Consequences Of Unchecked And Unlawful Immigration, Rally Scheduled At Tennessee Capitol

Consequences Of Unchecked And Unlawful Immigration, Rally Scheduled At Tennessee Capitol

Consequences Of Unchecked And Unlawful Immigration, Rally Scheduled At Tennessee Capitol

A First-Person View and Call to Action

Image Credit: Canva

By David Seal [Special to The Tennessee Conservative] –

If I set out on a pilgrimage to leave the United States and move to another nation, I would learn to speak the language of that nation and abide by the laws of their government set forth for legal immigration.

My goal would be to contribute and become a productive member of their society by seeking employment and pulling my own weight. I would not expect their citizens to learn my language for my convenience or collectively pay my medical expenses or bear the cost of educating my children. In planning my move, I would think ahead and plan accordingly.

How many immigrants from other nations have such a plan when entering the United States from other nations? How many have a criminal history or nefarious intentions? How many will practice good citizenship? These are the risks of unlawful immigration to our nation and our state.

A certain percentage of immigrants enter the United States lawfully through proper ports of entry, exhibit responsibility, plan to remain law-abiding, and work to achieve United States citizenship.

My complements to the ones that immigrate properly, contribute, and abide by the laws of our nation. I welcome them to this nation and look forward to their success. They are fortunate to have a constitutional republic to which they can assimilate as future American citizens.

However, far too many immigrants enter this nation unlawfully, unvetted, unchecked, and are ill prepared to contribute.

They expect the citizens of the United States to adapt to their language, their customs, and pay their expenses, including the expense of educating their children.

In Tennessee alone, it costs taxpayers $571 million dollars per year to educate children of unlawful immigrants.

The ultra-liberal among America’s citizens expect everyone to be “politically correct” and ignore long-established immigration laws. In fact, the more liberal they are, the angrier they get when you ask them what our legal immigration policy should be.

When conservatives dare to suggest that we enforce the immigration laws that were established by our representative government, they are often called racists and bigots. The progressives are long on name-calling and criticism but very short on policy suggestions, other than leaving the flood gates wide open at our borders.

It is past time that we face the reality that millions of unlawful immigrants flooding into the United States are dramatically increasing the cost of doing business for government, individuals, and private industry, namely increased costs in health care, education, and law enforcement. Certain unvetted immigrants pose a safety threat to Americans with behavioral risk factors ranging from terrorism to fentanyl distribution.

We must call attention to the immigration issue for the nation and our state and create solutions. There is a way to provide safe passage for law-abiding people that wish to properly immigrate to this great nation; but we must stop the unchecked bleeding at our borders.

For those interested, a PROTECT TENNESSEE’S BORDERS RALLY will be held on the steps of the Tennessee Capitol on March 20, 2024, at 1:00 PM CST.

For detailed information on the event and background information, a news story is linked here, written by Publisher Brandon Lewis of the Tennessee Conservative News.

Note from The Tennessee Conservative – This article originally appeared in The Jefferson County Post – republished here by permission from the author.

About the Author: David Seal is a retired Jefferson County educator, recognized artist, local businessman, 917 Society Volunteer, and current Chairman of the Jefferson County Republican Party. He has also served Jefferson County as a County Commissioner and is a citizen lobbyist for the people on issues such as eminent domain, property rights, education, and broadband accessibility on the state level.

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One Response

  1. I’ll make every effort to attend the rally, but here’s the “TRUTH”.

    Neither State or Federal Government will show any respect for people with nothing more than the motivation to walk around carrying signs of protest,

    Only when people demonstrate a “Willingness” to fight for their beliefs, will governments give serious consideration to the wishes of the people.

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