Taxpayer-Funded Lobbyist Receives Raise, Fuels Further Conflict Of Interest Questions

Taxpayer-Funded Lobbyist Receives Raise, Fuels Further Conflict Of Interest Questions

Taxpayer-Funded Lobbyist Receives Raise, Fuels Further Conflict Of Interest Questions

Image Credit: Holland & Knight & City of East Ridge – Government / Facebook & Canva

The Tennessee Conservative [By Olivia Lupia] –

The city council of East Ridge, TN voted unanimously on January 8 to continue their agreement with the legal and lobbyist firm Holland and Knight (H&K), wherein the contract includes a raise of over 40%, paying the firm $4,200 per month, or roughly $50,000, to represent the city’s interests before the state legislature this year. 

The firm employs Nicole Osborne Watson who has registered as a lobbyist for East Ridge every year since 2017 and serves as a partner and advisor on its Tennessee State and Local Government Advocacy team.

She is also the wife of state Senator Bo Watson (R-Dist. 11- Hixson), which has raised significant questions regarding a conflict of interest over the years.

Nicole has previously lobbied in favor of corporate welfare and on behalf of the town where she and her husband reside, while Bo’s position as chair of the Finance, Ways, and Means Committee ensures his strong voice, advocacy, and authority over much of the state’s financial expenditures and projects.

In essence, Nicole’s position could be viewed as an unfair position of influence for a local government which probably does not align with the desires of the constituents, all financed by taxpayer dollars.  

Additionally, the H&K Tennessee State and Local Government Advocacy website page speaks to the firm’s “experience in key government positions and strong relationships with federal, state and local government staff, lobbyists, legislators and executive branch officials,” to, support clients through administrative and legislative advocacy as well as provide strategic and crisis counsel. We engage with political stakeholders while also working with Holland & Knight colleagues and the client to develop business solutions that can be implemented quickly.” 

It also brags about the firm’s accomplishments in securing billions in state and local appropriations, like funding for football stadiums, solar farms, and incentives and tax breaks for large or multinational corporations. On a larger scale, the firm boasts “a strong bipartisan team with deep ties throughout Washington, D.C.,” by “nurturing longstanding relationships on both sides of the aisle when advocating on behalf of our clients.”

H&K also seems to give high regard to Diversity and Inclusion, with the firm making note of their Diversity Council and the local Diversity Committees found at most of their offices. They promote Black, Hispanic, and Native American Affinity Groups, a Women’s Initiative, and even feature a video series focusing on LGBTQ advocacy, struggles, and inclusion.

It would not be a stretch to then assume that their outward support of these DEI initiatives filters down to affect all levels of H&K’s policy, advisement, and counsel, which could be viewed as yet another conflict of interest for the wife of a Republican state Senator. 

The Tennessee Conservative recently reported that overall, taxpayer-funded lobbyists take in over $5 million per year to lobby for government interests over those of the citizenry, and Watson is certainly not the only lobbyist to profit from taking taxpayer money to further government interests at citizen expense. 

Will Denami works as a full-time lobbyist for Hamilton County, but also represents Williamson, Blount, and Davidson counties, along with the Assessors of Property Association. He makes between $80,000-$100,000 per year plus the benefits of a government employee, all at taxpayer expense.

In a recent survey, 8 of 9 Tennessee lawmakers concurred that Watson and other paid lobbyists, particularly taxpayer-funded, who have familial ties to members of the legislature is absolutely a conflict of interest and consider it to be an unethical practice.

But the General Assembly as a whole appears to be willing to turn a blind eye to Tennessee’s Guiding Principles of Ethical Conduct for Public Officials in favor of funneling taxpayer money into the pockets of their family members and friends.

Olivia Lupia is a political refugee from Colorado who now calls Tennessee home. A proud follower of Christ, she views all political happenings through a Biblical lens and aims to utilize her knowledge and experience to educate and equip others. Olivia is an outspoken conservative who has run for local office, managed campaigns, and been highly involved with state & local GOPs, state legislatures, and other grassroots organizations and movements. Olivia can be reached at

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