Will We Recognize Tennessee 10 Years From Now?

Will We Recognize Tennessee 10 Years From Now?

Will We Recognize Tennessee 10 Years From Now?

By Brandon Lewis [Founder of The Tennessee Conservative] –

Our state is suffering under massive, unchecked Illegal Immigration.

Sadly, Republican Leadership condones it through inaction, while having a well-documented history of making it worse, at the state level.

The Illegal Immigration Crisis In Tennessee Is Caused By The Inaction Of These Three Men & The RINOs Who Follow Them Protect Tennessee Borders Rally Nashville Wednesday March 20 1PM Central

If this continues, do you think we’ll even recognize Tennessee in 10 years? I have my doubts…

I’m begging you… If you care about this issue one bit, SHARE this image and url on social media but more importantly REGISTER TO ATTEND the “Protect Tennessee’s Borders Rally” this Wednesday!


Can’t attend? There are 3 other ways to help (keep reading)…

#1 – Putting this event together and promoting it has been expensive. If you can make a gift to help offset the expenses, that would be great!

#2 – Please contact your State Rep and State Senator. Ask them a simple question: “If you’re not going to do anything about illegal immigration at the state level, why should I vote for you in the GOP Primary?”

#3 – PRAY that the EARS and EYES of TNGOP leadership, especially Bill Lee, Randy McNally & Cameron Sexton, will be opened to hear the will of their voters… and closed to corporations who advocate for and benefit from the rampant, ever-increasing levels if Illegal Immigration in our state!

Thank you for standing with me in this fight. It lets me know I’m not alone!

Your Friend in the Trenches Every Day…

Brandon Lewis
Publisher & Founder, The Tennessee Conservative

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