Shelby County DA Announces New Initiative For Prosecuting Violent Crime

Shelby County DA Announces New Initiative For Prosecuting Violent Crime

Shelby County DA Announces New Initiative For Prosecuting Violent Crime

Image Credit: Shelby County District Attorney’s Office / Facebook

The Tennessee Conservative Staff –

Shelby County District Attorney Steve Mulroy held a press conference on Tuesday to announce his new plan to prioritize the prosecution of violent offenses.

According to Mulroy, the list of 12 priority offenses includes aggravated assault that involves gunfire, aggravated robbery, carjacking, getting caught with a stolen car, getting caught with a gun that has a glock switch, murder, and smash and grabs.

“If you commit one of these offenses, you will be prosecuted vigorously, and go to prison,” said Mulroy.

Mulroy says the initiative will include a focus on changes in bail, timeliness of the trial, and speed of the investigation.

In these cases, the D.A.’s office would request that individuals be placed on court-ordered supervision instead of being supervised by bail bond companies. They would also move for speedier trials and would revoke bond for anyone who was arrested while released on bond.

The D.A. also plans to maintain close communication with the Memphis Police Department to ensure that investigations go smoothly and that families are given information quickly when an arrest is made.

Mulroy acknowledges that violent crime will not go away overnight, but his office is looking for results in a 12-15 month period.

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“We must get back to a place where everyone feels comfortable pumping gas at night, where store owners don’t have to worry about cars crashing through their storefronts, where drivers don’t have to worry about some idiot doing donuts on the interstate,” said Mulroy.

The new initiative comes on the heels of State Senator Brent Taylor’s request that an investigation be launched into what he calls “illegal restorative justice schemes” from the District Attorney’s office and Shelby County Criminal Court Judge Paula Skahan.

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