it is to be an American with generations who came before them in this wonderful country. I still can’t believe such a person is the Vice President of the United States. What a shame. What a sham.


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