8 Conservatives Trounce RINOs In Tennessee State Elections

8 Conservatives Trounce RINOs In Tennessee State Elections

8 Conservatives Trounce RINOs In Tennessee State Elections

Image Credit: Canva

The Tennessee Conservative Staff –

In the past few years, Tennessee voters have become increasingly aware of the importance of state-level elections thanks to the reporting of The Tennessee Conservative and the advocacy of grassroots groups like Tennessee Stands.  

With the knowledge of the voting records of Establishment Republicans claiming to be conservatives, many real Tennessee conservative citizens have stepped up to challenge the status quo with hopes of better serving their constituents than the incumbents in office.  

Since there are a few true conservatives that are incumbents, the vast majority in both the Tennessee Senate and House of Representatives are in dire need of replacement and informed Tennessee voters seem to agree.

As a result, several Tennessee districts will now have more conservative representation at the state capitol.

However, with huge outside PAC money influencing the elections along with endorsements and spending coming from RINO leadership, many of the true conservative candidates suffered defeat in the 2024 Republican Primary Election.

Below are the GOP Primary election results as reported by the Tennessee Secretary of State.

Note: We have not listed the winners of the GOP Primaries where the candidate had no GOP challengers as the incumbent or sole GOP candidate wins the primary by default.

Conservative Wins – TENNESSEE SENATE

District 4 –Tennessee Conservative Pick Bobby Harshbarger (11,540 votes: 51.96%) wins over Incumbent Jon Lundberg (10,668: 48.04%)

Conservative Disappointments -TENNESSEE SENATE

District 2 – Candidate Tom Hatcher (12,265 votes: 72.79%) wins against Tennessee Conservative Pick Bryan Richey (3,239 votes: %19.22) and John G Pulias (1,345 votes: 7.98%)

District 6 – Incumbent Becky Massey (10,085: 59.76%) wins over Tennessee Conservative Pick Monica Irvine (6,792: 40.24%) 

District 8 – Primary Challenger Jessie Seal (10,200: 55.64%) wins over Tennessee Conservative Pick and Incumbent Frank Nicely (8,132: 44.36%) 

District 10 – Incumbent Todd Gardenhire (8,76 : 80.86%) wins over Tennessee Conservative Pick Edward “Ed” Lecompte (2,075: 19.14%) 

District 12- incumbent Ken Yager (15,654: 77.34%) wins over Tennessee Conservative Pick Teena Hedrick (4,587: 22.66%) 

District 18 –- incumbent Ferrell Haile (9,684: 59.17%) wins over Tennessee Conservative Pick Chris Spencer (6,683: 40.83%)

District 24 – incumbent John Stevens (12,486 : 75.03%) wins over Tennessee Conservative Pick Charles “Charlie” Cooper (4,155: 24.97%) 


District 4 – Tennessee Conservative pick Renea Jones (4,485 votes: 68.17%) wins against Curt Alexander (2,094 votes: 31.83%)

District 27 – Tennessee Conservative pick Michele Reneau (4,079 votes: 50.85%) wins against incumbent Patsy Hazlewood (3,942 votes: 49.15%) 

District 34 – Incumbent and Tennessee Conservative pick Tim Rudd (2,196 votes: 64.18%) wins against Tucker Marcum (1,233 votes: 35.82%)

District 64 – Incumbent and Tennessee Conservative pick Scott Cepicky (3,950 votes: 54.53%) wins against Ray Jeter (3,294 votes: 45.47%)

District 69 – Incumbent and Tennessee Conservative pick Jody Barrett (3,672 votes: 83.13%) wins against Ronny George (745 votes: 16.87%)

District 73 – Incumbent and Tennessee Conservative pick Chris Todd (5,130 votes: 67.58%) wins against Jimmy Harris (2,461 votes: 32.42%)

District 77 – Incumbent and Tennessee Conservative pick Rusty Grills (4,169 votes: 71.52%) wins against James T. “Bubba” Cobb (1,660 votes: 28.48%)


District 12 – Fred A. Atchley (3,401 votes: 70.96%) wins against Tennessee Conservative pick Larry Linton (1,167 votes: 24.35%) and Christian Gerald Brown (225 votes: 4.69%)

District 13 – Incumbent Robert Stevens (2,246 votes: 67.12%) wins against Tennessee Conservative pick Jami K. Averwater (1,027 votes: 32.88%)

District 24 – Incumbent Kevin Raper (2,440 votes: 57.60%) wins against Tennessee Conservative pick Troy Weathers (1,796 votes: 42.40%)

District 31 – Incumbent Ron Travis (3,392 votes: 63.89%) wins against Richard W. Smith (1,860 votes: 36.11%)

District 33 – Rick Scarbrough (2,963 votes: 52.17%) wins against incumbent and Tennessee Conservative pick John Ragan (2,705 votes: 47.83%)

District 43 – Incumbent Paul Sherrell (3,061 votes: 49.59%) wins against Robert McCormick (2,655 votes: 43.02%) and Tennessee Conservative pick Tim Lewis (456 votes: 7.39%)

District 65 – Lee Reeves (3,141 votes: 37.55%) wins against Brian Beathard (3,046 votes: 36.41%) and Tennessee Conservative pick Michelle Foreman (2,178 votes: 26.04%)

District 68 – Aron Maberry (2,568 votes: 43.33%) wins against Joe Smith (2,210 votes: 37.29%), Tennessee Conservative pick Carol Duffin (726 votes: 12.25%) and Greg Gilman (422 votes: 7.12%)

District 78 – Incumbent Mary Littleton (3,152 votes: 75.41%) wins against Tennessee Conservative pick Justin Spurlock (1,028 votes: 24.59%)


District 20 – Tom Stinnett (2,352 votes: 35.73%) wins against Nick Bright (2,213 votes: 32.86%) and Jason Emert (2,130 votes: 31.41%)

District 31 – Incumbent Ron Travis (3,392 votes: 63.89%) wins against Richard W. Smith (1,860 votes: 36.11%)

District 60 – Chad Bobo (1,494 votes: 68.75%) wins against Christopher Huff (679 votes: 31.25%)

District 97 – Incumbent John Gillespie (3,514 votes: 95.96%) wins against Christina Oppenhuizen (148 votes: 4.04%)


District 5 – Incumbent and Tennessee Conservative Pick Andy Ogles (32,047 votes: 56.54%) wins against candidate Courtney Johnston (24,634: 43.46%)

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24 Responses

    1. Bryan did no advertising or active campaigning at all. And there were Hatcher signs everywhere in our County. Clearly, Hatcher had the establishment big money behind him. I am not sure why Bryan was not more active.

      1. I was very disappointed, but not surprised, that Bryan didn’t win. As noted, he didn’t have any campaign visibility in my area (Monroe County), didn’t respond to the TN Right to Life questionnaire (thus couldn’t be endorsed by them) and there seemed to be a left-wing group out to get him. They sent several mailers stating that he wasn’t a conservative. People here just didn’t know him. I knew better, so voted for him.

    2. We had our losses John, but I don’t remember a time when so many tepid conservatives in the legislature were challenged by solid conservatives on ideological grounds precisely because the incumbents were not conservative enough. All conservatives owe a debt of gratitude to Monica Irvine and Chris Spencer as well as other conservative candidates who, though unsuccessful in defeating the incumbents. gave them an unwanted challenge and made them understand that “moderation in the pursuit of justice” has its price.

  1. Eight Rinos out is a good start. We need to get going on booting out the rest. How many reps ARE there anyway? Maybe our TN legislature is glutted with too many folks up there.

    1. You said it well Lee when you said “We need to get going on booting out the rest.” TODAY, RIGHT NOW, if every conservative in Tennessee will get hold of an old tin can or glass/plastic jar and stuff $5 into it every week, by the time the 2026 Republican primary rolls around they will have about $500 to contribute to a new crop of conservative candidates who are out to retire some tepid conservatives in need of retiring.

      Just think about it. Every conservative in Tennessee ready to contribute $500, some maybe more. Pleasant thinking isn’t it?

    2. The quantity of elected representatives is established in the State Constitution that establishes ninety-nine (99) representative districts and thirty-three (33) senatorial districts. One could state that the House is ‘moderate’ while the Senate is left of moderate.

    3. The Constitutional Conservatives (MAGA) is a fledgling movement in TN. In light of that we did very well.

      I want to thank everyone who voted for Bobby Harshbarger. I had a personal vindetta with Lundburg and I promised him I would see his ouster.
      You have done well, NE TN Patriots. I honor you all.

  2. There must be a term in the campaign organizing world for when a candidate is so over-promoted that the voters turn on them. That seemed to happen to John Ragan in District 33. The onslaught of door knockers, phone callers and texters resulted in voters literally yelling at the campaigners that this kind of annoyance was going to force them to vote for the RINO, which is what happened. It almost seemed intentional on the part of the “organizers”. Who are they really working for?

  3. As a Williamson County resident allow me to cheer things up a bit because there is one line item more than necessary in the list of “Conservative Disappointments – TENNESSEE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES”. On the contrary, when the legislature meets in January, District 65 will no longer be represented by “Worthless” Sam Whitson (TLRC-60/F) which is wonderful news for conservatives right there. But that isn’t all, Sam was all set to hand the seat to his neighbor and fellow tepid conservative Brian Beathard who Sam quickly endorsed and all The Great and The Good of the county rushed in to endorse Brian as well. To make matters worse, TWO conservatives were running against Brian.

    Out of this all but hopeless situation for conservatives WE BEAT BRIAN BEATHARD. That’s a turn over for the good guys folks! Congratulations to Lee Reeves who I was proud to financially support.

    1. A leftist celebrating another leftist, gaslighting TN conservative.

      Reeves is as much a leftist RINO two-faced dirt bag as the traitor Whitson. Wilco once again “elects” an AOC supporter with an “R” next to it’s filthy name.

      Maybe because people in TN seem too stupid and lazy to actually pay attention, or maybe because the traitor and criminal Duda continues to run rigged elections.

    2. Stuart, while I did end up voting for Reeves, my opinion of him is still in his walking the talk. I don’t trust that he was endorsed by Gov Lee, that was a big negative for me. I am in favor of education competition so call it school vouchers or ending the public school monopoly, it doesn’t matter to me.

      It’s time to get back to smaller community schools vs big school campus’ with endless bureaucracies to govern them sucking up taxpayer money.

      I’ll be watching how Reeves votes and what bills he supports. Whether he ever bucks anything from Gov Lee or buckles to anything Lee wants.

  4. Until 2010 and Supreme Court Decision “Citizens vs. FEC”

    Corporations were not allow use their Huge Corporate funds to influence election.

    Best I remember, Corporations had tried prior to the Citizen vs FEC to get the courts approval but the court had ruled that a Corporation was not a “PERSON” in the legal sense to be eligible to vote or participate in the election process.

    Even Obama warned that Corporations would come to rule the people if approved, Supreme Court Judge Alito said “Not true”, and 14 years later we find Obama spoke the truth.

    But really the “The Buck stops with the people”, this nation is suppose to be “SELF GOVERN” by people, but by their vote they have given the “Devil and Corporations” their “Power of Attorney”.

    Speaking of the Devil,
    Those six days of work “God declared from the beginning” are over, time for the devil to be tied up for another “7th Day of Rest”. (Mill Reign)

    The Generation of “HIS BRANCH” (Jesus) was prophesied not to pass until all prophesied was fulfilled, it didn’t, Rome destroyed the temple and scatter the Jews in 70AD.

    The same prophecy is said about the generation of “HER BRANCH” (Israel restored as a nation) 2029 will end that Generation.

    Daniel told God he didn’t understand a prophecy,
    Da 12:9 And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed…….. “till the time of the end”.
    That prophecy is no longer closed/sealed.

    As noted above, the “Falling away” and “Love of money” has taken the power of attorney from God and gave it to Satan.

    If you know the scripture and can read the “signs of the times” you know “Christians” don’t have a future in this world beyond the time limit of these prophecies.

    1Th 5:4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
    Mt 24:33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.
    Mr 13:29 So ye in like manner, when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at the doors.
    Mt 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

    1. If a corporation is not a “PERSON” Sim, then a corporation shouldn’t be paying income taxes as if it were a person and I, as a shareholder of corporations, shouldn’t be taxed twice on the flow of income from my investment. It is what it is, however, and corporations have long been taxed at the corporate level so the shareholders of corporations should have a bit more clout at the corporate level than others.

      Corporate PACS are limited in what they can contribute to any one candidate. I think your beef is with the Super PACS who don’t necessarily have any connection to corporations who can receive unlimited contributions and can spend unlimited money. But even there, we are conservatives so we believe in free speech without unnecessary government control so Super PACS are just fine as well. BOTTOM LINE: It’s all good.

  5. Again, with Tennessee being dead last in voter turnout, most of our conservatives lose. People are not engaged, they are not educated, and they don’t understand. Most believe that Republicans will win without their votes.
    We do have some HUGE celebrations! Locally in Knox County, conservatives won 3 county commission seats and lost 1 to a democrat. School board, we tried to flip 2 seats, we got none. So, no changed on our school board. We have to start working NOW on 2026.

    1. Here in Williamson County we had no county commission seats up this time but we did have six school board seats and REPUBLICANS WON FIVE! And not just any Republicans, but table banging CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS. Between that and the results in District 65 Williamson County conservatives have much to be thankful for.

  6. Good to see Charlie Cooper, with VERY little money got 25% of the vote in the 24th Senate Dist.
    RINO John Stevens, financed by no goods, flooded mailboxes with cards touting the few things he did right.

  7. Chad Bobo winning in D60 is a big deal and a conservative win. He should be moved to C wins. I was disappointed to see this site back Huff. Chad is razor sharp, well supported and connected and was the only candidate that could win. As much as Mr Huff is a good guy, he was not a serious candidate. Bobo travelled the U.S. in 2020 to campaign for Trump in the battlegrounds and as a Black American will be a great voice against the likes of Justin Jone’s friend – the candidate for the Dems – Brooks. His actions speak louder than words. How many candidates actually campaign for others like that?!

  8. The District 33 results were very disheartening. In the primary, we effectively have 2 Democrats opposing one another. Rick Scarbrough winning against a solid conservative patriot in John Ragan really has me depressed. I have been shocked at how liberal the region around Clinton, Norris, and Oak Ridge are. I know there are some good, solid conservatives that are friends, but we have way too many that are far to the left.

    1. Phillip, from what I read John Ragan was caught napping and only came on strong when it became apparent that Scarbrough was running a serious well-funded race. As Kathy Vinson indicated in her August 2nd comment, apparently when Ragan got around to playing catch-up it was too much, too late. Further, with a TLRC score of 83/C Ragan was conservative, but not irreplaceably conservative, at least according to the TLRC.

      Rick Scarbrough received $14,400 from pro-voucher Team Kid PAC so I would assume he is in favor of vouchers. Only conservatives are in favor of vouchers so there is at least reason to hope that Rick will be at least as conservative as Ragan overall when he takes his seat in January.

  9. There was too much outside money that flowed into this election. We need to ban out of state money! What say you legislators? Get this done in the next session!

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