Turning 10, Trading RINOs, Getting Rich, Marrying Up, Cocktails? [Brandon’s Brain Issue #4]

Turning 10, Trading RINOs, Getting Rich, Marrying Up, Cocktails? [Brandon's Brain Issue #4]

Turning 10, Trading RINOs, Getting Rich, Marrying Up, Cocktails? [Brandon’s Brain Issue #4]

By Brandon Lewis [Founder of the Tennessee Conservative] –

On Saturday, we had a small surprise family birthday party for Sylvia – she’s my oldest and turning ten this week.

She has boundless energy, a quick wit and can slide into almost any social situation with great ease. She has a good heart and is quick to stand up for others.

Pictured here is my first born, sitting in the exact place her mother was sitting the night we met some 16 years ago. It’s at Big River in downtown Chattanooga…

I took Sylvia there to show it to her last year after we went to see the Nina, a replica of Christopher Columbus’ ship that was docked at the Riverfront.

As a bachelor, I was a hot mess of rowdiness. So rowdy it landed me in the poky a few times.

It’s hard to imagine me now preferring to be home on a Saturday night, snuggled up with my kids, instead of at a barroom concert.

Though I STILL do love a good barroom performance.

The plan today is to take Spanky Doodles, that was my nickname for Sylvia that I have long-since abandoned at her request, down to the bike shop. She has outgrown the bike I taught her how to ride. More specifically, she has worn the thing out riding it.

While we are out and about, Kristin’s family, and perhaps my mother from Alabama, will make their way to our home, which is looking pretty good after we’ve painted it and tidied up the yard in preparation for the inevitable sale as we get ready to move into the new place.

Marrying Up

Many people do not like their in-laws and for good reason. I suppose, in many situations, this is simply life’s lottery. You get a pleasant wife or a husband and attached to them is a miserable lot of people you’d rather avoid – but can’t.

Luckily, I am not in that situation. I love my in-laws and my wife’s extended family.

My father-in-law and I go camping together and piddle around contently. My mother-in-law is as sweet as she can be. My grand-mother-in-law, if that is a word, goes with us on family trips and is a fantastic conversationalist. This extends all the way down to my wife’s sisters, who are a hoot, and the chaps who married them.

My nieces and nephews are cute little tater-tots. Sylvia is the oldest, so she rules to roost at present.

Even Kristin’s cousins, aunts and uncles are fun to be around.

So, I got a beautiful, long-suffering wife who is the world’s best mother – and attached to her were all these other people who I’ve grown to love.

I have been dealt a good hand in this regard.

Getting Rich

On Friday, I announced that we are about to be filthy rich.

You can say you knew me before I became a billionaire.

For two decades now, Conservatives have complained that there are not enough right-leaning media outlets in our state. Further, they were perplexed that these complaints, and nothing else, did not materialize said media source.

The first step was to launch the Tennessee Conservative, which I did in October of 2020.

I really should not have waited so long on the second step, which was to offer advertising opportunities to conservative business owners, candidates, causes and groups.

It was an oversight on my part that has now been rectified.

If you click on this link, it will take you to our 2022 Ad Guide. It will walk you through various opportunities for supporting our publication while getting in front of the most politically engaged audience in the Volunteer State.

As I mentioned, I know Conservatives will soon be throwing so much money at me, I may have to wear protective gear.

I have already invested in a “Scrooge McDuck-Style” money bin to hold all the ad revenue.

(This is 100% satire; we are still not breaking even. Mail donation checks to 1523 E. 27th Street, Chattanooga, TN 37404 or click this link to make an online donation and get some cool stuff.)

But seriously if you know of someone who might want to advertise, pass the word along. Hey, it’s a tax-deductible marketing expense….

Trading RINO’s

Right now, I have the worst Republican Senator in the state, Todd Gardenhire. How he ever won a Republican primary with his voting record is beyond me. He needs to go in the next election.

When I move from Chattanooga’s urban center to Signal Mountain, I’ll be upgrading to Bo Watson in the Senate, who is presently carrying the social media censorship legislation every conservative should get behind. Click here to read up on that and take action.

However, I am picking up a State Rep named Patsy Hazlewood, who just voted AGAINST that censorship legislation that would let Conservative voices be heard… and against allowing unvaccinated people to attend events in tax-payer funded venues (even if they have natural immunity) … and against transparency in school board races so you can tell who the leftists are… and against illegal immigration reforms.

Here’s my thing: If you want to be a democrat, run as a democrat. If you want to vote like an independent, run as an independent. But do not, for the sake of being ethical, campaign as if you are Conservative when you are, at very best, weakly moderate.

All I ask for is “truth in advertising,” which we never get. If they were truthful, they would lose.

Instead, RINOs go up to Nashville and vote in what used to be “secret” committee and subcommittee meetings. Why were they “secret?”… Because no one reported on them until now.

If we do nothing else here at the Tennessee Conservative, we WILL tell you who is NOT living out their campaign promises.

Patsy Hazelwood is not presently representing our party well. It is my sincere hope someone will pick up papers to run against her in the primary. It’s not too late. If someone will simply tell folks about Patsy’s voting record, she would not be able to defend it to the GOP base.

Cocktail Party Survey

I have thought of having a cocktail hour somewhere in Chattanooga for subscribers of our publication. We would also do a VERY abbreviated program. Like 30-45 minutes, tops. Now, if you do not drink you can just sip a mint julip – less whatever alcohol goes into one of those, I do not know.

Granted, Chattanooga is poorly located in the state down here at the bottom, right-hand corner. I wish it were more centralized. However, it is where I live – making it very convenient to me.

I already work enough on this publication and do not want to add excessive travel to the financial discomfort.

If you feel this might be the sort of thing you’d show up for, reply to this email and let me know.

I might put it together if enough folks reply.

Keep An Eye Out

PLEASE keep a close eye on our newsletter these next few weeks. We MUST let our leaders know we are WATCHING what’s going on in Nashville.

It’s us vs. the PILES of special interest cash, lobbyists and the SWAMP in Nashville. We’ve already lost to them on school choice, illegal immigration and on many medical freedom issues with help from RINOs.

We must salvage what little we can hope for from this “campaign one way, vote another” GOP in the closing weeks.

Stay engaged, please. We must keep Tennessee FREE for the “Sylvias” who have yet to live their lives in our beautiful state.

Hope you had a fantastic weekend and got your butt to church on Sunday. Say a prayer for our merry band here at the paper. We know it helps and we appreciate it.

Take Care Y’all…

Brandon Lewis

The Tennessee Conservative

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