Tennessee Lawmaker Calls For Stronger Legislation To Protect Girls From Being Edged Out By Biological Males – It’s Not Just About Sports

Image Credit: Houston High School / Facebook

The Tennessee Conservative [By Kelly M. Jackson] –

Over this past weekend, at a Memphis area High School, a biological male using female pronouns, wearing female clothing, took what would have traditionally been a girl’s spot on their Homecoming Court. 

Houston High School in Germantown included a transgender student on their homecoming court and while the response at the event seemed to be celebratory, many parents in the area took to social media and their email and expressed their shock and dismay. 

State senator Brent Taylor (R-D31- Memphis) said he was contacted by many concerned parents who are asking whether the school district can promote this sort of activity with the inclusion of a transgendered student especially considering all the legislation that has been passed over the most recent years. Much of the legislation was meant to protect students and their privacy, as well as afford them the opportunity to participate in activities without having to worry if they will be competing against someone who has certain biological advantages. 

According to reports, Taylor said there has been no response from the school.

“Absent some explanation or rebuke of a young man masquerading as a girl at the Houston High School Homecoming Court, it would appear the Germantown Municipal School District not only tolerates this, but obviously they support and celebrate it,” Taylor said.

Taylor’s major concern was a common one in this war that has been waged against biological females in the last few years, and that was the opportunity to participate in what would have been a wholly appropriate activity specifically for a biological female but was set aside in lieu of a biological male. 

Taylor said, “Once again, this type of virtue signaling to the LGBTQ community only hurts girls. This young man’s presence in the homecoming court prevented a young woman from representing her class. This is truly despicable”. 

In an interview with 107.9 FM KWAM, Senator Taylor expressed a need for there to be a legislative approach to this issue much like the legislation that was passed in 2021, SB0228, which states that for the purposes of participation in sports, in middle and high school, that the biological sex on the participant’s original birth certificate will be used to determine if the participant is able to actually compete. 

Taylor also points out that the response from the district would be much different if the immutable characteristic that was being imitated was race and not biological sex. Taylor said, “There is no school board in the state that would allow someone to identify as African American and then show up in black face. Much less celebrate it.”

Taylor has said he has spoken to others in the General Assembly that would agree with the prospect of a possible legislative solution to this issue that seems to continue to pervade every aspect of our culture, including and even purposefully, the places our children spend most of their time. 

About the Author: Kelly Jackson is a recent escapee from corporate America, and a California refugee to Tennessee. Christ follower, Wife and Mom of three amazing teenagers. She has a BA in Comm from Point Loma Nazarene University, and has a background in law enforcement and human resources. Since the summer of 2020, she has spent any and all free time in the trenches with local grassroots orgs, including Mom’s for Liberty Williamson County and Tennessee Stands as a core member.  Outspoken advocate for parents rights, medical freedom, and individual liberty. Kelly can be reached at kelly@tennesseeconservativenews.com.

One thought on “Tennessee Lawmaker Calls For Stronger Legislation To Protect Girls From Being Edged Out By Biological Males – It’s Not Just About Sports

  • October 5, 2023 at 10:33 am

    Senator Taylor is obviously correct about race madquerades and blackface but he doesn’t go quite far enough IMO.
    If men have “cerain advantages” over women, of a “biological” nature, why are women competing with men on battlefields?
    Perversely enough, it’s “Feminists” who insist upon all this “competition”, celebrating (still) characters like Robin Herman, the female NYT sports reporter who “broke glass ceilings” in men’s locker rooms. It’s not about nudity, the slogan went, it’s about equality and eqaul access. Yes, now everybdoy has access to everything.
    No surprise, Feminsism and Aboitionism began together. The “First Wave” ladies deerrred to abolishing slavery and starting a war that killed over 600,000 White “biologhical” men and doesn’t seem to have accomplished a thing, the story goes. But, when North and South finally agreed Reconstrtuction was a bust in 1876, Susan Anthony barged into the Philadelhia Centential with a “Declaration of Rights of the Women of the United States”, conflating women with the Patriots under King George and paraphrasing Frederick Douglas “The meaning of July Fourth to the negro” i.e. “nothing”. Marraige, to characters like VIctoria Woodhull, was also objectionable, it seems: a more “free” arrangement being preferrable.
    So, what goes around, comes around.
    Russia leads the Global South in legislating against the latest perversions by popular demand unless you beleive Masha Gessen, Russia’s only openly lesbian writer on the subject as well as Putin, which seems to have gone bust in Ukraine where the “gas station with an army” has liquidated the Urkainian army and it’s NATO weapons and training. They have the the Metropolitan of the Russian Orthodox Church on thier side, and we have “Sarah” Ashton-Cirillo if not Dylan Mulvaney himself.
    Have at it, ladies.


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