Tennessee Bill Requiring Local Governments To Attest They Have Not Sought, Received Grants Relative To United Nations Plans To Infringe On Personal Property Rights Signed Into Law

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The Tennessee Conservative [By Kelly M. Jackson] –

Tennessee legislation, that requires that local governments present a written attestation to the comptroller that they have not sought or received a grant in intentional pursuit of policies relative to the United Nations’ climate agenda that could infringe on personal property rights has been signed into law by Governor Lee. 

House Bill 2117/SB2743 requires, as part of a political subdivision’s annual audit, the executive of the political subdivision or the governing body of the political subdivision to present a written attestation to the comptroller of the treasury certifying that the political subdivision has not sought or received a grant in intentional pursuit of a policy relative to Agenda 21, The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, net zero goals for 2050, or another international law or ancillary plan of action that contravenes the U.S. Constitution or the Tennessee Constitution.

Present Tennessee law prohibits this state and its political subdivisions from adopting or implementing policy recommendations that deliberately or inadvertently infringe or restrict private property rights without due process, as may be required by policy recommendations originating in, or traceable to, the United Nations or a subsidiary entity of the United Nations. 

Additionally, this state and its political subdivisions are prohibited from entering into an agreement, expending any sum of money, or providing financial aid to non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations as described in or promoted by the United Nations plans and initiatives relative to Agenda 21, The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, or net zero goals for 2050.

The governor had previously signed into law House Bill 1346/Senate Bill 1147, written and sponsored by Representative Dennis Powers (R-District 36-Jacksboro) and Senator Frank Niceley (R-District 8-Strawberry Plains) states:

“As enacted, prohibits this state and its political subdivisions from adopting or implementing policy recommendations that deliberately or inadvertently infringe or restrict private property rights without due process, as may be required by policy recommendations originating in, or traceable to, “Agenda 21,” adopted by the United Nations in 1992 at its Conference on Environment and Development, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the U.N.’s proposal to reach net zero emissions by 2050, or any other international law or ancillary plan of action that contravenes the constitution of the United States or the constitution of this state. – Amends TCA Title 4; Title 5; Title 6; Title 7; Title 66 and Title 68.”

Considering both pieces of legislation have now been signed into law, there can be no equivocality regarding the City of Knoxville that appears to be violating these new laws with its cooperation with and membership in an organization called ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, which was formed in 2006 in Germany.

According to ICLEI website’s about page, “ICLEI makes sustainability an integral part of urban development and creates systemic change in urban areas through practical, integrated solutions. We help cities, towns and regions anticipate and respond to complex challenges, from rapid urbanization and climate change to ecosystem degradation and inequity.”

According to the United Nations, ICLEI is an accredited organization with the UN. And according to this link ICLEI supports Agenda 21.

In 2016, right around the time Knoxville joined ICLEI, then Mayor Madeline Rogero asked for an update to the city’s zoning laws, something that had not even been considered for about 60 years. 

The result of this endeavor began to manifest around 2019, in something called RECODE. This process has a primary goal of “sustainable development” a concept that is notorious for discounting the rights of those who own the property, and instead valuing the “greater good” of the environment. 

If the City of Knoxville has been implementing policy recommendations from ICLEI that infringe on or restrict the personal property rights of residents without due process, an investigation from Attorney General Skrmetti’s office may be in order to determine if any law has been broken. 

Critics of the adoption of RECODE policies and the inclusion of Knoxville into ICLEI are demanding that not only those policies be reversed, but also that the City Of Knoxville terminate their membership with ICLEI. 

The question now becomes, that should the City of Knoxville neglect to abate the activities that seem to now be against these new laws, as well as any other cities that take steps to implement such ordinances or policies, who will hold them accountable? 

It will be incumbent on state law enforcement mechanisms to enforce these laws, in spite of the money and power influences who are typically found to be behind these endeavors. 

The new act took effect upon becoming law with the signature of Governor Lee. 

About the Author: Kelly Jackson is an escapee from corporate America, and a California refugee to Tennessee. Christ follower, Wife and Mom of three amazing teenagers, she has a BA in Comm from Point Loma Nazarene University, and has a background in law enforcement and human resources. Since the summer of 2020, she has spent any and all free time in the trenches with local grassroots orgs, including Mom’s for Liberty Williamson County and Tennessee Stands as a core member.  An outspoken advocate for parents rights, medical freedom, and individual liberty, Kelly also has a YouTube channel @Tennessee_Truth_Teller and is planning on expanding out to other channels soon. Kelly can be reached at kelly@tennesseeconservativenews.com.

9 thoughts on “Tennessee Bill Requiring Local Governments To Attest They Have Not Sought, Received Grants Relative To United Nations Plans To Infringe On Personal Property Rights Signed Into Law

  • May 16, 2024 at 4:18 pm

    I am so proud of our beautiful state for enacting such policies. I am grateful that Tenn Conservative News does the research and background investigation to make sure someone is aware of what is going on. Hopefully these “someones” are public officials who will stand up and do the necessary to make sure these laws are enforced. If anyone has been negatively affected by these UN Agendas popping up in TN (how about Chattanooga?) they must make the effort to contact their legislators and appropriate government officials and make enough noise that these new laws are followed. If we ALL work together we can keep the most wonderful state in the Union safe from dark money and overreach. Again, thank you to Kelly Jackson for terrific reporting!

  • May 16, 2024 at 6:18 pm

    Wouldn’t this for a basis for Stopping Chattanoogas acceptance of funds, for the 15 minute pilot city?

    This would be great if so.

  • May 16, 2024 at 6:34 pm

    Nice law but what is the penalty for violations. A slap on the wrist means nothing, those who involve themselves after these laws are in effect need to be jailed for a minimum of three year, longer would be fine too

  • May 16, 2024 at 10:23 pm

    Yes, have hopeful it would stop Chattanooga’s Smart City planning but teeth need to be put in law to effect real change.

  • May 16, 2024 at 10:44 pm

    I don’t know what “state law enforcement mechanisms” are responsible for enforcing this; but they need to cast their gaze South from Knoxville and look into Chattanooga. The mayor is all about “sustainability”.

  • May 17, 2024 at 2:26 am

    Criminal Penalties
    Real Fines
    It’s all for naught.

  • May 17, 2024 at 1:54 pm

    We need citizen involvement in making sure this and other laws to protect our rights are enforced. It boils down to “if you see something, say something.” These laws must be enforced; if people rely on others to protect their rights, interests, and state, then no law is worth a darn. Be willing to actually do something if and when the matter/need arises.
    The cities are run by leftists who have largely gone unchallenged and questioned. This has happened in every state wherein elections have been stolen, rights have been violated, laws broken and behavior encouraged by those “elected” to represent the people. I saw it CA, NV, OR, WA, NY, and more. The quest to eliminate our freedoms is paid for by the UN, and those who have had control of the US for centuries because people got lazy.
    It is incumbent upon the residents of this state, whether you live in the burbs, countryside, or actual cities, to put time and yes, money, and voices into making sure elected and non-elected factions being paid by tax dollars know who they work for: We the People.
    The left and uniparty’s push or “15 minute” communities, “tiny homes” and more, are a concerted effort to herd and control. This new law needs some companion legislation removing power from these factions and giving it back to the people. Do not rely on “representatives” to protect you and this state: that is how the USA got into this mess. Be alert and committed. Once freedoms are taken away, they are battle-dependent to get them back. So war now for later.
    Put God back into all US government (separation of Church and state means keep the state out of the church, not the other way around).

  • May 18, 2024 at 11:20 pm

    We need to find out exactly who was behind the Smart City idea and implementation for the city of Chattanooga and see to it that they are never involved in politics again in this city. These people need to be publicly outed and watched so that they cannot hold office again and see if there are any laws they have been broken or if any monies have changed hands causing them to implement the Smart City idea. These people are involved in the Deep State fiasco and we need to know who and where they are and all should be investigated. These so called public officials banking accounts need to be investigated to see if there are any strange deposits to their accounts or other perks. This attack on the people of Hamilton county has to be addressed and indictments need to be made or people cleared if they are not guilty of any crimes. This will not stop until we the people take a stand and see that the bad actors are purged from any offices in the county and state! I am sick of the evil people implementing the Smart City Concentration camp agenda and also the 5G bio-weapons towers in this county and around the state! Who will join in the fight to take our liberty back?

  • May 18, 2024 at 11:28 pm

    Why do they call it a Smart City? Because if they called it a Concentration Camp, you would not stand for it! They can already cut your power off without even coming to your home by way of smart meters which emit huge and dangerous amounts of radiation into your homes as well as smart meters on your water meters. The Deep State wants to put us all on meters so they can control us. They also have you on gas meters for your home and cars as well as other system that we take for granted. Notice that the Deep State is trying to buy u p as many homes as they can and paying exorbitant prices for homes and we know it is because the want to put your housing on a meter! What do you think all the apartment complexes are for? They are for you after they steal all your homes! Think about it! Every day your rights are being taken from you and you do not realize what their agenda really is. Next they will try to raise property taxes when according to the Constitution, they are not supposed to do. If we do not take a stand and stop these evil politicians, we will be forced to live in tiny apartments and be told when we can do anything or go anywhere! Wake up people!


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