Tennessee Republican Leadership Issues Threat To Withhold Tax Revenues If Memphis Puts Gun-Control Measures On Ballot

Tennessee Republican Leadership Issues Threat To Withhold Tax Revenues If Memphis Puts Gun-Control Measures On Ballot

Tennessee Republican Leadership Issues Threat To Withhold Tax Revenues If Memphis Puts Gun-Control Measures On Ballot

Image Credit: Speaker Cameron Sexton / Facebook

The Tennessee Conservative Staff –

Tennessee’s top Republican legislators issued a statement on Monday, threatening to create a new state law that would impose a major financial penalty on Memphis and Shelby County if they follow through with a vote on gun-related policies.

House Speaker Cameron Sexton (R-Crossville-District 25) and Lt. Governor Randy McNally (R-Oak Ridge-District 5) released the joint statement saying that they would work to pass a state law that would withhold state sales tax revenue from the Bluff City if voters were presented with three ballot questions related to what city officials say is not an intention to restrict ownership of firearms.

The proposed questions for the balllot include one about a potential ban on the sale of assault weapons and another on the implementation of red flag laws. The state legislature, however, already passed laws that restrict local governments from passing either of these.

Sexton says the action is necessary.

“With the recent actions of the progressive, soft-on-crime DA in Shelby County and the Memphis City Council’s continued efforts to override state law with local measure, we feel it has become necessary to take action and protect all Tennesseans’ rights and liberties,” Sexton said.

House Minority Leader Karen Camper (D-Memphis-District 87) argued that this would be a “dangerous precedent” and would also be “shortsighted and counterproductive” if they opted to withhold sales tax revenue from the largest county in the state.

Secretary of State Tre Hargett also said that his office would not give their approval to any ballot in Memphis that had the questions included.

“Common sense says local governments can’t override state law to give a 12-year-old a driver’s license, and they can’t override other state laws either,” Hargett stated. “Memphis has no authority to circumvent state law.”

The statement from Sexton and McNally also said that if Memphis does “not want to participate within the state and state laws, then they do not need to participate in the state’s successes.”

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6 Responses

  1. Why would the Tennessee GOP wish to deny the public the opportunity to vote on such a measure? Do they not trust the people?

    1. The people not only voted but fought a revolution to establish our nation and our constitutional protections from tyranny. Local ignorant or treasonous Democrat partisans that would usurp the constitutional protections from their fellow citizens in their local area, are traitors to our republic and our free people. Local governments ran by groups of Treasonous partisans are a threat to our freedoms protected by the USA Constitution. Marxist thinking persons ,sympathizers and criminals agree with democrats and mostly are democrat supporters, that would circumvent the constitution at their will for their evil purposes and have repeatedly tried to alter the constitution and remove our protections guarding our freedoms. The GOP has a better record than the democrats in protecting the republics constitution, from the civil war onwards the democrats have fomented hate, civil war and constantly tried to erode our freedom. The GOP is not that great either but stood up for our nation and our constitution when necessary, usually. The MAGA movement is the new republican party not the old GOP anymore. Maga supporters fight for truth. light and equal justice under the law. Democrats and RINOs fight to distort, hide and alter the truth and block sunshine from illuminating back room deals, crimes and unconstitutional actions by the politicians and government agencies. Example of double standards and allowing illegal actions is as easy to find about democrats as looking at the recent controversy about ID’s for voting. The democrats insist on ID’s to get into their convention but want no such requirements to secure fair voting. The cheating and criminality is built into the very fabric of the DNC and their core leadership and tactics used. Go hide yourself from decent people democrat worms! The truth is not in you!

  2. The people fought and voted in a government with constitutional protections for rights, especially , the right to bare arms and defend ones home, family, person and others threatened by criminals or anyone. The long rifle of 1776 was the most deadly and modern firearms available at the time and the right to bare arms, including the latest and deadliest form of arms, was set out as to be unabridged, by our constitution. Local governments , even with local votes supporting it, can not remove the constitutional protections of the opposing citizens. Memphis has long been ruled by a rogue government of socialist, racist and perverts and attracts that type, that would like the people unarmed so they can abuse, rob, steal and pillage, rape and murder innocent Memphians without fear of them defending themselves and or protect their criminals, Marxist and perverts from the law and justice of the republic. The state should suspend all state revenues and block any outside or federal funds from reaching Memphis, as much as possible, until they respect state laws and the federal constitutional protections, especially the right to bare arms and a fair legal and voting system. Let Memphis die and suffer mass exodus as they have chosen not to be part of our republic and to trample on the constitutional rights of our free people. A democrat hellhole is Memphis and it is intentional acts combined with stupidity and ignorance by them to break down law and order by the democrat criminals, traitors and treasonous scum.

  3. The Dems who run Memphis are soooo stupid. Until they get Common Sense, they’re hopeless. They need to be ridiculed.

    Some Facts about Menphis (all these are true) >
    -Memphis is the Most Dangerous City in the U.S. – Google that – on one list they’re # 1 and on another # 2.
    -Last time I checked, they were an unofficial “Sanctuary City” because the Sheriff wouldn’t cooperate with ICE.
    -Taking guns away from law-abiding people will make it more dangerous. Then only the criminals will have guns.
    -Do you know that Memphis’ nickname is “Memphganistan” and there’s a song by that name?
    -Memphis is so dangerous that even MoneyBagg Yo (a famous rapper from Memphis) moved to Atlanta in 2022 to escape the violence in Memphis after his friend Big Nuskie was murdered. He has a family and kids and didn’t feel safe in Memphis.
    – In 2018 the CEO of the Memphis Chamber was shot in the back of the head. A random robbery. Guys in a stolen car. They killed him first and then robbed him. Yep – back of the head. He had moved Downtown to prove that Memphis was safe. Google it if you doubt it.
    – Electric and cable linemen can’t even go up a telephone pole without an armed guard on the ground because a criminal will stop, pull out a gun and say “Throw down your wallet”. Criminals drive around Memphis in stolen cars looking for opportunities.

    Seriously – do NOT go there unless you must and if you go, carry a gun and be VERY alert – they will sneak up behind you.

    1. I agree with you. Memphis is a scary place.
      The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed .

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