CDC Pushing For DEI & Gender Transitioning In Schools

WSCC What Is It? How Does It Affect Our Lives? How Does It Affect Our Children’s Lives? Who Runs It? Who Funds It? All Questions I Asked Myself At The Onset Of This Story And The Answers Are Unfortunately Not Good For The Future Of Tennesseans Or Public (Government) Schools, But The Ending Has Not Yet Been Set.

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How Tennessee Has Assigned Its $3.7B In Federal Pandemic Recovery Funds

Tennessee Has Now Assigned All $3.7 Billion In Federal American Rescue Plan Funds Across The State, With The Largest Portion Going To The State’s Most Populous County, Davidson.

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Tennessee Commits Final $30.6M Of ARPA Funds

Tennessee Committed Its Final $30.6 Million In Federal Pandemic Relief Funding To A Housing Program And A Rural Health Program.

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Annual “Kids Count” Report Finds Few Improvements To Well-Being Of Tennessee Children

An Annual Report On The State Of Tennessee Kids Has Found Slight Improvements In Child Poverty Rates But Limited — And Even Downward —Shifts In Longstanding Poor Outcomes To Their Health, Education And Well-Being.

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