Should We Send A Live, In-Person, CONSERVATIVE Reporter To Nashville For The Legislative Session?

Should We Send A Live, In-Person, CONSERVATIVE Reporter To Nashville For The Legislative Session?

Should We Send A Live, In-Person, CONSERVATIVE Reporter To Nashville For The Legislative Session?

Would that make us a “real” news publication?

This past election cycle, the Tennessee Conservative was mentioned in the TN Journal, Tennessean, Chattanooga Times Free Press and other state news outlets…

They always refer to us as a “blog” or “website” – never a “news publication.” I suppose, to them, the only way you can be a real news publication is if you are corporately funded and full of democrat reporters.

Well, that certainly isn’t us.

While I am happy with our impact in the Volunteer State, there is something bothering me terribly and it’s this: We’ve NEVER been able to afford to send a live, in-person reporter to Nashville during the legislative session. (Read on…)

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Help us send a live, in-person, CONSERVATIVE reporter to Nashville for the legislative session! >>

With our meager funding and subscriber giving participation hovering at 6%, we just can’t seem to scratch together enough cash. This puts us at a terrible disadvantage because all we can report on is what happens during the committee hearings from video at a distance.

This means we MISS what goes on “behind the scenes” while liberal, corporate news outlets are more in the know. It’s frustrating…

It says in the book of James, “You do not have because you do not ask God.” Remedying that, I have prayed that if this is something our readers think is important and if it is His will, we can raise enough money to send a reporter to Nashville.

Now, it’s up to YOU, our Conservative readers. Do you think it’s important to have eyes and ears in Nashville so we can really see what our state government is up to?

If so, please click here and DONATE to help us gather enough funds to hire a short-term, contract-based reporter for the legislative session in January!

Now, Cameron Sexton and Randy McNally may shut out the state’s largest Conservative news alternative in press gatherings if we are successful. That remains to be seen…

However, we can walk the hallways in the Cordell Hull building. And, unlike most of the corporate lobbyists who live off our tax-payer dollars, we will be advocating for the views of the average GOP Primary Voter in Tennessee!

Are you with us?

If so, please click here to donate and join us in the next chapter of growth here at the Tennessee Conservative!

Thanks for being on the “thin red line” with me!

Yours in Freedom,

Brandon Lewis


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Listen to the Podcast HERE or below…

Help us send a live, in-person, CONSERVATIVE reporter to Nashville for the legislative session! >>

Help us send a live, in-person, CONSERVATIVE reporter to Nashville for the legislative session! >>

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