44 thoughts on “Knoxville Catholic School Tells Parents That SEL Will Definitely Be Taught Despite Their Objections (Article Update 11.29.23)

  • September 29, 2023 at 3:48 pm

    Lisa Logan is a good follow on twitter for current parents that have no idea what CASEL is.

    “Other parents say the school told them that they had no legal obligation to advise them that they were using Second Step SEL lessons.”

    Ahh, the old it isn’t moral but it is legal argument – kind of like abortion, no?

    “If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it? and he that keepeth thy soul, doth not he know it? and shall not he render to every man according to his works?”

    Proverbs 24:12

  • September 29, 2023 at 3:52 pm

    Pull your kids out of satanic school. Simple solution. Find a school not run by satan worshipping pedophiles.

    • September 29, 2023 at 6:57 pm

      Pedophiles? Really? I know 2/3 of the teachers in that school and much of the faculty. You’re sick for even suggesting such a thing.

    • September 30, 2023 at 9:45 am

      Anyone who watched the Republican debate Wednesday night heard South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, a black man, state unequivocally: “America is NOT a systemically racist country.” Coming from Senator Scott, a person who in the past, personally experienced discrimination due to his race but like another great black man I know of, Booker T of WWE Fame, he rose above all that and made something of himself. I do not believe America is systemically racist. I do believe racism still exists in small pockets of people who do NOT represent the rest of us. Senator Scott is correct.

  • September 29, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    Home School!! Schools have no business teaching thisWOKE TRASH.

    • September 30, 2023 at 9:55 am

      SEL in and of itself is not necessarily a bad thing. It is the foundation upon which it is premised that stinks to high heaven! America is NOT a systemically racist country. Do small pockets of racism still exist? Of course. But that does not make the entire country racist! Only a fool would believe such a thing.

      • December 1, 2023 at 6:08 pm

        The best thing a parent can do for their child is home school.

  • September 29, 2023 at 5:44 pm

    First of all you link to the wrong St. John Neumann in your pictures.
    Secondly, you report without waiting to hear from the school itself.
    This is a wonderful school and you are damaging its reputation without actually speaking to the school, talking with the pastor and principal, or seeing with your own eyes what is actually being taught. The idea that someone in the comments above just called this a “satanic school” is proof of how bad your reporting is and how bad you are defaming a truly good Catholic school. You have set something insidious in motion for this good Catholic school by slandering it with false accusations in a public forum. You should apologize and immediately and take your article down until you can report both sides accurately with the full TRUTH.

    • September 29, 2023 at 6:04 pm

      Amy, I wholeheartedly agree!!

    • September 30, 2023 at 12:36 am

      Totally agree!!!!

  • September 29, 2023 at 6:21 pm

    Sadly, we seem to have folks here who are in denial of the rapid degradation of education in general.

    • September 29, 2023 at 6:53 pm

      Publications such is yours should really get your facts straight before you put this kind of garbage out there for everyone. You’re setting yourselves up for a lawsuit and I hope you get served. Readers beware! If you believe this trash then you’re part of the problem. I’ve been a member of the SJN community for over 15 years and I am appalled that you would actually print this before corroborating any of it. SJN employs a dedicated group of teachers and faculty who put students first…always have. This story and the claims made by an extremely small group of rogue parents is a classic case of the tail trying to wag the dog. Don’t buy it.

      • September 30, 2023 at 12:38 am

        So true! This article is the antithesis of Christian — one sided accusatory and judgemental.

      • September 30, 2023 at 4:08 pm

        # 1 – Are you a Democrat?
        # 2 – Is what was reported true? You didn’t address any specifics. Do they have a “Behavioral Integrationist” (that sounds very sneaky) and do they teach “Second Step lessons”?

      • September 30, 2023 at 4:10 pm

        # 1 – Are you a Democrat?
        # 2 – Is what was reported true? You didn’t address any specifics. Do they have a “Behavioral Integrationist” (that sounds very sneaky) and do they teach “Second Step lessons”?

    • September 29, 2023 at 8:35 pm

      I am appalled at the false accusations of this article. SJN is a wonderful school, with faculty and teachers who really care for the kids. Facts should of been collected before writing an article like this. The new principal has been wonderful! I don’t really think she should be compared to communist thinking because 6th graders aren’t eating lunch first. The pastor is phenomenal. SJN is full of families that love the school and will support them. There is no other place we would send our daughter.

  • September 29, 2023 at 6:47 pm

    Another example of this Pope destroying a great religion. Catholic organizations assisting hundreds of thousands of invaders into America. An Arizona Bishop being threatened by Pope goons for protesting trans monsters desecrating nuns at Dodger Stadium. And now the woke takeover in Catholic schools. When will Catholics realize that this Marxist Pope is an enemy of their faith?

  • September 29, 2023 at 7:09 pm

    Well, said Amy! We have been at SJN for over a decade now. SJN is a wonderful school and there is nowhere else we would send our kids. I am by no means an educator, or claim to have knowledge into what goes into picking school curriculum ~ however, SJN (and the diocese of Knoxville) has our full confidence and faith to teach and guide our children. Maybe before publishing such a false article; all of the facts should have been gathered ~ not those of just a handful of disgruntled parents!!! Trust me, the thoughts expressed in this article do not represent the feelings of the majority of the parents!!! We are blessed to have SJN as our school!!

    • September 29, 2023 at 7:15 pm

      Nothing said in this article is false, and unfortunately, the school will not be able to say that it is. Wake up.

      • September 29, 2023 at 8:13 pm

        Sheesh- why don’t you come out from behind your fake screen name and let everybody know who you are? It’s really easy to make false claims anonymously.

        • September 30, 2023 at 12:39 am

          Praise hands!!!!! I was about to say the same thing.

      • September 29, 2023 at 8:57 pm

        Sheesh, there are many things in this article that are definitely false, and as a recent alumni I can tell you that the so called “tradition” of letting 6th graders eat lunch before 5th graders that is ridiculously being used to call SJN communist was never in place when I was there. Even if it were, it’s absurd that a lunch line is being used as the example to call SJN socialist.

      • September 29, 2023 at 10:35 pm

        I agree with Gary. It is easy to hide behind a fake name.

        SJNCS is a wonderful Catholic School. I’m proud that our children are alumnus of this school and that I have been a part-time employee for 13 years and counting. The faculty and staff truly care about their students in every aspect. The students are taught the core subjects along with our beautiful Catholic faith.

        I find it interesting that no one from SJNCS was interviewed but yet this article was printed. It is ridiculously false and needs to be removed.

  • September 29, 2023 at 10:43 pm

    I am a Special Education Teacher, certified in two states and have 20+ years of classroom experience. I have personally witnessed the degradation of education in both public and private schools. I, and many of my similiarly situated colleagues have walked away from the profession because it, unfortunately, is no longer about the kids or about education. I have been in the trenches, walked the hallways and faced the battles on a daily basis, have you?
    The authors of this article and the people behind this smear campaign are doing nothing more than conflating unrelated facts, with innuendo and outright slander wrapped in the cloak of fear-mongering over SEL, CRT, and Marxist rhetoric. This ain’t my first rodeo and I’ve seen what inculcating those issues into an education environment does. But I assure you THIS AIN’T THAT!

    I recently joined the staff of SJN and what I have seen, and what I suspect is behind this smear campaign in nothing less than “We don’t like change and we want you to do things OUR way.”

    Change is tough, and not everybody can get on-board. That doesn’t mean change is evil, or the people behind it are evil, or there are nefarious attempts to subvert Catholic Families or the Catholic Faith.

    The new principal is different and brings a wealth of knowledge, experience, talent but most importantly genuine compassion for the students, the. families, and the faith we all proudly serve. In 40 years of working I have been privileged to work for and with some outstanding people. Our principal, rightly, belongs at the top of that list and proves herself everyday that she is capable of doing the right thing for our students, our families, our staff, our community and our faith.

    To suggest otherwise only serves to expose your ignorance, your arrogance and your hostility.

    There is no going back to the old way of doing things. It’s time to embrace the change and accept that the Lord has called each of us here for a purpose. Perhaps your purpose is not at SJN.

    • September 30, 2023 at 4:12 pm

      # 1 – Are you a Democrat?
      # 2 – Is what was reported true? You didn’t address any specifics. Do they have a “Behavioral Integrationist” (that sounds very sneaky) and do they teach “Second Step lessons”?
      # 3 Are they teaching SEL and CRT?

  • September 30, 2023 at 12:44 am

    We left another school where we where we had issues with discipline/bullying issues not being handled by the administration and moved to SJNCS for our child’s middle school years. Our child thrived, felt part of a community, knew the teachers/administration had thier back, learned, grew, and was ready for high school when the time came. Jesus was the ultimate role model for empathy and acceptance. Those are amazing traits for our children to exemplify. Everyone has a story, everyone has demons, everyone has struggles, and Jesus taught us not to judge but to LOVE! Quit throwing hate and trashing a school that you apparently haven’t even accurately identified as the picture you shared is not the school of which you speak.

  • September 30, 2023 at 12:55 am

    As a parent to multiple SJN students, I do not recognize a single piece of fact in this article.

    The school, administrators, faculty and priest are all amazing examples of a faith centered educational experience. We are lucky that the students have this many caring adults teaching and leading them and Knoxville is lucky to have SJN.

    With zero named sources, and no comment from anyone at the school, or parents who believe in and trust SJN, this is quite obviously not a journalistic news article, but an ill-informed opinion piece, and journalistic ethics require that it be noted as such.

  • September 30, 2023 at 3:16 am

    Having been associated this SJNCS for over 10 years , I can state without hesitation that the teachers and staff have the well being of all students as their primary concern. This article has no concrete references of interviews with the staff and faculty at SJN. Therefore I have to more faith in past performance than the accusations that are presented in this article. If the individuals who are making these accusations are not sincere enough to use their real names and to meet face to face with school officials perhaps they should either home school or change schools. As a side note, I find it hard to believe this magazine would publish such a one sided article.

  • September 30, 2023 at 1:14 pm

    I have been associated with SJNCS for over 10 years and can attest that during that period I have seen nothing but the highest caliber of care from the staff and faculty for the children under their care. The students are academically challenged while being taught to be considerate of others considering Christian doctrine. This article appears to be written by “new “parents who have recently moved to Tennessee and have not had the time to experience first hand the outstanding job being performed by the faculty at the school. This publication should be ashamed that it conveys only one side of the story and there were no interviews or comments provided by the school. If the parents do not like the situation at SJNCS, quit hiding behind false names, meet with school officials or pull your children out.

  • September 30, 2023 at 2:50 pm

    There has been enough backlash against this article that we at The Tennessee Conservative feel the need to respond, something we typically do not do as the comments section is a place for our readers to express their opinions and we do not use it for our own purposes.

    However, here are some truths regarding some accusations made by commentors:

    1. School officials were given multiple days to respond for comment prior to this article’s publication. They still have not responded to our inquiries. However, when and if they do, we will gladly publish their responses.

    2. There are no ‘false names’ used in this article. Concerned parent’s names are not used in the article in order to protect their identities, instead we say ‘our sources,’ ‘parents,’ and so forth which is a standard journalistic practice to protect private citizens who choose to reach out to the media with their concerns.

    3. According to the parents, they did reach out to school officials with their concerns, but did not receive a satisfactory result in the school’s replies.

    • September 30, 2023 at 4:23 pm

      Thank you for this article.

      There was clearly an organized effort to attack you. I wonder if the people who attacked you are all Liberals? My guess is that they are and that they want SEL, CRT, and that America is “systemically racist” taught. People today need to think that way and ask > “Is this school run by Liberals or Democratst?” if it is, the results won’t be satisfactory to a conservative or to many moderates.

      The first thing to determine when trying to have an intelligent conversation is > “Are you a Liberal or a Democrat?” If they are, it’s unlikely that they will tell the truth. An example is > The Liberals are still saying “The border is secure” even though we can see video of thousands of migrants coming across.

      • September 30, 2023 at 8:00 pm

        I have a few questions for you. Have you ever even stepped foot into St. John Neumann Catholic School or Church? If you had, I am 100% sure that you would know all of these ill-formed accusations are completely false. You blaming this on our new principal, honestly makes me sick. She is one of the best educators I have met. She is taking the time to meet every single student in the building. She learns their name, grade, and personal interests. Also, our behavioral interventionist is nothing but sweet. She comes into school each day with the biggest smile on her face even though internet trolls like you have been going at her throat. I am a middle-school student at SJN, and have personally experienced the behavioral interventionist introducing my religion class to Second Step. We began with reading bible verses and then talked about being kind and loving to others. John 15:12 even says, “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” 6th graders not being allowed to cut in front of fifth graders is not communist, it was never a long-standing tradition to begin with. I have full faith that my school has every single was never students best interests at heart. I leave you with Corinthians 16:14 “Do everything in love.” I have one more question to ask you David. Are your hateful comments done in love?

      • September 30, 2023 at 10:34 pm

        To answer the question/accusation of the earlier commenter, I am not a liberal. I am not a democrat . I am a conservative, traditional Catholic , pro-life, Republican teacher, and mother of 5 kids who attended this school. It is not a liberal school. It is not a CRT school. It is a Catholic school that has Gospel Values at the heart of everything it does. The principal is lovely and kind and Catholic and a truly good person. The pastor’s mission is to help get these kids to Heaven. Shame on strangers who attack without knowing anything about this situation. What does Glen Beck always say? “Do your own research.” That even-handed research has not been done here. It reminds me of Nick Sandman at the March for Life. The media tried to ruin his life by jumping to conclusions without the facts. And believe it or not, in Catholic schools, the teachers take the curriculum they are given and present it through a Catholic lens. That means a lesson in a program as taught in a public school, is not taught the same in a Catholic school. This article only linked to the Second Step Curriculum as it can be found online. It provided no concrete example of a specific lesson that was taught at SJNCS that contradicts our faith or promotes CRT or DEI. For example, a lesson on bullying will be adapted and Jesus’ teaching on Loving One Another, Doing Unto Others as you would have them do to you, and an in depth explanation of the Fifth Commandment can be elaborated on to explain how bullying can violate “You Shall not Kill.” Our religion teachers are not teaching anything that is opposed to Catholic teaching. The Catholic understanding of marriage, the sanctity of human life, chastity, and the recognition of the beauty of how God created each boy and girl as they are and as a gift are taught and reinforced in the religion curriculum. Children are taught to love everyone, regardless of race or ethnicity, the way God does. I understand the fear of all the craziness in our world. I understand the need to protect our children from the many onslaughts of our messed up culture. But this is not a school where the war needs to be fought.

      • September 30, 2023 at 11:36 pm

        People need to ask if the school can give their child the best possible education and SJNCS absolutely can! Teachers, trained in their specialties are what’s best.

        • October 1, 2023 at 2:07 pm

          I find if very sad that all these comments
          have been placed bashing an article that no
          one has taken the time to investigate or talk
          to a current parent. Everything in this article is a fact and many current parents are very upset about these changes. Up until recently the school had been a great place but with new leadership comes new changes and these are not good changes.
          Everything the author has stated can be
          backed up with proof. Rude dismissive
          emails from the school principal, admitting
          the use of SEL and unwillingness to meet
          with the families in a town hall. Again more
          then one parent has these emails and
          communications so I know this article is factual.

          Not only the fact there is documented
          communication there are assignments and
          books and teachings coming home that are
          jaw dropping and concerning for kids let
          alone a Catholic school. The direction of the
          teachings have veered off course with this
          new administration and unless you have kids there this year then you would not know the difference. If you do have kids there and think this is not going on then I would challenge you to investigate further instead of becoming defensive on a subject you will find you are not fully aware of. If there is nothing to fear then asking questions and investigating should not be such a abhorrent idea.
          The idea to tell families to pull there kids out insensitive recommendation for people of Christian faith. We all pay to send our kids to a Catholic school with Catholic values. We have a right to ask question and
          the school to communicate with us. A lot of
          kids have gone through so many changes
          and challenges over the last few years. Most of us parents want to work with the school in order to keep them in the school we have grown to love and respect. But respect goes both ways. Asking the school to communicate and address our concerns
          should not be a point of contention for
          anyone. Again it is interesting no one who very strongly attacked this author actually asked questions or investigated. Every opinion was based on past not present and everyone should know if one thing is certain, it is change. No parent should be chastised due to trying to do what is right for their kids. When the school did not respond and continued to shut down any form of communication then calling light to the subject was needed. I will stress again as a parent who goes to this school and has been very involved with the situation, this article is 100% factual. I can also say it barely touched the surface of how much deeper this goes. I challenge anyone here to find facts out first before weighing in on the matter because anyone who does not responsibly approach this unfortunate turn of events would also bare the responsibility of what is happening to the children and their impressionable minds.

          Only those who have something to hide fear being challenged.


    • September 30, 2023 at 7:10 pm

      I find if very sad that all these comments have been placed bashing an article that no one has taken the time to investigate or talk to a current parent . Everything in this article is a fact and many current parents are very upset about these changes . Up until recently the school had been a great place but with new leadership comes new changes and these are not good changes.
      Everything the author has stated can be backed up with proof. Rude dismissive emails from the school principal, admitting the use of SEL and unwillingness to meet with the families in a town hall. Again more then one parent has these emails and communications so I know this article is factual.
      Not only the fact there is documented communication there are assignments and books and teachings coming home that are jaw dropping and concerning for kids let alone a Catholic school. The direction of the teachings have veered off course with this new administration and unless you have kids there this year then you would not know the difference. If you do have kids there and think this is not going on then I would challenge you to investigate further instead of becoming defensive on a subject you will find you are not fully aware of . If there is nothing to fear then asking questions and investigating should not be such a abhorrent idea.
      The idea to tell families to pull there kids out is such a insensitive recommendation for people of Christian faith. We all pay to send our kids to a Catholic school with Catholic values. We have a right to ask question and the school to communicate with us. A lot of kids have gone through so many changes and challenges over the last few years. Most of us parents want to work with the school in order to keep them in the school we have grown to love and respect . But respect goes both ways. Asking the school to communicate and address our concerns should not be a point of contention for anyone .
      Again it is interesting no one who very strongly attacked this author actually asked questions or investigated. Every opinion was based on past not present and everyone should know if one thing is certain, it is change.
      No parent should be chastised due to trying to do what is right for their kids. When the school did not respond and continued to shut down any form of communication then calling light to the subject was needed.
      I will stress again as a parent who goes to this school and has been very involved with the situation, this article is 100% factual. I can also say it barely touched the surface of how much deeper this goes.
      I challenge anyone here to find facts out first before weighing in on the matter because anyone who does not responsibly approach this unfortunate turn of events would also bare the responsibility of what is happening to the children and their impressionable minds.
      Only those who have something to hide fear being challenged.

      • October 2, 2023 at 2:54 pm

        Current Parent,
        How many parents have you talked to? Because as a current parent- I am extremely happy with the school and what they are teaching. Also, two of the parents who responded and left comments are also current parents, so maybe you should broaden your circle of parents you have talked to.
        I also find it interesting that you choose to respond negatively to the comments made supporting the school you say you have come to love and respect, but above when commenter “Ray” says extremely degrading and hurtful things about the faculty and staff working at the school, you don’t even have the decency to defend them and say hey that’s taking it too far. That’s not really showing love and respect to me to allow someone to call the people you are asking to teach your children something so extremely hurtful.
        I understand you weren’t happy with Second Step. Issue over, its gone. MOVE ON.
        And I have to say, I really appreciated the principals email to the school. She addressed the situation, but yes your right she made it clear- you have a choice. It wasn’t dismissive you just didn’t get your way. Let’s call a spade a spade.
        No one is chastising you for doing what you think is right for your child, however, you are now trying to take over the school and make every decision regarding curriculum, classes, etc. If you are such an amazing educator and have years of experience in the classroom then why don’t you step and teach, or homeschool, because it kinda sounds like nothing is going to make you happy.

    • October 2, 2023 at 2:24 pm

      You can’t even be truthful in your response.
      1) You gave the school less than 24 hours to respond. I would not call that multiple days.
      2) as many people have noted- the picture used above IS NOT SJNCS. I don’t think it would have been that hard to fact check that and hopefully the SJN you published a photo of doesn’t find out and decide to take action.

  • September 30, 2023 at 8:26 pm

    I have a few questions for you. Have you ever even stepped foot into St. John Neumann Catholic School or Church? If you had, I am 100% sure that you would know all of these ill-formed accusations are completely false. You blaming this on our new principal, honestly makes me sick. She is one of the best educators I have met. She is taking the time to meet every single student in the building. She learns their name, grade, and personal interests. Also, our behavioral interventionist is nothing but sweet. She comes into school each day with the biggest smile on her face even though internet trolls like you have been going at her throat. I am a middle-school student at SJN, and have personally experienced the behavioral interventionist introducing my religion class to Second Step. We began with reading bible verses and then talked about being kind and loving to others. John 15:12 even says, “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” 6th graders not being allowed to cut in front of fifth graders is not communist, it was never a long-standing tradition to begin with. I have full faith that my school has every single student’s best interests at heart. I leave you with Corinthians 16:14 “Do everything in love.” I have one more question to ask you David. Are your hateful comments done in love?

  • October 1, 2023 at 2:08 pm

    This article does not make it clear that the issue was NOT to eliminate SEL from SJN, as there are good objectives in SEL. For example, no one is against there being less bullying at any school.

    The issue always was whether SEL would be taught from an atheistic/secular perspective, or from a Catholic/Chistian perspective. The concerned parents were advocating that it be the later for a Catholic school. SJN indicated that they agreed with this. Problem solved!

  • October 1, 2023 at 2:13 pm

    If anyone would like to challenge there own opinions here is the link to investigate . Just to be clear the school was implementing Second Step


  • October 2, 2023 at 3:26 pm

    This article is egregious in how ridiculous it is (especially the comment about the lunch line… perhaps this child needs to practice the Christian principle of patience). As a current parent, I have no concerns. I myself am an educator and highly involved in my children’s educations. I am very familiar with many types of curricula from all grade levels (preschool to college). I personally help my children with homework, look at all textbooks (including the new online science textbook mentioned), and have never had a problem so extreme that I’ve felt the need to hide my identity and attack a school. I have asked my child what was taught during the instruction in question, and I am not opposed to learning the principles of anti-bullying, kindness, and loving your neighbor/friend. The nice thing is that parents have many choices for education in this area- both public and many private/religious schools. If one part of one curriculum taught is such a problem, I implore the parents to find another educational solution for their children. The only way you can 100% control what is taught and what curriculum is used is to homeschool. By sending your child to SJNCS, you accept that you trust the educators, administration, and religious teachers (in this case, the most fantastic priest I have ever known, as well as many wonderful nuns). I support and trust SJNCS to have the best interest of all students at heart, and again, as an extremely involved parent, have no reason to think otherwise.

  • December 2, 2023 at 8:29 pm

    Groups of parents can hire a tutor advisor along with



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