Blackburn Promises Return To Prosperity Under Trump

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Blackburn Promises Return To Prosperity Under Trump

Image Credit: GOP Convention / Facebook

The Center Square [By Elyse Apel] –

Americans should be united against the economic policies of the Democrats, Tennessee Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn says.

She spoke Monday at the Republican National Convention, a night themed “Make America Wealthy Again,” in Milwaukee, Wis.

“Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, their high inflation, high interest, high taxes, and green new scam are destroying small businesses,” Blackburn said. “Biden and Harris outsourced our energy supply, driving electricity prices up over 29%.”

Blackburn promised it would be different under former President Donald Trump.

“You know who will return us to an era of prosperity? Donald Trump,” she said.

She also pledged that Trump will “slash the red tape” and “return the country to economic greatness.”

Blackburn pointed out Biden’s expansion of the IRS.

“Joe and Kamala, bless their hearts,” she said, pausing for the crowd to accept and acknowledge the Southern colloquialism. “They couldn’t help themselves. They hired 85,000 new IRS agents to harass hard-working Americans. IRS penalties have surged 300%. Let me ask you a question: Who is going to look at 85,000 IRS agents and say, ‘You’re fired?’ Donald Trump!”

Delegates roared approval.

Blackburn also specifically called on small business owners to support Trump this November, pointing out the challenges they have faced under Biden’s policies.

“Under Biden and Harris, people are also crushed by more regulations than any time since Jimmy Carter,” she said.

This comes as a recent survey found that nearly half of small businesses report they would not be able to “survive another four-year term of a Biden presidency.”

“We produced a different kind of platform,” said Blackburn, who is also the chairwoman of the Republican Platform Committee. “One that is dedicated to the forgotten men and women of America.”

Blackburn joined dozens of other speakers, each one focused on the economic challenges of high prices and inflation.

Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene highlighted the importance of dismantling the Washington political establishment, while North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson said that “under President Trump, the American Dream was alive and well.”

Trump made an appearance Monday night to watch the last hour of speeches. The former president seemed emotional as he was greeted with a standing ovation, just two days after an assassination attempt.

Blackburn said the Republican platform will bring change under Trump.

“Our party’s platform pledges seven times to cut regulations that are killing jobs and costing you thousands of dollars,” she said. “Our platform is a promise . . . and President Trump will keep his promises, just like he did the first time.”

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3 Responses

  1. “…dedicated to the forgotten men and women of America. ” What about the unborn but in-the-womb men and women of America? The removal of the pro-life plank of the platform seems to have forgotten them. Of course we can’t expect the Democrats to stand up for them either. Reminds me of Peter’s question to Jesus, “To whom shall we go?”

  2. We had 4 years of xiden thanks to Blackburn voting for illegal electoral votes and the funding bills of the people propping him up under HIS unelected administration. She bends in the direction of the wind, no backbone, a lot of mouth. No respect for her.

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