Tennesseans, It’s Not WHO You Vote For, It’s WHAT

Tennesseans, It's Not WHO You Vote For, It's WHAT

Tennesseans, It’s Not WHO You Vote For, It’s WHAT

Image Credit: Canva

Submitted by Kat Stansell (Independent Journalist and Earnest Patriot) –

To My Fellow Tennesseeans,

In the election coming up, it’s NOT WHO you are voting for, it’s WHAT. 

I don’t care what party you think you support.  

You want more of the last four years?  Vote Democrat.  You’ve already seen what has been done; no guessing there.

Want a change? Vote the other way. 

Staying home is not going to help you or anybody else.

If you want abortion “rights”, why can’t you just use birth control?  It’s free, for Lord’s sake.  Nobody said you have to have a baby.  Or, have you been persuaded that the right to kill a viable human life is what you want and need, by the people who are making big dirty money from the aftermath of those killings.  They know about birth control, too… . 

Anyway, back to my point. 

Here’s what I am choosing.  We can pray that the results in November accurately reflect our votes.  This is our last chance.

I want my freedom, restricted only by our body of Constitutional law.  Like my folks taught me a long time ago, your freedom ends at my nose.  You’re free to do as you choose,  so long as it does not interfere with my rights to do the same.  Cross the line, it becomes aggression, often punishable by law. And, that’s the way it should be.

I want to be able to express my thoughts freely, without fear of reprisal, or worse.  

I want our three co-equal branches of government to stay just as they are.  No one branch has the right to overturn the responsibilities of the other.  That is what a Constitutional republic is all about, and it has worked very well for the last 250 years.  YES, it DOES work for everyone. Communism has proven to be the opposite.

I am voting for big business to produce product to make our lives better, not ones that harm us as Big Pharma has been doing for years. Or toxic ingredients in our foods and fertilizers. I am voting for the same laws that apply to citizens, to apply to their “elected representatives”.  NO EXCEPTIONS.

I am voting for secure borders and LEGAL immigration.  Part of the strength of this nation has always been those who came to our shores from elsewhere.  But, when immigration becomes invasion, future fellow citizens become enemies; it may never get sorted out of the mess we have at the moment.

I am voting for our schools to teach HOW to learn, not WHAT to learn.  No more indoctrination or fake history.  Right now, our children are being taught abject lies in many cases. 

I want to have our tax dollars fund American projects, not endless foreign wars, which only destroy our human and monetary capital.   OUR veterans deserve our care; OUR national debt must be lowered and controlled before it eats us all alive.  An economic crash will ruin everyone’s savings and investments; an economic depression knows no political party.  Everyone suffers.

It is NOT a contest of personalities.  It’s a contest of ideologies.  Constitution vs. Communism.  I know which has done more for man, throughout history.  NO exceptions.

I am voting for our Constitutional Republic. 

AND, I want two LIVE candidates who are putting their ideas, NOT THEIR LIVES, on the line.

We’re all in this wagon together.  Choose what is best for all.  Please.

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