Bill Requiring Tennessee Law Enforcement To Report Illegal Immigrants To Feds Scheduled For Consideration In House Subcommittee

Bill Requiring Law Enforcement To Report Illegal Immigrants To Feds Scheduled for Consideration in House Subcommittee

Bill Requiring Tennessee Law Enforcement To Report Illegal Immigrants To Feds Scheduled For Consideration In House Subcommittee

Image Credit: U.S. Customs & Border Protection / Facebook

The Tennessee Conservative [By Adelia Kirchner] –

An illegal immigration bill requiring law enforcement to report illegal immigrants to the federal government is scheduled to be heard in the House Departments and Agencies Subcommittee on Wednesday, February 21st, 2024.

House Bill 2124 (HB2124), as introduced “requires, rather than authorizes, law enforcement agencies to communicate with the appropriate federal official regarding the immigration status of any individual.”

This includes reporting knowledge of an immigrant or immigrants who are not legally in the United States. 

The legislation would also require that law enforcement agencies “otherwise cooperate with the appropriate federal official in the identification, apprehension, detention, or removal of aliens not lawfully present in the United States.”

Current Tennessee law simply “authorizes” but does not require law enforcement to do these things. 

If passed in the Tennessee General Assembly this legislation would take effect on July 1st, 2024.

HB2124 is being sponsored by Rep. Rusty Grills (R-Newbern-District 77) and the corresponding Senate Bill 2576 (SB2576), is being sponsored by Sen. Brent Taylor (R-Memphis-District 31).

Representatives Tom Leatherwood, Mark Cochran, Kip Capley, Timothy Hill, Chris Todd, Debra Moody and Jody Barrett, as well as Sen. Paul Rose are currently listed as co-sponsors of this legislation. 

To voice your support or opposition to HB2124 as summarized above, use the information below to contact the House Departments & Agencies Subcommittee members prior to their scheduled meeting on Wednesday, February 21st, 2024.

John Holsclaw (R-Chair) – – (615) 741-7450

Rush Bricken (R) – – (615) 741-7448

Michele Carringer (R) – – (615) 741-1721

Jesse Chism (D) – – (615) 741-6954

Kirk Haston (R) – – (615) 741-0750

Kelly Keisling (R) – – (615) 741-6852

Mary Littleton (R) – – (615) 741-7477

About the Author: Adelia Kirchner is a Tennessee resident and reporter for the Tennessee Conservative. Currently the host of Subtle Rampage Podcast, she has also worked for the South Dakota State Legislature and interned for Senator Bill Hagerty’s Office in Nashville, Tennessee. 

You can reach Adelia at

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8 Responses

  1. What does anyone expect the feds to do?
    When it’s the feds that opened our borders.
    Just another blah blah do nothing bill.

    1. WHY have any new laws no one follows them, laws in our country for illegals have become a BAD JOKE.

  2. It will provide future relief should a better president come to the office. It’s a good idea

  3. The lawmakers say they don’t see illegals in Tennessee. This puts everyone on notice.

    1. THEY don’t see them because they do not want to see them, our president is USLESS, OUR country will go broke trying to pay for them. AND why were they let in in the first place.

      1. For illegal votes…..for more seats, and to help destroy our culture, history and eliminate the middle class. Oh yeah, and to make white people the minority. Look up, “We can replace them” a NYT article. There is also lots of video footage of the MSM repeating this over and over. This is all for the global elites to make their “World Communist Utopia” become a reality, we were the last bastion of freedom standing in the way.

  4. So the current feds can give them our tax dollars for travel, gift cards, free housing. Why not just make it law they are to be deported out of the state to a sanctuary city, state, etc. Let them eat Crow!

    1. WELL said BUBBA and why cant we as a STATE send them back, break into any other country and you will be in jail and sent back if not shot.

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