Time To Change Your Mind

Time To Change Your Mind

Time To Change Your Mind

Photo Credit: Michael Clesle / CC

By Carmen Hunter [Founder of The Institute For Functional Health Coaching and contributor to the Tennessee Conservative] –

The relationship between stress and how it shows up in our body has been a favorite topic ever since I overcame stress-related adrenal issues many years ago.

However, I had no idea that many of my health problems were a product of how I was thinking about the events happening in my life and not the events themselves. “The word ‘stress’ is used in physics to refer to the interaction between a force and the resistance to counter that force, and it was Hans Selye who first incorporated this term into the medical lexicon to describe the “nonspecific response of the body to any demand. ” (ref: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5915631/)

I talk about stress ALOT in my line of work because it is the NUMBER one cause of disease. So here is a short rundown of the stressors every human living in the world today has the potential to be exposed to:

  • Environmental: Toxins from the chemtrails in the air, pesticides on yards and gardens, gas fumes, EMF’s (dirty electricity) to name a few
  • Food: GMO’s, pesticides, toxic dirt, flouridated and chlorinated dirty water
  • Beauty Products: Phalates, Parabens, SLS, Formeldahyde and more.
  • Toxic people: People with no boundaries, verbally, mentally and physically abusive people.
  • Cleaning products: Detergents, sprays, air fresheners, candles

That is a short list of the more common or well-known stressors, and you can find out more about how to help the body chelate some of the things you see above through this link . In my opinion, the most important toxin to pay attention to is toxic thinking.

Toxic thoughts are things like:  

  • “I will never be good enough”
  • “I am not lovable”
  • “I will never have enough money”
  • “Everyone is judging me”
  • etc.

Everyone has thoughts that aren’t necessarily GOOD for our health but the problem comes in when those thoughts are on an endless feedback loop and you can’t seem to stop them. How you think about yourself affects the messages your body receives. Believe me when I tell you it’s ALWAYS listening.

The first step to handling negative thoughts and emotions is to sit with the thoughts and be present for yourself. Many people struggle with this because we are on HIGH alert all day long-rushing from one thing to the other, always on our phones, seeing everything as an emergency. It’s no wonder we are struggling.  

I learned how to get a hold of these toxic thoughts was to meditate. I have been practicing meditation for many years…..but not always a successful one. When I started using the MUSE headband, I finally learned how to regulate my brain’s response to distraction, anxiety, and thoughts in my head. I limit my exposure to other EMF’s to be able to utilize this fantastic tool, and it has been a game-changer in how long I can meditate and how I feel after my sessions. 

If you have ever struggled to meditate and think it’s not for you or it’s difficult, let me assure you this has the potential to change all of that for you. Meditation settles the nervous system, calms your mind, allows you to see more clearly, and can stop the overproduction of cortisol through the practice of just learning how to breathe differently. I encourage anyone dealing with an overwhelming amount of toxic thoughts to try this for managing emotions and thoughts.

I would love to hear from you! Email me your most significant health concerns, and I will write an article just for you!

About the Author: Carmen Hunter is the founder of The Institute for Functional Health Coaching®Carmen Hunter Health LLC and the creator of Education, Preparation & Action.  She has over 11 years of experience in the wellness industry to include coaching hundreds of one-on-one clients, group training and teaching coaches and practitioners worldwide how to collaborate for better client outcomes and business success. 

Find Carmen on Facebook and Twitter @functionalhealthcoaching and @shapereclaimedwithcarmen

Subscribe to Carmen on YouTubeCarmen Hunter Health on Mighty Networks

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