Image Credit: Public Domain
By Brandon Lewis, Founder of The Tennessee Conservative –
If you are a parent or a grandparent, you know how vulnerable 2-year-olds are.
You spend time worrying about their health, welfare and safety – even into the wee hours of the night.
Even though the “terrible twos” can be difficult, it’s worth it.
Let me ask you this: If you saw a two-year-old that needed help, would you help?
Or, would you just ignore the cries and watch it suffer?
Did I hear you say you’d help? That’s what I thought you’d say! You’re a Conservative after all.
That’s great news, because there is a scrappy little 2-year-old that needs your help now.
This October, The Tennessee Conservative turned 2-years old!
We were born in October of 2020… when the rights of Conservatives were being needlessly trampled by both sides of the aisle in Nashville. And in city halls. And courthouses. And schoolhouses.
The Tennessee Conservative was born in an “enough is enough” moment to solve a specific problem at a moment in time.
The problem was this: The truth wasn’t getting out there in Tennessee’s corporate, left-leaning media. Or any media for that matter.
While Republicans acted like they had nothing to do with the madness, they were the ones in power. While our Governor drove the bulldozer over small business and individual rights, the party leadership stood by and watched – for months on end.
Finally, a small contingency of freedom fighters emerged in the legislature – backed by the will of an angry electorate and few outspoken organizational leaders.
We clawed back many essential freedoms a little at a time. With GOP leadership dragging their feet all along the way, threatened daily by left-leaning corporations (who truly control things in Nashville) and directed by the Armani-suit-wearing lobbyists and government bureaucrats.
We got life “back to normal.” Sort of. Many freedoms still remain infringed.
Many RINO’s would love another catastrophe to exploit. We must make sure they never get another political chance to mismanage our lives so irresponsibly.
While the Tennessee Conservative was born in the scamdemic, we have evolved and grown far beyond issues of medical freedom.
We are the only publication in the state, to my knowledge, that really holds Republicans accountable to Conservative values.
Name me another one… please. I’ll wait.
Our philosophy is simple: Policy over personality or politics.
At the Tennessee Conservative, we have this radical idea that politicians should live up to their campaign promises.
We think Republicans should vote with that ancient relic called the “party platform”… You know, that thing that’s gathering dust in Nashville… likely buried under a pile of corporate PAC money at state party HQ… accidentally shoved between a few couch cushions during a fundraising soiree.
Let me make a bold statement: We offer the best coverage in the state on legislative issues from a Conservative perspective.
Our work on illegal immigration, school choice, corporate welfare, social media censorship and government transparency are the best in the state – bar none.
Do you know why?
We are the only ones who cover these topics! The liberal news outlets won’t cover the bombshells we break… even when we send them to them for the benefit of the public.
Our RINO Report has been downloaded and distributed all over the state and is, in my opinion, the best voter guide in Tennessee because we simply give you the votes and let you decide.
Yeah, I’m going to take a moment to toot the horn for our amazing staff and fantastic volunteers.
4% of our subscribers keep this 2-year-old alive by giving (and I thank God for you daily.)
96% are skipping out on the child support payments 😉
Well, since it’s our birthday, I’m going to ask you for a present.
Please make a gift to support our publication – and make it monthly if you can. Please.
Give a Birthday Gift to The Tennessee Conservative HERE.
It’s damn tough being a 2-year old!
The struggle, you better believe, is real.
Our staff works their tails off. And I don’t take a paycheck.
So, if I can give a LOT, You can give a little.
And, if we all give in our own way, we can keep Tennessee free.
Now, all this writing has worn me out.
I’m going to grab a bottle, take a nap.
Just like a good two-year-old.
Thanks for making this birthday so special!
I appreciate all our supporters, subscribers and contributors.
We. Are. The. Thin. RED. Line.
And there is no place left to run.
Hold the line and help us with a b-day gift if you can.
Talk to you soon.
Brandon Lewis
Founder, The Tennessee Conservative