Conservative Rep. Under Attack By Media & RINOs After He Reveals Truths About Illegal Alien Crime In Tennessee

Conservative Rep. Under Attack By Media & RINOs After He Reveals Truths About Illegal Alien Crime In Tennessee

Conservative Rep. Under Attack By Media & RINOs After He Reveals Truths About Illegal Alien Crime In Tennessee

Image Credit: State Representative Todd Warner / Facebook & Canva

The Tennessee Conservative [By Olivia Lupia] –

Representative Todd Warner had made his thoughts on the illegal immigration crisis in Tennessee abundantly clear, his no-nonsense approach evidenced by his bill for the 2025 legislative session that would require illegals in custody be transported to sanctuary cites.

But his willingness to take a bold stand has seemingly triggered the mainstream media who are not only diligently working to discredit recent comments Warner made, but also paint him as a liar. 

Last week, on a spot on “Fox & Friends,” Warner stated that one third of criminal court cases in Williamson County are related to illegal aliens, relaying he obtained this information from a judge during a dinner meeting with several representatives from Williamson County.

“I recently met with the Williamson County delegation, and judges from Williamson County, here in southern Middle Tennessee, and a judge last week told a group of about five of us… either build more jails, build more prisons, or remove the immigrants from this state. It’s bad enough in that county, Williamson County, he said over one-third of criminal court cases were due to illegal aliens,” said Warner. 

After the news spot, The Tennessee Star ran an article detailing the interview and attempting to discredit Warner’s statistics by asking the Williamson County Sheriff’s Office and Tennessee Bureau of Investigation for statements about illegal immigrant activity, including the resurgence of the violent Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua. Neither agency replied to the press inquiry.

Then the following day, the Tennessee Star ran another article, this one claiming the judicial assistant for Judge Deanna Bell Johnson stated the judge had never spoken to Warner and that the meeting never occurred.

Of note, Judge Johnson is married to State Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson, who was also present at the meeting, though the Star listed her name as Diana Johnson. The other judges and lawmakers Warner named did not respond to any inquiries. 

The Tennessee Star also continued to imply Warner spoke to law enforcement, but he confirmed in an interview with The Tennessee Conservative that he did not, and they therefore would not have any context in which to speak about the matter. This could explain their lack of response to the Star’s inquires.

Warner also provided further hard proof that the meeting existed to Tennessee Stands and utilized his interview with The Tennessee Conservative to provide the truth of the matter. Per screenshots of email chains and calendar appointments, not only was there a meeting set for Dec. 11, but the dinner took place at the Johnson home.

What Gary [of Tennessee Stands] reported is true,” Warner said, referencing Gary’s recent video encapsulating the situation and showing the screenshots. To see Gary’s full recap, click here

Warner believes the media has made the proverbial mountain out of a mole hill. “I can’t understand why it should be a big secret, what’s wrong with it? Why would they doubt me? I’m a straight shooter, they ought to know that as long as I’ve been down there. I just tell it like it is.”

It would appear that despite being willing to admit to the reality of the impact of illegal aliens in the state in private, elected representatives of the judiciary and legislative systems are now to closing ranks to avoid having to publicly admit to their failures to address the illegal situation in Tennessee, especially having spent so much time defending their previous “efforts” which mostly came in the form of ineffective and unenforceable bills

It also seems they are more than willing to allow the media to paint a duly elected representative who did no more than repeat a fact to be painted as a liar and ineffective lawmaker. But that hasn’t swayed Warner’s commitment to stand on conservative principles and put the well-being of Tennesseans first. 

Warner closed his interview with The Tennessee Conservative by stating, “I’m the people’s voice, I don’t represent leadership, I don’t represent the Governor. I represent the people in this state and the 92nd District.”

***Note from the Tennessee Conservative: If we hear back from any of the other parties involved in this story, we will update this article.

Olivia Lupia is a political refugee from Colorado who now calls Tennessee home. A proud follower of Christ, she views all political happenings through a Biblical lens and aims to utilize her knowledge and experience to educate and equip others. Olivia is an outspoken conservative who has run for local office, managed campaigns, and been highly involved with state & local GOPs, state legislatures, and other grassroots organizations and movements. Olivia can be reached at

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2 Responses

  1. It’s amazing RINO’S like cockroaches run for cover and places to hide when the light is turned on them. Thank you Rep. Todd Warner for standing up and shedding light on these parasites. God bless you.
    Ephesians 5:13,15 NIV
    13 But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. 5 Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise.
    1 Corinthians 3:13 NIV
    13 their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work.
    In God we trust not government or man.
    Have a blessed day.

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