Rose and Green Roll Over, Vote to Remove Santos and FORGET the Constitution…
Image Credit: Congressman John Rose / Facebook & Congressman Mark Green / Facebook
Submitted Kat Stansell (Independent Journalist and Earnest Patriot) –
This past week, 105 Republicans joined 206 Democrats to remove George Santos, R – NY, from the US Congress – FOR VIOLATING ETHICS LAWS!
Two of our US Representatives John Rose and Mark Green were among the 105.
Rose and Green forgot that, in Constitutional America, we are innocent until proven guilty. I find that utterly unforgivable, and so, I hope, does every other resident of Tennessee.
This is not about George Santos, or the House Ethics Committee and their “findings”. The real tragedy here is that two men from TN, whom we elected to represent us, have forgotten our Constitution’s “innocent until PROVEN guilty” provision. That should anger and frighten everyone in their districts, and kick off a search for their replacements in their next election (2024).
Santos was tossed because he allegedly spent campaign funds on personal things. That word, “allegedly” is used 24/7/365 in the news where a perp, caught red-handed on video cameras is only “alleged” to have done a criminal deed, until his trial is over and done. Must protect the innocent until proven guilty. Right? Does a sitting member of Congress deserve any less? How could the people we elect FORGET that?
Our US Congress has an open record of tolerating ethics violations anywhere and everywhere it seems.
Lordy, all you have to do it think Biden, Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, and the related “small fry” like Tlaib, Omar, Maxine Watters et. al. Even Rep Jamal Bowman – who just pleaded guilty to setting off the Capitol fire alarms to cause disruption while the dems were trying to delay a vote – has been completely ignored for his CONFESSED malfeasance. Why now are ethics suddenly so important, why a fellow Republican when our House majority is so slim? Where have Rose and Green been on all the rest of this?
Apparently, far-left Congress critters don’t get a second thought from “Ethics”, or anyone else, apparently. Sadly, we have come to expect this from the left, but NOT from those we regard as Constitutionalists, like our own Reps Green and Rose.
Until this, both TN Congressmen had a fairly decent voting record, only joining with the Left 15% of the time, but, this complete shredding of one of the most important provisions in Constitutional law is a totally different matter. Voting for the military spending bill without removing the VAX mandate, in which they joined the Left a few months ago, is nothing compared to forgetting the basics of our body of law.
This is a call to action. Residents of the TN Congressional Districts 6 (Rose) & 7 (Green) must call their Representatives on this – and not just a polite phone call. Leave a short and clear message about what you think of their forgetting the “innocent until proven guilty” part of our US Constitution, the document they were sworn to uphold and defend. Ask that they call you back.
If you are nervous about conversing with an office assistant, CALL AFTER HOURS and leave your thoughts. This way your message will be delivered and not erased, as is so easy with emails. Be clear and concise and to the point. I promise that your thoughts will be heard.
Here are their DC phone numbers:
John Rose, TN 6, 202-225-4231
Mark Green, TN 7, 202-225-2811
Where we go from there is up to us. Both of these men were first elected to office in 2020. I’m guessing they have plans to stay. I, for one, will have to see some real evidence that they deserve reelection, after pulling a stunt like this.
Come on, TN. This is how our republic works; we can do this. As our nation is on the brink of disaster, we cannot allow that in our state.
9 Responses
While I agree that most GOP members of Congress will make a “B-Line” to the cameras to vote against another GOP member, then stand idly by while Democrats trash the institution by embarrassing the nation and congress (AOC, Omar, ad nausea) …….this issue is a bit different. It is NOT a matter of Constitutional law, but privilege to be a member of Congress. I’m glad my congressman voted to oust George Santos for his ignorance. But, my hope is that he is EQUALLY willing to vote to ‘oust’ ANYONE including high level leaders or even dumb Democrats members of congress who embarrass the institution and our nation. We’ll have to wait and see if he’ll apply this logic to ALL members of this privileged group.
Menendez comes to mind.
Even our Supreme Court Justices know nothing about the Constitution,
What the Constitution says and what the framers intended it to mean and their decisions against those “INTENTIONS” is more than enough proof.
Another issue is that Santos was duly elected by his constituents. If they felt a need to remove him then they should be the ones removing him. Where do politicians get the nerve to go against the peoples vote. It’s not their district or state. The allegations are alleged and no due process has been conducted as of this time. This is a issue with the GOP. They want to stand on a high ground made of B.S., lies and half truths, but yet fail to act on the other side with the same issues arise. We cater to a fool who can’t put a suit on and follow the house/senate rules, do nothing about the fire alarm fool who admits to doing it…The GOP is trying to lose this country to wack job Left!
I understand your frustration, but you’re incorrect about the constitutionality of their decision. Article 1 Section 5 of the US Constitution clearly gives the House of Representatives power to expel any member deemed as behaving “disorderly”. It reads: “Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.”
You can have your own opinion about the guilt or innocence of Rep. Santos, but to say that what these two men did is unconstitutional is simply incorrect. Apparently they believed that he had acted in a disorderly way, and in contradiction with the ethics rules for the congress, so they chose to expel him. This was their right, under the constitution, regardless of your opinion.
Agreed. Santos was a complete fraud. He may be a nice guy in some respects, but everything about him is fraudulent. Just because they did not censure, but instead ousted, may be questionable, but there must be something else we do not know for so many Repub’s to have joined in. You have to read the whole story, Santos lied about his background, education, job history, etc etc etc. There is nothing true about him except his name. AND he was told to correct financial irregularities and, did NOT. Nice guys, too many are sociopaths.
He should of been removed from office until the outcome of the court with a replacement appointed. Another I would bet 99% or more members of Congress have NEVER read the Constitution!!
Most so-called politicians and judges are extremely illiterate when it comes to the Constitution and the Laws of the land.
What they are good at is making stuff up and having the attitude of don’t dare question me.
Most Republicans are Democrats pretending to be Republican in order to get elected.