Senate Passes Bill To Mandate Annual Firearm Safety Course In Tennessee Schools

Senate Passes Bill To Mandate Annual Firearm Safety Course In Tennessee Schools

Senate Passes Bill To Mandate Annual Firearm Safety Course In Tennessee Schools

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The Tennessee Conservative Staff –

Senate Bill 2923 (SB2923), sponsored by Senator Paul Bailey (R-Sparta-District 15), would expand on the already implemented SAVE Act (Schools Against Violence in Education), which requires prevention and intervention training on the topics of severe weather, intruders, and other potential emergencies. 

This new piece of legislation would require schools to teach about firearm storage, school safety, and avoiding injury should a firearm be found.

It would require that this training be done annually, starting in the earliest possible grade and going through the twelfth grade.

On the Tennessee Senate floor on Thursday, Companion House Bill 2882, sponsored by Representative Chris Todd (R-Madison County-District 73), was substituted for SB2923.

HB2882 passed the House on February 29 with 79 ayes and 12 nays.

Two amendments were introduced by Senator Heidi Campbell (D-Nashville-District 20) and Senator Jeff Yarbro (D-Nashville-District 21).

Campbell’s amendment would allow parents to opt their children out of the training. 

“We talk about parental choice a lot in this body, and it seems like we should be consistent in our views on that,” Campbell stated.

Yarbro moved to amend the bill to allow LEAs to adopt their own policy because he believes the legislation is not specific enough regarding the curriculum to be used.

“Maybe we shouldn’t have a one size fits all approach for something that is both controversial and deeply important to the safety of our school communities,” stated Yarbro.

Both amendments were tabled.

After additional discussion, a roll call vote was taken on the bill, and the legislation was passed with a vote of 24 ayes and 3 nays. The three Senators voting against the bill were Campbell, Yarbro, and Senator Charlane Oliver (D-Nashville-District 19.

The bill will be sent to Governor Bill Lee for final approval.

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2 Responses

  1. If the Dem Socialists are not happy with firearms safety, bring in the NSSF and NRA to help with the program.
    Both already have great programs for the safe use of the firearm tool.
    Democrats only wish to rule humanity and not to help humanity.
    Democrats are takers and not producers!

  2. “Mandate ”
    Is the issue.
    There must be a
    Yes, this is a parental rights concern.

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