U.S. Congressman Demands Answers From Clarksville-Montgomery County School District Following Woke Teacher’s Conference

Image Credit: Congressman Mark Green / Facebook & Parents Defending Education

Press Release –

In a letter sent to Clarksville-Montgomery County School District Director of Schools Dr. Jean Luna-Vedder, Rep. Mark Green called for answers after CMCSS educators were given the option to learn Critical Race Theory tenets during the school district’s summer ENGAGE professional development seminar.

Green said, “I’m calling for transparency from CMCSS. School started last week—parents deserve to know what kind of learning environment CMCSS is fostering for their children. Tennesseans want their children to learn the fundamentals: reading, writing, and arithmetic. They certainly do not want their child to be indoctrinated with pseudo-history and radical social justice theories.”

“The district’s decision to host, and financially support, this conference demonstrates that despite the State of Tennessee’s law prohibiting K-12 schools from teaching divisive CRT ideologies in public schools, many administrators are intent on forcing CRT theories onto students and teachersa clear violation of state law. I’m concerned by the lack of action CMCSS has taken and its failure to unequivocally renounce this seminar and the racist ideology of CRT,” continued Green.


An excerpt from the letter reads: 

“The district’s annual ENGAGE conference in July included a presentation slideshow that taught even everyday language can cause trauma; for example, phrases like “make this for your mommy.” Further, it claimed that even the mere mention of “Christmas” is traumatic, because according to this seminar, being a Christian makes you “privileged,” while being any other religion makes you “oppressed.” This troubling and divisive presentation also claimed that being either white, male, or middle class means you are “privileged,” while being a person of color, a woman, or “nonbinary, trans, or gender queer” makes you “oppressed.” The seminar also provided educators with a CRT-informed reading list that included “Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man,” the “SAFE SPACE – A Guide to Supporting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual KIT and Transgender Students in Your School,” “The Racial Healing Handbook,” “Just the Facts about Sexual Orientation and Youth,” and “I Take My Coffee Black.”

Read the full letter HERE.

5 thoughts on “U.S. Congressman Demands Answers From Clarksville-Montgomery County School District Following Woke Teacher’s Conference

  • August 15, 2023 at 4:27 pm

    Ah, after Bredesen, Haslam, and now Lee, can you just imagine how great it would be to have a real conservative governor like Rep. Mark Green (Heritage-97%)?

    • August 15, 2023 at 11:54 pm

      Sure. But first, how about Mark gives us a report on where the $40 BILLION went that he voted to send to non-NATO, non-ally, Ukraine?

      Or how he abandoned the commercial airline pilots (and everybody else) that were illegally fired for not taking the Deathvax?

      Aww, who are we kidding? With those wifi-enabled, cell tower pinging “voting machines”, I guess whoever is rigging them can get whomever they want.

  • August 15, 2023 at 4:56 pm

    Mark Green is right – that course is very bad.
    What’s next? A session about how to teach kids to be Communists or Drag Queens?

  • August 15, 2023 at 9:09 pm

    You can’t talk to or reason with these people. You have to stand up and find ways to run them out of office, degrade them as they degrade conservatives and face them down. Do not allow them to remain in positions of power or influence.

  • August 16, 2023 at 2:39 am

    Mark Green does ok on home turf, but is in over his head in D.C… and not ready for TN governorship. No way. He is convinced the CIA is telling him the truth about Ukraine. Like, they’re the poor kids who need support. Any politician who does not understand the simple history of Ukraine does not belong in any politics outside his/her state.


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