In this unprecedented interview, Senator Janice Bowling (Deputy Speaker of The Tennessee Senate) openly speaks of issues in the Tennessee legislature that seem worse this year than ever before.
Bowling sounds off on the importance of practicing Constitutional guaranteed State’s Rights, how good Conservative legislation is being waylaid in subcommittees and committees, the misuse of ‘caption bills’, the suppression of medical freedoms, Governor Lee’s corporate-centric budget, lobbying and the blurring of lines between the branches of Tennessee Government.
All this and much more in this is an eye-opening interview that you absolutely do not want to miss!
Yours in Freedom,
Brandon Lewis, Founder of The Tennessee Conservative
5 Responses
Love her, we must stand for our constitution and rights of conscience
Really like this lady’s style. Wish she was in my districe
Really wish I could share this video.
We need to stand against the federal over reach. Senator Bowling is spot on. I wish more states would realize this.
She has more testicular fortitude than most of her male fellow legislators. We need more like her.