Image Credit: Students for Life Action
By Kristin Hawkins (President, Students for Life & Students for Life Action) –
Ever since Roe v. Wade was finally thrown on the ash heap of history last June, we’ve been anxiously waiting to see the real-life impact.
A newly released study shows that more than 30,000 lives were saved after the reversal of Roe v. Wade in states with solid legal protections for preborn babies.
Even though we know this number is likely an underestimate thanks to our lack of a national abortion reporting law, data like this that proves our hard fight is worth it.
This is a direct quote from the study:
“Our primary analysis indicates that in the first six months of 2023, births rose by an average of 2.3 percent in states enforcing total abortion bans compared to a control group of states where abortion rights remained protected, amounting to approximately 32,000 additional annual births resulting from abortion bans.”
With such success under our belts after the reversal of Roe and many in the pro-life movement wondering where to go next, it’s worthwhile to examine the laws of the 13 states examined which resulted in THOUSANDS of children being saved.
And guess what you’ll find if you put a magnifying glass to this research?
The researchers show in their paper that the legislation in every single one of these states have laws that prevent abortion early in pregnancy (We call this the “Heartbeat or better” approach.), with many having “Life at Conception” laws.
Clearly, pro-life laws work… both in practice in saving preborn babies and their mothers and changing minds about abortion.
News like this is why we won’t back down from demanding solid pro-life legislation.
You may hear quips from naysayers to the tune of: “Well, laws don’t matter unless we change culture.”
Yes – cultural change is critical. We must share the truth about the violence of abortion and make it unthinkable in civilized society.
But show this study to the next naysayer you hear and boldly remind them: laws DO save lives!
Thank you for your consistent hard work in YOUR state to make this progress possible.
We have many more battles to fight and win, but it’s important to enjoy the victories along the way.
Thank you for saving these babies.