Hamilton Flourishing To Host Debate For Hamilton County Mayoral Candidates

Image Credit: Hamilton Flourishing

Candidates who are running for the position of Hamilton County mayor will go head-to-head in a debate at the end of the month.

As reported by the Times Free Press, Hamilton Flourishing, a conservative group based in Chattanooga, will be hosting the event with Organization President Doug Daugherty hosting.

It will be held at 6:30 p.m. on February 21 at SociallyU, located at 1222 East Main Street, Suite 102.

A news release states that the plan is to allow for 60 minutes of live debate, along with an additional 20 minutes each of recorded. Candidates will have the ability to share those debate recordings on their social media platforms if they choose to.

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The order in which the candidates will respond to questions will be determined by drawing straws. They will have four minutes to give an introduction of themselves, followed by the questioning. 

The lineup currently includes Republican candidates Matt Hullander, Sabrena Smedley, and Weston Wamp. Interested candidates have until February 17th to sign up.


According to the Hamilton County Election Commission, three other candidates have gotten qualified applications as of this past week: Democrat Matthew Adams, Independent David Tulis, and Independent Richard Ford. None of these three candidates or Wamp have returned those petitions as of yet.

A poll is available on the Hamilton Flourishing website for individuals to choose questions for the candidates.

An earlier poll showed that crime and public safety were a top priority for Hamilton County voters, with economic development, job growth, homelessness, mental health and addiction, and affordable housing following, according to the Times Free Press.

The survey also showed that the majority of voters are currently undecided. Of those who have made a decision at this point, most would vote for Hullander, with Wamp and Smedley coming in after that.

About the Author: Jason Vaughn, Media Coordinator for The Tennessee Conservative  ~ Jason previously worked for a legacy publishing company based in Crossville, TN in a variety of roles through his career.  Most recently, he served as Deputy Directory for their flagship publication. Prior, he was a freelance journalist writing articles that appeared in the Herald Citizen, the Crossville Chronicle and The Oracle among others.  He graduated from Tennessee Technological University with a Bachelor’s in English-Journalism, with minors in Broadcast Journalism and History.  Contact Jason at news@TennesseeConservativeNews.com

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