U.S. Constitution Class Begins In Cookeville On Jan. 25th

Photo Credit: Pixabay

The Tennessee Conservative Staff –

In this 12-week course, participants will learn about our Nation’s founding documents using the Bible, original source materials and the U.S. Constitution.

Taught by the Institute on the Constitution, the course will be taught in-person in Cookeville, Tennessee beginning on Tuesday, January 25th. 

U.S. Representative Rand Paul stated, “Institute on the Constitution classes should be taken by every elected official, and every U.S. citizen who desires to have the United States governed Constitutionally.”

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Founder of Institute on the Constitution, Attorney Michael Anthony Peroutka stated, “At IOTC, you not only have the opportunity to educate yourself. We also provide you with tools to educate your community and get involved in local government.  Liberty under law is our heritage and a blessing we earnestly seek to preserve for posterity.”


Event Details:

U.S. Constitution Class

Start Date: January 25th, 2022 

Time: 2PM Central


18 N Jefferson Ave.

Cookeville, TN  38501

Interested parties can let the organizers know they are going or can invite others to attend by visiting their Facebook event page HERE.

2 thoughts on “U.S. Constitution Class Begins In Cookeville On Jan. 25th

  • January 31, 2022 at 11:28 pm

    This needs to be taught in EVERY school. If they refuse cut every dime of funding.

  • February 1, 2022 at 1:38 am

    If no part of the Constitution can be changed except by the Amendment process,

    And the “Bill of Rights” being part of that Constitution,

    “WHY” are there so many different “Rules/Laws” all across this nation “REGULATING” that “Bill of Rights”, especially the “Second Amendment”??????????????????????????????????????????

    “WHY” is it state and federal government routinely create laws/rules outside the “Enumeration” of powers give to them and in “Violation” of the Constitution???

    and “WHY” is NOBODY, Politicians, Gun Clubs, Citizens, forcing them to give account????


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