Soddy Daisy High School Teacher Arrested At School For Off-Campus Domestic Assault

Image Credit: Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office & Google Earth

The Tennessee Conservative Staff –

Authorities arrested a Soddy Daisy High School math teacher on campus Tuesday in response to reports of a domestic incident at his home over the weekend.

Court records show that 41-year-old Jon Stanford was charged with aggravated assault for allegedly placing his wife in a chokehold on Sunday after she took videos on her phone of his drunken behavior.

According to reports, Stanford and his family had gone out with friends on a boat at Chester Frost Park earlier that day, and he had several alcoholic beverages during the outing. Stanford reportedly became so intoxicated that he “took a nap on the boat” and “fell back asleep on their dock.”

After they returned home, Stanford continued to drink, and “continued to pick fights.” His wife began taking videos of him to show him his behavior later “since he often disregards her explanations of it when he sobers up.”

Stanford allegedly became upset that she was recording him, and he placed her in a chokehold from behind and forced her phone away from her. 

The report states that the wife said she was not unable to breathe and did not lose consciousness, but she was afraid because he had never put his hands on her before. The couple’s children, ages 1 and 3, were present at the time of the incident.

Stanford then later took his wife’s phone off of the charger and allegedly tried to destroy it in their garage. When she found her phone smoking and hot to the touch, she opted to take her children and go to her father’s home.

She told police that Stanford was worried that she would post the videos to social media and that they would have a negative impact on his job.

Hamilton County Schools spokesperson Steve Doremus released a statement saying that the district “is aware one of its employees was arrested at Soddy Daisy High School today on a charge unrelated to the school. At this time, we are working to learn more information. Once we learn more, appropriate steps will be taken in accordance with district policies and procedures.”

Stanford was taken to the Hamilton County Jail, where he was given a $6000 bond. He is scheduled to appear in court in late June.

3 thoughts on “Soddy Daisy High School Teacher Arrested At School For Off-Campus Domestic Assault

  • May 23, 2024 at 5:48 pm

    I wonder if she has found her new husband yet?

  • May 25, 2024 at 6:02 am

    Dealing wirh a drunk is awful. did you all know that the moment we go over moderation when drinking our Lord allows 1000 demons to attack our souls? I guarantee you, as much as he had been drinking, that there are way more than 1000 demons that took over that man and his whole well-being. I feel so sorry for his wife never allow him to see those until at least one year of rehab in a facility where he can’t leave. A drunk husband and father can cause so much harm to his wife and children, and it can affect her mentally. That drunk will cause serious mental problems to those little children if she doesn’t get away from him right this minute. I speak from experience. If I had taken my own advice I’m giving right now. I could’ve saved so much heartache and pain not only from me, but mainly for my son. By the way, next day hangover dats are al iat as vad as when they are drunk. So, it’s not like it ends once tgwy oass out. You Have to deal with the demons the next day. Trust me, it is equally horrible. Remember too, Satan attacks the father hardest and alcohol is his favorite weapon. We need strong men to be strong leaders of our families and lead our families to God via prayer fasting and church. Until this man gets that he should never be allowed around his wife or children ever again. He needs to man put the bottle down and the father he is called to be.

    • June 10, 2024 at 6:23 pm

      Your seem to be speaking for the Lord alot. Do not forget what Christ said in Matthew 7:1, Maria.


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