UNICEF “Child Friendly” Cities Sneaking Into Tennessee

Image Credit: RawPixel / Public Domain

By Danielle Goodrich [Tennessee Stands / Tri-Cities Coaltion] –

In March of 2021, Johnson City Commission presented a powerpoint on UNICEF Child Friendly Cities (CFC).

I was watching the 2021 virtual meeting as I was there to give public comment to my concern over the continued unconstitutional COVID lockdowns and protocols.

The presentation on UNICEF CFCs said the goal was to “empower the voices of children.”

In a time where we had the Tennessee Health Department funding threatened by the Government Operations committee for trying to go around parental consent for vaccination, in a time where the federal government called parents ‘domestic terrorists” for speaking at school boards, in a time where gender transition drugs are given to children without parental knowledge, a lot of parents nowadays would look at “empower the voices of children” as demoting the voices of parents.

Our local freedom group blew the whistle on UNICEF CFC in 2021 and we thought it had been put to bed. But it recently came to light that the program had continued under the radar for the past two years. The UNICEF program additionally, was found by Dr. Ginger Carter, Johnson City school board member, to be circumventing the school board and parents while data harvesting by sending out surveys to students without permission.

But to fully understand the concern, we must understand UNICEF.

This article details a timeline of the nefarious actions of UNICEF. This was sent to me in 2021 and I had forwarded it to the commission at that time.

It reads, “UNICEF, which originally stood for United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, was established by the United Nations in 1947 during the aftermath of World War II. Funded by voluntary contributions from governments and the public, its original purpose was to provide emergency food, water, shelter and medical care to children throughout the world.”

What started out to be about emergency food, water and shelter, over time became about population control.

As the article states, “In 1967 UNICEF categorically rejected any connection with contraceptives. In 1987, it joined its collaborators in endorsing a Resolution for Action that included not only contraceptive research, development, distribution and practice, but pressed for abortion – regardless of the legal status – as well as increased collaboration with agencies whose agendas included contraceptives, sterilizations and abortion – often under political coercion.”

The article which I recommend you fully read gives a number of instances where UNICEF was caught doing more harm than good.

In 1965 Pakistan started an “all out family planning program” which included IUDs that rendered many women sterile.

“1985: UNICEF received $700,000 from the World Bank for a population project in Kenya that included sterilization facilities in district hospitals and family planning clinics.”

In 1995, “The Catholic Women’s League of the Philippines won a restraining order against a two-year-old WHO and UNICEF anti-tetanus program. Two labs had found “B-hCG” sterilizing agent in the vaccine. The Filipino program had already “vaccinated” 3.4 million people – all women, mainly between the ages of twelve and 45. The hormone-laced vaccine was also discovered in Mexico, Nicaragua, Tanzania, India and Nigeria. The anti-hCG hormone cause not only sterilizations but also incurable autoimmune disorders, miscarriages and birth defects.”

By 2002, UNICEF was introducing books that many parents in Tennessee are now fighting to get out of their school and public libraries. Explicit, LGBTQ promoting, sexualizing of children, books. It seems UNICEF set the precedent and was 20 years ahead of the curve. They started the trend.

“July 2002: Another UNICEF-funded sex education book distributed to Latin American countries was circulated at the UN Child Summit in New York. The book encouraged children to engage in sexual activities with other minors, with homosexuals and with animals. The Spanish language book, entitled “Theoretic Elements for Working with Mothers and Pregnant Teens” included a workshop book, also produced by UNICEF, which suggested that lesbian sex was an acceptable alternative for girls.”

To summarize, we have an abortion-endorsing, sterilization-endorsing, LGBTQ-endorsing, sexualization of children endorsing organization, that is in Tennessee claiming to want to empower the voices of OUR children while they data harvest on them without our consent.

What say you parents?

And that isn’t even the full story.

UNICEF has the same 17 Sustainable Development Goals as the UN. UNICEF CFCs falls under SDG 11. “Sustainable communities.”

The UN has said that our population isn’t sustainable. So as it appears they’ve been working on a number of ways to depopulate.

If you are gay, you aren’t having children.

If you are having abortions, you aren’t having children.

If you take a liability-free product with infertility as a side effect, you aren’t having children.

And now if you are trans and chop off your body parts and take chemical castration medications, you aren’t having children.

And yet some will say this is conspiracy despite it being the provable result of these initiatives.

The Tennessee legislature having the good foresight to see that the UNs 17 Sustainable Development Goals cannot be achieved in a Constitutional Republic as they dismiss private property rights and individual liberty, made the UN agenda unlawful in our state.

Yet we are still seeing the agenda in our cities. I’ve written about the implications of not just SDG 11 but about all of the SDGS  in several other articles.

These NGOS are sneaking into our cities. And perpetuating an agenda on our children that stands contrary to Godly principles in every way.

Be fruitful and multiply? Nope. Cut off your body parts and render yourself sterile.

You are made in God’s image and to have dominion? Nope, you are a carbon-emitting, germ-infested plague we need less of.

 I think most can agree we don’t want these organizations in Tennessee.

However, we apparently didn’t cause enough of a stir in 2021, as the program continued.

Dr. Ginger Carter rightfully concerned about the data harvesting she looked into after Johnson City Freedom member Fannie Celestrin asked about it, reinvigorated community discussion and had City Mayor Todd Fowler come to a town hall earlier this month to discuss this initiative.

Mayor Todd Fowler said that the city will be voting on this initiative in January. He believes it will be a unanimous vote to do away with the program. Potentially a 4-1 vote.

I am thankful Mayor Fowler and the commission are now ready to address this.

However, considering it was first brought up in 2021 and we expressed our concern then, and it continued. Considering we expressed our concern over the UN agenda being in our city plan a year ago when I wrote this article and we were told the goals of concern would be removed and the city plan was recently uploaded with the goals still in there, found in Johnson City 2020-2025 Strategic Plan.

I think it would be best if we all showed up and saw the UNICEF CFC put to bed once and for all.

We are trying to learn if that will be on the agenda for the January 4th meeting which is what Mayor Todd Fowler initially said.

Please plan on attending this meeting and write to the city commission to encourage a unanimous vote against this program.

Please look into your city plans and make sure these 17 Sustainable Development Goals are not in there and if they are, please stand up against them.

UN and UNICEF resources:







4 thoughts on “UNICEF “Child Friendly” Cities Sneaking Into Tennessee

  • January 2, 2024 at 7:12 pm

    Yup, lucifer’s UN and it’s local proponents.

  • January 3, 2024 at 2:37 am

    “Oh, look at the cute wolf. The foaming mouth makes it look like it’s even cuter.” That is the story of groups like UNICIF.

  • January 3, 2024 at 4:35 am

    This stinks of the UN Convention for the Rights of the Child. There are only 2 countries that have not adopted this treaty and the US is one of them. Not for lack of trying because they have tried many times to get this assault on parental rights passed many times. The last time was during the Obama administration. So when they cannot get their schemes passed they always find another way to get what they want. Anything from the UN is never for the rights of anyone except their communist comrades. I have friends in Canada and they have told me horror stories about this Convention that totally usurps parental authority. The child rules the roost. This program also controls your country’s welfare system. This is why Obama was trying so hard to get more people on welfare. We do not need to know anything else except if it comes from the UN we should run away from it as fast as we can.

  • January 3, 2024 at 12:49 pm

    The UN was established with one goal in mind. To destroy the United States.
    The UN was established as Arbiters only, and not a governing body of foreign powers.
    Not one of my History teachers in High School nor College had anything good to say about the creation of this monster.
    It is the failed League of Nations on steroids.
    Thank Socialist Jimmy Carter and his America hating Department of Education.
    Enough said. Educate yourselves.


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