Tennessee Republicans Respond To Trump’s Unjust Guilty Verdict

Tennessee Republicans Respond To Trump's Unjust Guilty Verdict

Tennessee Republicans Respond To Trump’s Unjust Guilty Verdict

Image Credit: Donald J. Trump / Truth Social

The Tennessee Conservative Staff –

Tennessee Republicans across the state and the nation issued responses following former President Donald Trump’s recent conviction on 34 felony charges in New York, expressing disappointment and outrage.

Prosecutors charged Trump with falsifying business records to cover up information that could have been potentially embarrassing during his 2016 presidential election campaign.

U.S. Representative Diana Harshbarger, who represents Tennessee’s 1st Congressional District, went to New York for the trials, said it was “a heartbreaking day for our beloved nation.”

Harshbarger noted, “This verdict is not just an attack on President Trump; it is an attack on every American who believes in fairness and justice.”

U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn called the trial a “WITCH HUNT” in a post on X, formerly
Twitter. She continued by stating, “If they can do this to a former President who will be the 2024 Republican nominee, they can do it to anyone. This is a sad day for the American justice system and the American people — this is what you’d expect in places like Russia, China and North Korea, but not America.”

Congressman Mark Green stated, “this verdict is a disgrace…the trial was a sham from the start…a political stunt.” Green went on to say that “despite attempts to taint his legacy, the American people aren’t blind to how much better off they were under the Trump administration.”

U.S. Representative Andy Ogles called it “an embarrassment.”

Those thoughts were also expressed by Congressman Scott DesJarlais, “This is political warfare that continues to frustrate and anger so many voters across this country and will likely only serve to solidify and embolden Donald Trump’s supporters.”

Congressman Chuck Fleischmann said, “Today’s verdict is the fore-ordained outcome of a biased and politically motivated prosecution against President Trump… that should have never been brought to trial to begin with.”

Many made reference to the “weaponization of the judicial system,” with Lt. Governor Randy McNally calling the verdict “a truly horrible precedent.” 

Governor Bill Lee posted on X that “Voters in Tennessee and across the country recognize this verdict for what it is — a political attack — and they’ll bring a change on Election Day in November.”

Trump himself echoed those sentiments, saying on Thursday, “The real verdict is going to be on November 5.”

Below is a statement released from the Tennessee GOP:

This is a sad day for America. Between the actions of a partisan District Attorney, flawed and unproven charges, a trial overseen and influenced by a non-elected judge, a jury pool from one of the most Democrat districts in the Country, and a convicted liar as the star witness, the last month has only served to remind Americans why strong leadership is needed in the White House.

Despite today’s events, the American people will issue the final verdict on all of these actions when we elect President Trump on November 5th. The Democrat Party must be held accountable for their continued use of lawfare.

It’s time for every conservative Republican to wake up, participate, donate, and get involved because today has reminded us of the stakes of the 2024 election.

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5 Responses

  1. It is becoming clearer that many of the departments of the federal government that are not established in our constitution should be abolished and those powers should be given back to the individual states. Weaponized governmental power is out of control.

  2. November 5th will not make any difference. They’ll cheat just like they did last time. Trump will be way ahead and then, at the last minute, they will “discover” truck load after truck load of mail-in ballots with only a vote for the Democrat opposition. You would think, just to make it look a little more realistic, they would have thrown in a couple of ballots for Trump in those truck loads the last time. But, they thought, just like they still do, that the American people are a bunch of idiots who will believe anything.

  3. If hiding something that would make a difference in voting then Clinton should be charged for the fake steel documents SHE paid for. And Obama should be charged with gun running in Mexico.

  4. Personally , I believe the verdict would be correct , wouldn’ t it be , the fact that usually persons in Trump’ s position are let to slide , doesn’ t make the verdict wrong . Just inconvenient .

    Lets look at how Freemason ( s ) , might have weighed in on this .

    williamfdraper at skiff dot com Thankyou

  5. Are the “CRIMINALS” running the NY Justice System any different than the “CRIMINALS” running the Tennessee Government???

    The Tennessee “CRIMINALS” refuses to Honor the Constitution and pass legislation to bring Citizens Rights, Second Amendment, in compliance with the “Supreme Law of the Land”.

    Don’t start condemning another State and their crooked IN-Justice system until you look in your own backyard.

    Crooked Governments have never in history been known to “Fix themselves”, and the most any Republican will do is complain,

    you’ve become a people who have lost the most important things for “SELF-GOVERNMENT”.

    I’ll say one thing for the Democrats, they will get off their butts and hit the streets fighting for what they believe.

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