DesJarlais On Monoclonal Antibodies, Red Flag Votes, The Border Crisis & State Rights [ Interview with Congressman Scott DesJarlais ]

DesJarlais On Monoclonal Antibodies, Red Flag Votes, The Border Crisis & State Rights

DesJarlais On Monoclonal Antibodies, Red Flag Votes, The Border Crisis & State Rights [ Interview with Congressman Scott DesJarlais ]

Congressman Scott DesJarlais, who is serving his 6th term representing Tennessee’s 4th Congressional District in the U.S. Senate is a true Conservative.

He has a proven track record of fighting for policies that will enforce fiscal discipline in Washington, strengthen our nation’s economy, and end the flow of illegal immigration.

In this interview, we talk about how the federal government has rationed Monoclonal Antibody treatments in Red States and “Red Flag” votes in the National Defense Authorization Act and how that plays out in the conference committee. 

We also discuss the border crisis as it relates to national security and the state of Tennessee and the steady erosion of State Sovereignty.


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3 Responses

  1. Scott, is a RINO. He voted for the very bill he claims he’s against. Scott, is one of 135 RINO’s that voted for this bill. He claims oh,…blah blah blah it won’t hurt anything I didn’t vote for red flag laws. I call bs!! Yes, he did, but as you see he doesn’t admit he voted for it. I’ll not vote for him again this isn’t the first time he’s voted for lawlessness.
    Read what GOA says,…..
    “Gun Owners of America (GOA), a pro-Second Amendment gun rights advocacy group, warned the military gun confiscation orders could provide lawmakers with a precedent to extend the rule to the general population.
    “Like the proverbial camel’s nose in the tent, allowing this provision to remain in a bill pertaining to the military will eventually work its way into legislation applying to the rest of the population,” GOA wrote. “That’s why we need to raise our voices in unison against these gun confiscation orders.”

    1. I am one of Scott’s opponents in the upcoming election. As a veteran, his vote for ANY red flag laws is a slap in the face, let alone the military. Please visit my website,, to see what I’m about. Scott has become a politician above all else. It’s time for him to go.
      I will be doing events when possible. If you have any events in your area coming up, especially if you are in the 4th Congressional district, please let me know.
      Clyde Benson

  2. Scott, is a RINO. He voted for the very bill he claims he’s against. Scott, is one of 135 RINO’s that voted for this bill. He claims oh,…blah blah blah it won’t hurt anything I didn’t vote for red flag laws. I call bs!! Yes, he did, but as you see he doesn’t admit he voted for it. I’ll not vote for him again this isn’t the first time he’s voted for lawlessness.
    Read what GOA says,…..
    “Gun Owners of America (GOA), warned the military gun confiscation orders could provide lawmakers with a precedent to extend the rule to the general population.
    allowing this provision to remain in a bill pertaining to the military will eventually work its way into legislation applying to the rest of the population,” GOA wrote. “

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