Senate Education Committee Passes Bill Requiring AI Policies For Tennessee Public Schools

Senate Education Committee Passes Bill Requiring AI Policies For Tennessee Public Schools

Senate Education Committee Passes Bill Requiring AI Policies For Tennessee Public Schools

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The Tennessee Conservative Staff –

Legislation that will require Tennessee public schools and universities to establish policies regarding the use of artificial intelligence (AI) will move on to the full Senate for voting after being passed by the Education Committee.

Senator Joey Hensley (R-Hohenwald-District 28) presented Senate Bill 1711 (SB1711), which would require all state universities, as well as local public school districts and public charter schools, to adopt a policy regarding the use of AI by students, teachers, faculty, and staff for instructional and assignment purposes.

If passed, those policies would have to be in place by July 1 for K-12 schools and by July 2025 for universities.

Chairman Jon Lundberg (R-Bristol-District 4) praised Hensley for bringing the bill, noting that it was something that was most definitely needed.

Lundberg then called for a vote on the bill. All 8 committee members in attendance voted in favor of the legislation. Senator Todd Gardenhire (R-Chattanooga-District 10) was not present for the vote.

SB1711 was then referred to the Senate Calendar and Rules Committee for scheduling to be heard on the Senate floor.

SB1711’s House companion bill HB1630 is on the calendar for the House Calendar & Rules Committee for February 15.

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