Crossville Man Arrested For Protesting Pride Parade

Image Credit: Facebook

The Tennessee Conservative [By Paula Gomes] –

A Crossville man was arrested on Saturday for protesting a Pride Parade Event on the Crossville Courthouse lawn.

Wallace Shane Wattenbarger, a lifelong resident of Crossville, Tennessee, and owner of RockyTop Stone Supply, says that his First Amendment rights were violated after standing up for his beliefs and protesting the Pride march.

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Wattenbarger drove his trailer, decorated with an assortment of banners and signs, down Main Street where he was soon surrounded by six patrol cars. 

Wattenbarger gave the following statement, “I won’t let them brush this under the rug and the community forget what city police are doing to good citizens for having a voice. It’s gonna get very nasty in the upper branches, likely all the way to the state capital. I respect and appreciate law enforcement until they start to step out of [their] boundaries going after the lawful people because the officers don’t agree with what I am doing.”

In a personal statement on social media yesterday, Wattenbarger made clear that he holds no animosity towards anyone identifying as LGBTQ but said, “I understand [they’re] deceived and of [weak] minds the Bible says this.”

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After learning that the Pride march was scheduled to be held on the courthouse lawn in conservative Crossville, Wattenbarger decided to take a stand after witnessing what he says is the county’s drift to the “left wing movement.”  

“We have many leaders who are spineless that won’t put up resistance,” he stated. “I’m a true believer that positive change starts at the bottom and moves up the ladder and it comes with hard work and sacrifice that most are not willing to do.” 

Wattenbarger says that law enforcement accused him of drawing attention to himself and throwing roadkill out of his vehicle. After searching his truck, Crossville police placed him into custody and transported him to the Cumberland County Jail. 


Wattenbarger later apologized for some of the banners placed on his trailer by someone else that featured Nazi symbols. 

“Anyone that knows me knows that is not who I am. The Jews are God’s chosen people and I will not as a conservative ever turn against them,” he said. 

“I have lost several friends and family over this,” Wattenbarger said. “Again, I’m very sorry for the one banner. But I don’t apologize about the other banners I had placed and will not be backed down from my freedom of speech. That’s not what America is about, we all have the right to protest peacefully.”

That right may soon be challenged if President Biden gets his way. The Whitehouse has promised new actions to “protect the LGBTQI+ community” including dedicating resources “to protect Pride celebrations.”

About the Author: Paula Gomes is a Tennessee resident and reporter for The Tennessee Conservative. You can reach Paula at

21 thoughts on “Crossville Man Arrested For Protesting Pride Parade

  • June 13, 2023 at 4:08 pm

    Where is a picture of the truck & banners?

  • June 13, 2023 at 4:15 pm

    It’s all about the paycheck. Disobey a directive from above to stifle freedom of speech and you lose your job, pension and perks. That’s exactly how Nazi Germany got police and politicians to toe the line. The same is being done with our military daily. When the day comes to attack American Citizens, the machine will do it without remorse. All of these people have family’s that have to eat, have shelter and survive. They will take us down if we let them.

  • June 13, 2023 at 4:30 pm

    Thank God for individuals who will speak Godly messages and know that it’s not a war agapanthus individual but against spiritual forces! We all need to stand up, attend revivals, speak out at education board meetings and apply for jobs such as city council, and other levels of government. Mr. Wattanberger was right in expressing his first amendment rights! Bravo!

  • June 13, 2023 at 4:59 pm

    We are on the winning side of this argument, the establishment does not want you to actually believe that so they do this to scare people into silence/compliance by making examples out of people. The folks who are not in agreement with this far outnumber the freaks fighting to shove their delusional depravity down our throats. Don’t let up, Bud Light and Target shows “We the People” still have a voice and even if we don’t actively protest at “Pride” ( One of the seven deadly sins I might add ) we can protest where we spend our money and hurt them significantly. Don’t let them bully you or scare you into submission, we are the majority, and majority still has their sanity not to play along with sick, sexual fantasy and delusions. The goal is to divide the nuclear family so we are weaker, the D’s have been at this since the 60’s. Divide and conquer is their game. So far, D’s have divided…….
    Rich against Poor ( what happened to the evil corporations and Wall St.? )
    Black against White ( or brown or anything different )
    (LGBTQ) against Heterosexuals
    Citizens ( especially black ) against police
    Females against Males
    Atheism against belief in God
    Children against parents
    Teachers against Parents who dare to object to kids being brainwashed and shown inappropriate sexual deviancy ( then labeled as domestic terrorists for doing so )
    Vegetarians against Carnivores
    Environmentalists against people breathing oxygen
    Electric cars against gas powered vehicles
    Liberal against Conservative ( I used to have liberal friends and we could have great political debates and still be friends )
    Masked against unmasked
    Vaccinated against unvaccinated
    Government against citizens who don’t agree with them

    See a pattern here????? This is ALL THEY HAVE!!!!! Name one thing they have actually done except divide everyone as they constantly look for the new “victim group de jour” and PRETEND to care & champion them while the goal is always to divide and stir the pot. The sooner folks wake up and see the game, the sooner we can shut them down. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it, just like how they are masters of projection, whatever they accuse you of, they most certainly are doing exactly that. It never fails.

    • June 13, 2023 at 6:48 pm

      Very well said. Truth spoken!
      In God we trust not government or man.
      Have a blessed day.

  • June 13, 2023 at 5:06 pm

    Tennessee Rinos sure love their Christian murdering, child raping perverts don’t they? Bill Lee and Sam Whitson probably ordered the arrest personally.

    I bet if the truck had been a Lee Company truck with a rainbow flag and a drag queen raping a child on top, the cops would have cheered.

  • June 13, 2023 at 5:09 pm

    I would love to interview you on this. Would you be willing to do a phone interview, Mr. Wattenbarger? I advocate free speech in all its forms and opinions, and think freedom of speech and freedom of counter-speech is absolutely necessary for society. Government should not sanction or punish different types of speech!

    You can reach me at 815-986-7974 (press 1 to be connected) and ask to speak with Shaun Kranish and tell them I wanted to interview you. They will connect you to me.

    • June 14, 2023 at 3:54 am

      I would love to interview but 1st you have to understand i need to know more about you being i feel i was sabotaged with the one banner and i really feel the left had someone do it . I was just surrounded by folks wanting to write on the trailer and put banners on it .
      Below was 1st episode with police
      When i first went to town with cattle trailer i only had one banner it said queers leave our children along and quit ruining america . The officer pulled me over the first trip and stalled me for a while and i asked if i was being detained their reply was give us a minute i seen 2 other cops running towards me and the one officer in police unit i asked again why have you stopped me. He said i was impeding traffic and no seat belt and lights were not working properly . I said okay ill fix that are you going to give me a violation if not i need to go. About same time the male and female officer who was standing with the Gay pride folks got their screaming and hostile saying do you want a ticket and something like what are you trying to do. I looked at the officer that had first pulled me over and said again am i free to go he said get out of here. So i left and went and got some mobile lights down the street . I had people swarming me telling thank you so much for standing up for our community and kids . and they was taking pictures as i was fixing lights several asked if they could paint on trailer and put banners on i plainly told all them yes but no foul talk and it must be truthful. Well i get the lights working and tools throwed in back and i tell them wrap it up we gotta go. I didn’t waste time looking at the banners and paintings ” big mistake on my behalf” So i have lights working seatbelt on and now know im not allowed to stop or slow roll in road . I come back up on the crowed and i see the 2 officers that was hostile it was like i had slapped them in the face all the gay side of street was booing and other people was shouting , thumbs up horns blowing everywhere . It really made the city officers mad cause they thought they had scared me off but i only came back bigger and better we made several laps till everything went to crap. Now i have you interested with only a small portion of the story i need to know more about you it amazes me on how low the left can get im getting so many friend request from pretty young girls wanting to know about me and just crazy crap and feel they are wanting to trap me. So im walking on egg shells their sending me pics of my family asking questions so i told my daughter to take off everything she could with family photos and Christianity . my phone number is 9312675498

  • June 13, 2023 at 6:18 pm

    We the people must rally around our conservative folks that believe our constitution declares our God-given rights to free speech. We have the lawful right to speak publicly our convictions. I would love to undertand the “roadkill” and also the banners. If he dumped something on the street he could be fined for that, but not for speaking up. We all must ban together to stop this censoring.

  • June 13, 2023 at 6:39 pm

    Cumberland County Sheriff Casey Cox is supposed to be a CONSTITUTIONAL sheriff. Apparently not. I would love to interview not only Mr. Wattenbarger, but also Sheriff Cox.

    • June 14, 2023 at 4:02 am

      My problem was with city of crossville police the county was very nice and good to me . I actually had to call them being my truck was impounded to and by lgbtq and defund police resident posing as a business they were cussing and screaming and blocked me in and charged me 375 dollars to drive not tow my truck 3 miles to were they live. But we do need to interview the city chief they had probaly 95 percent of their force protecting this event that was probably in a 2000 sq ft area and all the rest of city was with out protection . And have been told that the 2 main officers who was pushing this are queer they are the 2 i referred to in above comment

  • June 13, 2023 at 8:56 pm

    Hope he sues the pants off of the police and the city for violating his rights. Time to take a stand against this garbage.

  • June 13, 2023 at 9:14 pm

    “The fascist left regularly typifies the very qualities it professes to abhor. The only thing more pronounced than its totalitarianism is its stunning lack of self-awareness.
    It’s ironic that leftists think of themselves as liberals, as the term “liberal” is historically and etymologically connected to the concept of liberty. Not only are they merely selective champions of liberty but the logical extension of their agenda is an eradication of liberty, from socialism to Supreme Court legislation, from radical redistributions of income to oppressive pseudo-environmental regulations.” David Limbaugh 9/18/2020 pjmedia. Mr. Limbaugh wrote this before the current wave of sexual perversion terrorism, but we all know it’s been true for decades.

  • June 13, 2023 at 10:56 pm

    “Time to take a stand” is WITH HIM, not in commentary after the fact. Where was ANYONE else to protest against this? …

  • June 14, 2023 at 3:15 pm

    Somebody in here made a comment slighting DEMOCRATS , well there is something you don’t understand , REPUBLICANS are just as much in DESTRUCTIVE actions . I recently experienced some time in TEXAS , I formerly considered like my 2nd home ; riding my bike from Orlando , Florida to Corpus Christi , Tx .

    ABSOLUTELY TREATED LIKE SOME ENEMY OF THE STATE , almost everywhere the Freemasons were following me , walk out of grocery store and chased down by SECURITY , had to show my receipt . As I approached an HEB major shopping center ( Houston – different name ) Security is already on top of me as I am walking bike or riding on sidewalk , just having crossed the road . My bike having no junk on it , just a small trailer neatly packed .

    Chased down one morning to be given a Trespass for sleeping in area of a parking lot ; Galveston , Texas .

    Windows busted out of JASONS DELI , because they might not have been as much of bastards as they told them to be when I was there . On that point CHIPOTLE in NASHVILLE have done their job to as Bastardly as possible .

    I work signs to EXPOSE Freemason (s) , and the CIA .

    I like the idea of this guy showing disapproval of a PRID E rally , but throwing R O A D K I L L out on the area , definitely OUT of ORDER .

    21 years ago I published story , FORCED ILLEGAL ADOPTION of CHILDREN , by military couple , deal made by my ex wife adopted Freemason parents without my knowledge about 3 to 9 months after our divorce ; Fort Wayne / Lafayette , Indiana . Me , still in Orlando where we were living last as a family ; we never lived in Indiana .
    I made 2 trips to Fort Wayne before Divorce ( 3 months after she left ) , she remarried 4 months later .

    Williamfdraper at skiff com

  • June 14, 2023 at 3:41 pm

    I have pictures of the nazi symbols and hate he is spreading. He is not a good look for the conservative party whether innocent or not

    I sat on the LGBTQ+ side of the event, with my straight, conservative mother listening to and watching this foul man pretend he was protecting children.

    Whether he threw out animal carcasses I do not know. I do know that the police defended his Freedom of Speech to others and myself the entire time. He wasn’t arrested until the last 30 minutes.

    We watched him parade around with

    -Nazi Symbols ( he pretends he didn’t know)
    -Banner stated monkeys( will he pretend he doesn’t know monkey is a racial term)
    -Called all of us obscenities with his and other children present. ( not worried about the children)
    – Double parked to try and block our peaceful event ( the police did not ticket him)
    – He drove around with taillights out on his trailer
    -slowed traffic to scream at us
    – and lies about a mysterious fan club cheering him on.

  • June 14, 2023 at 3:42 pm

    I have pictures of the nazi symbols and hate he is spreading. He is not a good look for the conservative party whether innocent or not

    I sat on the LGBTQ+ side of the event, with my straight, conservative mother listening to and watching this foul man pretend he was protecting children.

    Whether he threw out animal carcasses I do not know. I do know that the police defended his Freedom of Speech to others and myself the entire time. He wasn’t arrested until the last 30 minutes.

    We watched him parade around with

    -Nazi Symbols ( he pretends he didn’t know)
    -Banner stated monkeys( will he pretend he doesn’t know monkey is a racial term)
    -Called all of us obscenities with his and other children present. ( not worried about the children)
    – Double parked to try and block our peaceful event ( the police did not ticket him)
    – He drove around with tail lights out on his trailer
    -slowed traffic to scream at us
    – and lies about a mysterious fan club cheering him on.

  • June 15, 2023 at 3:13 am

    Are you really that stupid i never said a cuss word and as i made a public apology for not knowing what the one banner said i didn’t make it and was fixing my lights when it was placed on trailer. EVEN IF I HAD MAD IT ITS STILL FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS THAT NOT WHY ALL YOUR QUEER FRIENDS ARE MAD CAUSE I WONT AGREE WITH YOUR AGENDA SEEMS TO ME YOUR BEING 2 FACED. you can tell your definitely a liberal cause you cant reason with you just like all the other liberals . And after looking at the banner with other people the person who made it was saying fu natzi monkeys it was referring to you liberal folks not that i was a natzi you liberals are the ones who hate Christians and Jews . And you cant deny that its facts so if you don’t want to be labeled as something then don’t be a part of it . What really is bothering me is many of the lgbtq says saying queer is disrespectful if so what is the q stand for maybe i’m wrong but that’s what i have always that it stood for queer , so if you label yourself why do you get made if someone calls you what you refer to. Maybe a person has to have the same mentality of knowing what a persons gender is with out pulling their pants down, Maybe we need to do like crocadille dondee did when he went to new york reach and feel.

    • June 15, 2023 at 4:14 pm

      Just to let your ignorant ass know, Queer is not the insult you think it is. The queer community calls themselves queer.
      I’m sure the police would love to see the photos I found of a dirty cloth sack at the bottom of your trailer. Appears to be hanging from it. I wonder what was in it????? Dead carcasses????

  • June 15, 2023 at 7:06 pm

    I am an independent, swing voter, if it bothers you so much that you need to know.
    Asking if I am deaf would be a better question. You want us to hate christians. I used to be one and left the religion because of people like you. You harm more than help. A majority of the queer community are christians and enjoy spreading love and awareness. We can quote the Bible all day, you are still a horrible person.

    If the grab and reach is what you are into, there are people who will let you if you ask. Some may ask for money after. I’ve never met someone so exited to touch to verify if someone has a penis.

    You don’t have to take part in illegal activities to get what you want.

  • June 16, 2023 at 9:29 pm

    Why oh why is there ALWAYS someone defending the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ community that is obviously pushing a sick agenda on our country, forcing this excrement down our throats and HOW DARE WE BE UPSET when men parading as women & vice versa, shake their junk in children’s faces and fill their impressionable minds with transgenderism. Honestly Mackenzie, get a grip on reality and realize just why we are really pissed off. We tolerated all of it until kids became the latest victims of this insanity, they are not old enough to make sound decisions and should not be exposed to this in school or anywhere else for that matter. If you can’t legally vote, buy alcohol, drive, pay your own bills, all the things adults do, then you should not be able to make the decision to cut off your genitals. That is just madness! Nobody cares what people’s sexual preferences are unless you try forcing this on us regular folks, especially children! The problem with the Libs is…….it’s never enough. We tolerate and tolerate as each thing they shove at us, all the while calling us names, bigots, homophobes, transphobes, racists, whatever the put down de jour is, to try and shame us, then they get their way, but it’s never ever enough, they gotta just keep going and finally, the line gets crossed and now we have had it. We aren’t feeling tolerant anymore and no longer want to put up with the nonsense. BTW, I have had gay friends most of my life, and they DON’T like the “Q”, they find it insulting…………or any of the other made up letters, many will tell you they feel ashamed to what has happened to the gay community and want no part of this. There is actually a group, Gay’s against trans activism. You might want to read up.


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