Image Credit: GOP Convention / Facebook
Submitted by Thomas Budds –
Last week, FRC Chairman Tony Perkins took “shots” at Tennessee’s Senator Marsha Blackburn and donors over GOP platform “words”.
I have previously written how pro-life Republicans may, once again, “snatch defeat from victory” as they arguably did in the 2020 midterms killing the expected “red wave tsunami. I suggested, this election cycle, we Pro-lifers not engage in another “circular-abortion-firing-squad”, but some people never learn.
We elected Mr. Trump who appointed Constitutionalists to the Supreme Court. They overturned Roe returning the issue to the states. This was a goal of Pro-lifers unsuccessfully sought for decades. Today we have another opportunity to reelect Trump with possibly three younger appointments to the court, but for some, mere platform “words” seem more important than accomplishing deeds!
Last week, in the middle of a contentious election, Family Research Council Chairman Tony Perkins issued an “Action Alert” to millions of pro-life voters blasting the GOP’s pro-life platform language. Then, metaphorically, he went on to “shotgun” the great Senator from TN Marsha Blackburn arguably one of the nation’s most ardent defenders of “life” currently in a reelection campaign and “pragmatists” within the movement.
With William Boykin, a retired three star general, atop the FRC, one would think they could come up with a better strategic plan for victory rather than reforming the “circular-firing-squad” of the 2020 midterms: attack democrats, the party of death, not fellow advocates. The FRC’s “inside” attacks give the appearance of their trying to remain relevant now that the issue is primarily in the states.
Tony Perkins needs to reaffirm that all pro-lifers vote for Mr. Trump and immediately issue an apology to Senator Blackburn and us pro-life “pragmatists” who believe the movement’s goal is better reached by actually “electing” like-minded people, deeds not words.
A miscalculation by Anheuser-Busch with their “Bud Light” debacle resulted in a massive loss of customers, while a “miscalculation” by the FRC can result in the continued massive loss of innocent lives under a Harris regime.
About the Author: Thomas Budds is a Tennessee resident that writes from Murfreesboro. He is a Retired Major Crime/Homicide Investigator – Transnational, Organized Crime, & Threat Assessment
5 Responses
Poor Thomas….he sounds ‘offended’ by words of the FRC for which I am a member, among other long standing ‘real’ pro-life advocates who are not afraid to stand up to power in the GOP, like the Eagle Forum. None of which cow-tow to the powerful like Mr. Budds thinks we should. Apparently, he is ok if the platform takes a 50 year strong pro-life hiatus, I am not. Marsha Blackburn is my U.S. Senator, but I let her know, in no uncertain terms that I was not happy with this change under her watch. Yes, all ‘real’ pro-life advocates will stand up to power, not afraid to call out those that would reduce the 50 year history of the GOP Platform on pro-life to RUBBLE! This platform debacle is related to other important ‘big tent’ type issues the GOP has adopted…like we hate Taxes and Government Regulation, but we’ll vote for them ‘sometimes’! LOL! So, who is it Mr. Budds, that has crumbled? Certainly not the FRC nor the Eagle Forum, but the GOP and their mushy middle politicians listening to voters like him. He should cut his scorched earth diatribe…IF the GOP loses it will not be because they’ve abandoned pro-lifers, it will be because the GOP watched as the Democrat parlay their immigrant voters in favor of their federal handouts. And, then once again the GOP and the majority of independent, freedom loving Americans will be in the minority. Apparently, Mr. Budds and the GOP are ok with the mushy middle.
We’ve all had debates with family or friends when, one of the parties’, goes low, with personal attacks, usually when the facts are not on their side; an experience I’ve undergone several times as the homicide investigator during murder trials.
Victor is a member of the FRC an organization with the highest moral intentions, but with a sketchy record of bringing about actual change to abortion rates on their watch. It’s not for lack of passionate moral effort, but “platform” words are like, as the adage goes, bringing a knife to a gunfight.
He explains 50 years of “strong” pro-life GOP platform language, championing “words” that outline a strong moral advocacy position, but have had little effect on slowing 50 years of an exponentially growing abortion rate.
It’s time for a change in pro-life strategy. The time, money, and effort put into passionate rhetoric is better placed in the grassroot election of people who will CODIFY pro-life language; laws are actionable, platform language is not.
As for the personal attacks and my being in the “mushy middle”, I’ve put people in prison for murder for killing a viable fetus. I am a multi-year donor to the FRC, the Murfreesboro PORTICO, and the HAVEN in Huntington Beach, California, my previous home. There, killing a viable fetus was murder a worthy goal to attain in every state, a goal that will never be reached with “platform” rhetoric in place of the hard work necessary to get laws codified!
I share in Victor’s passion for “life”, but his defense of 50 years of a “platform” language” strategy falls into oblivion when ninth month abortions are becoming routine, and infanticide is practiced in Virginia!
Going forward, all my donations for “life” advocacy will go to organizations that effectively use of common sense, not attack fellow pro-life donors and pro-life politicians like Marsha Blackburn.
I suggest Victor and other FRC members and donors re-read Tony Perkins’ “alert” in which he tacitly threatens to tell millions of people in our movement not vote for the GOP. 30 million Christians didn’t vote in the last election giving us Biden & Harris both extreme abortion advocates. The election of Harris will bring infanticide to more states where laws now protect dogs and cats more than the unborn!
Extremist thinking will give the US to the Dems and is based on religious beliefs, not science.
I’m a conservative and I’ll oppose you hard.
Do NOT try to force your religious beliefs on me – that”s un-American.
What’s next? A ban on contraceptives?
>> 69% of Americans support abortion during the first 90 days. (a Gallup poll – Google it).
If the Repubs become extremists on this they will lose to the Dems and it will be all over. I won’t vote for an abortion extremist, even if the Dems win.
Since 1975 there have been 30 million abortions and 90% were to unwed poor young girls on welfare. Those kids would have grown up to be Dems and the Dems would have total control.
I’ll vote for Trump but I will NEVER vote for anyone who would force a raped girl to have a rapist’s baby. In fact, I’ll donate to and vote for their opponent or not vote – it’s a deal-killer for me, like it is for many Americans.
Don’t try to say that someone must accept your extremist religious views to be a “Conservative”. If you were in charge Republicans would be defeated and the Dems would be in total control and they would control everything we say and do.
Is that what you want? Please quit the Republican party and become Libertarians.
This has little to do with abortion and language, and everything to do with fundraising and maintaining influence in the Republican Party. Tony Perkins must be running behind his quota of Fox News appearances this election cycle. When SCOTUS overturned Roe, they did so on the basis abortion is a state issue. That takes a nationwide ban off the table as well. The fallout from that decision also shows that there is a lot of work to be done with young women in separating abortion from women’s health. Work that is apparently subordinate to the FRC’s desire to be a recognized player in Republican politics.
This has little to do with abortion and language, and everything to do with fundraising and maintaining influence in the Republican Party. Tony Perkins must be running behind his quota of Fox News appearances this election cycle. When SCOTUS overturned Roe, they did so on the basis abortion is a state issue. That takes a nationwide ban off the table as well. The fallout from that decision also shows that there is a lot of work to be done with young women in separating abortion from women’s health. Work that is apparently subordinate to the FRC’s desire to be a recognized player in Republican politics.