What Grinds My Gears…

1 - Complete Tennessee Media Blackout For The State-Level Illegal Immigration Crisis. 2 - The Cowardice Of TNGOP Leadership 3 - Where Are Tennessee Citizens Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh & Candace Owens On These State Issues Going On Now? We Need Their Help!

What Grinds My Gears…

Image Credit: Pixabay via Pexels / Public Domain & @TnCoNews1 / X

1 – Complete Tennessee Media blackout for the State-Level Illegal Immigration crisis.

2 – The Cowardice of TNGOP Leadership

3 – Where Are TN Citizens Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh & Candace Owens on these state issues going on now? We need their help!

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2 Responses

  1. The Illegal Aliens that are being shipped to Tennesse and welcomed by Bill Lee have brought crime and drug trafficking along with Human Trafficking. Forged State Documents are being sold to Illegal Aliens with clean/scrubbed names. This allows the Illegal Alien to illegally purchase a firearm and pass the FBI Background Check due to the clean/scrubbed name.
    Like in Los Angeles hardware Stores and Big Box Stores are now securing big ticket items and thefts are just passed onto the public through higher prices.
    Question is, how are the Politicians and Judges that back the crimes of Illegal Aliens to be brought to Justice.

    1. Go to the Weigels convenience store from 8 to 9 AM any day of the week and you would think you have crossed the Rio Grande going southbound.

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