By Karen Lees (Special to The Tennessee Conservative) –
We received a mailer for Bobby Robinson this week. Glad we did. We’ve been needing more info before we vote. Did you get the same mailer? (see picture below)
This is what we found. Study the mailer closely. In very fine print you can find the source of funding for the mailer in the return address: TEA-FCPE. A quick search online reveals it’s the Tennessee Teacher’s Union.
On the Tennessee Teachers’ website it states that TEA are “PROUD AFFILIATES OF THE NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION” (NEA).
As you may already know, the NEA supports Critical Race Theory (CRT), and Black Lives Matter (BLM). In addition, they support the LGBTQ agenda and are closely aligned with Planned Parenthood. As a “PROUD AFFILIATE”, the TEA supports these radical left groups too. That’s a BIG problem for TRUE conservatives in rural Tennessee.
We have absolutely nothing against teachers. It’s God’s noble calling. We applaud them. It’s the SYSTEM in which public school teachers are forced to operate that’s a problem.
The affiliations above are strongly aligned with the RADICAL LEFT. They are hostile to the standards of the majority of true conservative Republicans in Tennessee and across the U.S.
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Robinson cannot possibly serve two masters: the RADICAL LEFT’S AGENDA or the MAJORITY of VOTERS – hard working TRUE CONSERVATIVE FAMILIES of White and Warren Counties.
Now that you have this information, it’s up to you to make your own decision. We’ve made ours. We have boldly taken a stand against the demonic agenda of the left. We pray for and stand with good, God-fearing teachers that do a difficult job only with God’s help. We stand for the Lord God and His righteous ways of the Bible. We are in a battle of good vs evil. There is no fence-sitting. It’s time to choose.
Mutually Pledged,
The Lees Family
One Response
WE need to take the teachers union apart in TN. I have never much liked unions, they have out lived there day. AND the teachers union if you can call them that? need to be taken apart from the ground up.