The Tennessee Conservative [By Jason Vaughn] –
Governor Bill Lee has announced that he will call for a Special Session of the Tennessee Legislature to take place this Fall to address funding, buildout and oversight for the Ford Motor Company Regional Megasite to be located in Memphis while he continues to ignore the pleas of Tennessee Patriots to call a Special Session to address mandates, executive orders, and dangerous edicts coming from the Federal Government.
The Tennessee Conservative reached out to the office of Governor Lee, the office of Lt. Gov. Randy McNally and to the Tennessee Senate Republican Caucus for clarification on Lee’s announcement and for any other information they might divulge.
Specifically, we asked if any of the issues Tennesseans across the state are concerned about would be on the agenda for the Special Session – vaccine/mask mandates, emergency powers, etc.
In a phone call to Lee’s office, the answer we received was “We haven’t heard anything about it at this time.” We also reached out to Lee’s communication officer, Casey Black, but have not heard back at time of publication.
The office of Lt. Gov. Randy McNally replied with a quote from the Press Release about the Memphis Megasite, “Gov. Lee intends to call a special legislative session this fall to address funding, buildout and oversight for the Memphis Regional Megasite. State leaders offered words of support for the project.”
View Press Release HERE.
They also stated that the date of the Special Session is yet to be determined. However, based on information from some of our sources, the date being considered may be October 18th.
Darlene Schilcher, State Republican Press Secretary, also confirmed that Lee plans to call for a Special Session but was also unable to offer any insight into what other subjects may be considered for the agenda, other than the funding, etc, for the Memphis Megasite.
“I have not seen a copy of Governor Lee’s official ‘call for a special session’ and assume that it is currently being constructed,” Schilcher said.
Tori Venable, from Americans for Prosperity, warns that “The bills they take up in a special session will be determined by who calls it. The Gov could call it for educational freedom or limit the call to approve the $500 Million tax incentives for Ford.”
In a statement released to The Tennessee Conservative by Senator Bo Watson (R-Hixson), he states:
“I have never been against an Extraordinary Session. I have tried to give the Governor room to operate as he and his team were negotiating with Ford Motor Company these past few months. Now it appears that Governor Lee may be calling the General Assembly into Extraordinary Session. My desire is that the call be broad enough to cover the concerns that have been expressed by many of the constituents in my district relative to mandates and federal overreach.”
Meanwhile, a growing number of Tennessee Senators have signed on in full support of a Special Session to address the protection of citizen’s freedoms in Tennessee.
At the time of publication, the Tennessee Conservative was able to confirm 13 Senators in total (not counting Senator Bo Watson) out of the 22 needed to call the Special Session without the consent of Governor Lee or Lt. Gov. Randy McNally.
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In August, House Speaker Cameron Sexton originally called for a Special Session which garnered support with 100% of the Republican members of the Tennessee House of Representatives but soon thereafter, Lee declined the request, opting instead to issue Executive Order 84 that made it mandatory for all school districts in Tennessee to give parents the option to opt their children out of mask requirements imposed by schools or health boards.
Across the state, Patriotic Tennesseans have been pleading for a Special Session to protect their freedoms by contacting Lee, their Senators and their House Members and by engaging in peaceful protests. Some are also making their opinions known on social media.
Frieda Singleton says, “They better get their heads on straight! We are not like the rest of these Liberal States who don’t have their priorities straight and they are too woke, and too liberal to use the common sense the good Lord gave them! The State has done as well as it has, because of the common sense, knowledge and sound judgment instilled in most of the leaders from their youth. I hope they stand their ground and continue to use the Constitution as the backbone to any and all decisions they make concerning the families of Tennessee.”
About the Author: Jason Vaughn, Media Coordinator for The Tennessee Conservative ~ Jason previously worked for a legacy publishing company based in Crossville, TN in a variety of roles through his career. Most recently, he served as Deputy Directory for their flagship publication. Prior, he was a freelance journalist writing articles that appeared in the Herald Citizen, the Crossville Chronicle and The Oracle among others. He graduated from Tennessee Technological University with a Bachelor’s in English-Journalism, with minors in Broadcast Journalism and History. Contact Jason at
10 Responses
So let me get this straight. Lee is going to hold a special session but is not going to address what the people wanted him to address? This guy needs to be REPLACED NOW!!!!!! People just follow the money and you will see where every republican/ democrat intrest lie. Never with the people that elect them.
Sounds like a good time to protest when that goes down.
Unbelievable!!! He’s totally ignoring the pressing issues facing all of us. Lying Lee must go!
I am really not all that surprised that the Gov. isn’t calling a special session with regard to any mandates, especially those coming from D.C.
Just remember folks. Biden can stomp his feet and tell businesses with over XXX number of people that they have to have mask mandates…but he has ZERO constitutional authority to do so. He can cry and moan about it, but in the long run, he’ll just be babbling into the wind.
BUT, the Governor is doing NOTHING for the state or the welfare or safety of the residents.
I so hope another big nail in Lee’s coffin, Bye,Bye Lee ! Vote John Gentry for Governor !!
John Gentry the real constitutional choice! But if you like what choices the main political wings give continue believing they will change. Haven’t you seen yet they are nothing but different wings of the same bird.
biden doesnt have authority to force companies to vaccinate employees but guess what folks look what they slipped in the 3.5 trillion bill a law to force employers by fining them between 70,000 to 700,000 dollars per incident if they had the power to do it they wouldnt be sneaking this into the so called infrastucture bill any republican who votes for this bill should be recalled or voted out I hope marsha blackburn and other reublicans are aware of it or will they sell us out time will tell
Only an election will stop this a hole.
Choice, if the vaccine works, we don’t need a mask.
Natural immunity from having Covid is being ignored, education about the differences in the vaccines not mentioned, one is similar to the Flu vaccine that has been given for decades and people willing to wear a N95 fitted mask, taking temperature, at work shouldn’t loose their job
Lee needs to get with the program, get rid of the mask mandates, especially for our children.