Dear Tennessee Voter, You’re Being Used As A Political Pawn…

Dear Tennessee Voter, You're Being Used As A Political Pawn…

Dear Tennessee Voter, You’re Being Used As A Political Pawn…

Image Credit: Canva

Submitted by Tennessee resident who wished to remain anonymous –

You’re being used as a political pawn, and the only way to stop it is to admit you’ve been lied to through political marketing. 

The marketing comes from powerful PACs that are funded by lobbyists, developers, politicians, and—importantly—with the consent of the Republican Party of Tennessee. 

I know that’s hard to accept, because you—a good Republican—trusts the Party and maybe you even trust the political system. You think you’re doing the right thing voting for the “true conservative” and “America First” candidates who “the Party” has “endorsed.” 

The problem is, the candidates they’ve dressed up for all those glossy mailers are not true conservatives,or America First. They are actors in a marketing campaign created by political consultants who are selling you snake oil without liability of harm. 

You have been duped. 

Hundreds of thousands of dollars are being spent so that the Establishment, the Uniparty, the Swamp retains power using an elaborate scheme where campaign consultants, lobbyists, and other swamp creatures find candidates who are soulless, compromised, and broke.

And then these consultants and power players promise the morally bankrupt (and often financially bankrupt) candidates more money and power than they would ever be able to make on their own. And the only thing these charlatans need to do for the money and power is wear a costume that makes you believe they represent your values. 

You vote for the Manchurian Candidate … and then wonder why they don’t live up to their promises. 

It’s all a lie. The promises. The postcards. The persona. It’s all political theater. 

The only person who can stop this scenario from happening election cycle after election cycle after election cycle is you. 

You must understand how money controls candidates. Once you understand it, it’s easy to spot, because it’s the exact same playbook everywhere, controlling everything from DC to district seats. Wealthy, powerful people use their money and influence to control elections. In this way, they control the levers of government … and they control you. 

When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume … the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitle them … they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

It’s time again for us to “dissolve the political bonds” that have connected us to the political system that has become the RULING CLASS. 

We do that with our vote. The state, your County and the Country needs you to understand who you are voting for. You’ve been angry too long to cast a vote for another politician who has sold their soul—and your future—for power, money, and personal gain. 

Let’s dissolve the political bonds with a system that reduces voters to political pawns, so we can take back our county, our state and our country.

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7 Responses

  1. So true anonymous writer. When you see all of those brochures daily letter. Voter beware. They are bought and paid for by the bureaucrats we all detest.
    Ferrell Haile is the one that stands out the most in my district. The adds that were on tv were so obvious.
    The “good ole boy” is a crook. If people would just take time to look at their voting record, they would see how bad they truly are.
    WE’RE STUCK for another term. God only knows how it will end up with these “RINOS”.

  2. One of the more humorous examples was Jon Lundburg adding “pro Trump” to some of his sinage while Harshbarger was enjoying Trumps endorsement.
    RINOS, like Democraps, will say anything to get a vote from an out-of-touch voter.

  3. Rather than ‘tear down’ the entire system or create MORE cynicism among voters (which drives voters away from the polls…ergo…well under 20% of registered voters even bother to vote), why not promote or at least try other ideas. For instance, lets go back to the old TERM LIMIT debate: I’m for term limits for every last one of our elected official’s positions. How else can we blunt the millions of dollars that were spent in Tennessee on a single subject (Governor Bill’s school choice proposal). I have heard all the ‘anti term-limit’ points (and some of them are strong), but there is also a strong argument that TERM LIMITS might just be the ONLY REASONABLE way to fight the BIG PAC money that invaded our mail boxes this past cycle! Out of state PAC money tried, and succeeded in creating monsters out of a few candidates that thought Bill Lee’s ‘school choice plan’ was not for Tennessee! Does unanimous have any ideas on how to get rid of the “pests” other than burning down the house?

  4. I am a total contriarian, not stupid. I have to find MY proof……and that is hard to do. I wish I had the background of a conservative investigative reporter. I am amazed how hard it is to find the truth. Even conservatives hide and hoard truth like a magic bullet. No one will really instruct me HOW to do this! What to access, where to look, sources/resources, other like-minded conclusions, etc. Damn near no one will help. I don’t want to read or hear someone’s agenda, propaganda. I don’t trust the new RNC. It is still crickets and little positive action. A Trump as co-chair means nothing. I have seen nothing encouraging from the RNC. All the conservative pundits, celebrities, radio/tv show hosts have created a very profitable profiteering industry. My question is, “what have YOU done for America, freedom or me and mine?” Me thinks, not much. Democrats are mortal domestic enemies. GOP is the most shameful, casual, cavalier, lazy, bunch of failures. It is simply sickening. I want to know how to research any politician, President, county dog catcher, road superintendent, etc. It is too important to make conclusions from opinion, lies, propaganda, marketing.

  5. My question is WHY someone would submit a commentary like this ANONYMOUSLY? Is the author such a big public figure that using his/her/their real name would be a liability? Frankly I think it’s just cowardly. One of the worst things about social media is that people say things while hiding behind the anonymity of made-up screen name that they would never say to someone’s face. And so many people have now become so used to it that it’s bleeding into real interpersonal social discourse.

  6. Part of the problem is with the county party leadership. A few of us tried to get primaries or Caucus for this past election, but leadership ganged up against us and voted against it. Then they supported a candidate for SEC who exclaimed that we should be fighting for primaries in every county.. and he-himself abstained from voting for it when his vote could have made the difference.
    Our Republican Party is playing games.

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