Video Podcast: Tennessee Special Session Wrapup – House Rules Kept Conservatives From Speaking Against School Vouchers – Interview With Rep. Jody Barrett

Video Podcast: Tennessee Special Session Wrapup - House Rules Kept Conservatives From Speaking Against School Vouchers - Interview With Rep. Jody Barrett

Video Podcast: Tennessee Special Session Wrapup – House Rules Kept Conservatives From Speaking Against School Vouchers – Interview With Rep. Jody Barrett

Tennessee Special Session Wrapup: 

House Rules Kept Conservatives From Speaking Against School Vouchers 

– Interview With Rep. Jody Barrett

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One Response

  1. Bill’s bill was a self-aggrandizing power bill. It was NOT about educational choice for the ‘people’ but just a failed opportunity to keep public school in account for the money they spend and fail at teaching Tennessee students. The gov and leadership HAD to buy out teacher’s union opposition by and large with a $2,000 bonus for NOT doing their job, they had to buy out school boards and county commissions by giving them a bonus too….and all the while PROVING the legislators that VOTED FOR this NON-UNIVERSAL bill should be ashamed to call themselves conservatives….more like RINO’s! We all know, this bill will FAIL at holding schools accountable for their failures and losing students, but rewards the failures across the state…what a ruse! Teachers will ‘supposedly’ have less student and make more money in 2025-2026! LOL! But, we all know the truth that as many as 60% of the scholarship students are ALREADY in private schools! What a sham! And, as for the rest… many private schools have tuition at $7,500 or less? NONE….so there goes the ‘universal’ part! So called conservative members of the legislature should be very careful that they can pull the blindfold over their voters, otherwise, they’ll be thrown out of their FIEFDOM despite the millions given them by the AFP!

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