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The Tennessee Conservative [By Jason Vaughn] –
This bulleted list provides an easy-to-reference timeline of illegal immigration in the Volunteer State since shortly prior to The Tennessee Conservative’s launch in 2020 and a summary of related state-level legislation.
For an expanded, in-depth look at the events, please refer to “What Tennessee’s Republican Leadership Doesn’t Want You To Know About Illegal Immigration” and the articles / info linked in the timeline.
This list certainly does not include every event that has happened in Tennessee, but it does list the ones we have been able to confirm. Officials remain secretive about alleged events and mainstream Tennessee media is still virtually silent on the issue.
Event Timeline:
• December 2019 – Governor Bill Lee issues a letter to U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo authorizing “refugee resettlement” in Tennessee, making Tennessee one of only a few Republican-led states that allows ‘resettlement’ of this nature.
• April 2021 – an anonymous tip sent to The Tennessee Conservative revealed that unaccompanied alien children (UACs) were being housed at an old Tennessee Temple dormitory in Chattanooga.
• May 2021 – Wilson Air Center In Chattanooga, Tennessee was spotted receiving incoming flights under the cloak of darkness with plane loads of alleged immigrant children.
• May 2021 – A Conservative Citizen Journalist reported to the Tennessee Conservative that disembarking illegal aliens at Wilson Air Center In Chattanooga, Tennessee were being loaded onto buses. Only adult-aged illegal immigrants were viewed at the scene.
• June 2021 – Tennessee Department of Children’s Services uncovers allegations of child abuse at the facility where UACs were being housed in Chattanooga during a routine inspection. At that time, the facility reportedly was hosting 62 UACs.
• June 2021 – Several Tennessee Legislators were tasked by Speaker Cameron Sexton & Lt. Gov. Randy McNally to form the “Joint Study Committee On Refugee Issues.”
• July 2021 – A 16-year-old boy who was being held at the facility in Chattanooga but escaped and was reported as a runaway on June 14 was located in Guatemala with his family, prompting many Tennesseans to wonder if the youth was brought into the U.S. against his will.
• July 2021 – Tennessee administrative law judge Phillip Hilliard ruled in support of the State’s decision to revoke the license of the Baptiste Group, which was operating the facility housing UACs in Chattanooga.
• September 2021 – At least three female employees at the facility where UACs were being housed in Chattanooga were booked for sexual molestation of male UACs.
• January 2022 – The Tennessee Legislature’s “Joint Study On Refugee Issues” issues their final report giving Zero Workable Recommendations to end illegal immigration in Tennessee.
• August 2022 – For four days straight, a local Health department in Sevier County was standing-room-only due to a flood of non-English speaking children being pushed through in order to rush their immunizations and be enrolled in local schools.
• August 2022 – Chattanooga is found to be a pit stop for buses of illegal aliens being transported from Texas to Washington D.C. Many may have stayed in the area since reloading the buses was reportedly not enforced by the drivers.
• December 2022 – It was revealed that a non-government organization in Nashville volunteered to assist with individuals who are scheduled to be transported to Tennessee.
• July 2023 – A Franklin, Tennessee soccer coach, Camilo Hurtado Campos, who allegedly drugged and raped nearly a dozen young boys was found to have been living in the U.S. illegally for nearly 20 years.
• September 2023 – Mostly adult male illegal immigrants were identified by the Tennessee Highway Patrol in Charleston, Tennessee having crossed the border illegally in Eagle Pass, Texas.
• September 2023 – A twice-deported illegal alien from Honduras was charged with two murders in Nashville.
• October 2023 – The Tennessee Attorney General’s Office filed a complaint against the Department of Homeland Security and the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement raising claims under the Freedom of Information Act stemming from Defendants’ failure to produce documents regarding the release of immigrant detainees into Tennessee.
• January 2024 – According to the US Department of Homeland Security, upwards of 600 immigrants from the Southwest Border have cited Middle Tennessee as their intended destination when questioned during processing.
• March 2024 – Tyson Foods looks to hire thousands of “refugees” and bring them to work in Tennessee, all while axing jobs for Americans across the United States. While illegal immigrants are waiting on asylum hearings – a process that takes anywhere from five to seven years – Tyson is offering incentives for those willing to work at the Humboldt, Tennessee plant. Incentives include stipends for temporary housing and relocation expenses, time off to “acclimate” to the area, child care on-site, transportation, and Paid Time Off for immigration court hearings.
• March 2024 – Tuff Torq Corporation in Morristown fined for violating federal child labor laws after an investigation by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of the Solicitor. The company manufactures parts for John Deere, Toro, and Yamaha. The investigation, started in 2023, found that Tuff Torq had employed 10 immigrant children illegally, some as young as 14 years old. Investigators visited the facility a number of times, and the violations were confirmed on January 23, 2024.
• March 20, 2024 – Over 200 Conservative Tennesseans lined the steps of the State Capitol in support of The Tennessee Conservative’s Protect Tennessee’s Borders Rally.
• April, 2024 – Nashville non-profit “Equal Chance For Education” announces plans to help “undocumented immigrants” to attend college by providing over $2 million in scholarships annually on the same day protestors marched on the state capitol urging Governor Lee to veto legislation to require local law enforcement agencies to report illegal immigrants in their custody to the federal government.
Legislation Timeline:
Allowing Local Law Enforcement to Enforce Immigration Law – House Bill 2222 and Senate Bill 2264, sponsored by Representative Dennis Powers (R-Jacksboro-District 36) and Senator Frank Niceley (R-Strawberry Plains-District 8), respectively, sought to give local law enforcement the authority to enforce federal law and arrest anyone transporting, harboring or facilitating the transport of illegal aliens into Tennessee.
The legislation failed in the Senate Judiciary Committee with the help of former Republican Chairman Mike Bell, and Senators Todd Gardenhire (R-Chattanooga-District 10) and John Stevens (R-Huntington-District 24) voting against.
Stopping Taxpayer Funding Of Illegal Aliens’ Education – House Bill 1648 and Senate Bill 2597, sponsored by former Republican Representative Bruce Griffey and Senator Joey Hensley (R-Hohenwald-District 28) in the Senate, respectively, sought to stop taxpayers from being forced to fund the education of illegal immigrants. The legislation aimed to give school systems the choice whether they wanted to enroll students who are unlawfully in the United States. As a caveat, any school district that chose to educate illegal immigrants would not receive state funding for the education of those students, leaving them solely responsible for their educational costs.
This legislation failed in the House K-12 Subcommittee with the help of downvotes from Republican Representatives Kirk Haston (R-Lobelville-District 72), Mark White (R-Memphis-District 83) and Chris Hurt (R-Halls-District 82).
Relocation of Illegal Aliens to Blue States – House Bill 1994 and Senate Bill 2636, sponsored by former Republican Representative Bruce Griffey and Senator Frank Niceley (R-Strawberry Plains-District 8), respectively, sought to require the Commission of Safety, in collaboration with Human Services, to implement a system or the relocation of illegal aliens who arrive in Tennessee to the home states of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.
This legislation failed in the House Department and Agencies when no Representatives offered a second to move the bill forward. The subcommittee had a supermajority of Republicans that included Chairman John B. Holsclaw (R-Elizabethton-District 4), Rush Bricken (R-Tullahoma-District 47), Dale Carr (R-Sevierville-District 12), Michele Carringer (R-Knoxville-District 16), Kelly Keisling (R-Byrdstown-District 38) and former Republican Rep. Curtis Halford.
E-Verify Bill To Weaken Job Magnets For Illegal Aliens – House Bill 1636 and Senate Bill 2297, sponsored by former Republican Representative Bruce Griffey and Senator Mark Pody (R-Lebanon-District 17), respectively, sought to require employers of six or more individuals to utilize an e-verification program in hiring; remove immunity for an employer’s reliance on other forms of verification; and prescribe penalties for employers found to be in violation.
The legislation was nixed by being moved to ‘Summer Study’ in the House Banking and Consumer Affairs Subcommittee. The motion to move summer study was made by Representative Clark Boyd (R-Lebanon-District 46) in favor of his own e-verify bill that, after amendments, only lowered employee thresholds from 50 to 35. Boyd’s legislation also prescribed no disciplinary action and fines for businesses/individuals found to be in violation and would not ask employers to use the e-verify system to verify the work authorization status of employees unless they were hired on or after January 1st, 2023.
However, bipartisan legislation to make the magnet for illegal aliens to come to Tennessee more powerful was passed and signed into law without incident.
Opening Door for Non-U.S. Citizens to receive Professional Licenses – House Bill 2309 and Senate Bill 2464, sponsored by Democrat Representative Bob Freeman (D-Nashville-District 56) and Republican Senator Shane Reeves (R-District 14), respectively, paved the way for non-U.S.citizens to obtain professional and commercial licenses in Tennessee, thereby increasing magnets for illegal aliens to migrate and to successfully habitate in the state.
34 House Republicans voted in favor of the bill, while 15 Senate Republicans voted in favor. Governor Lee had the power to veto the bill, but signed it into law only four days after it landed on his desk.
Requiring Immigration Status Check Of Potential Voters – House Bill 0835 and Senate Bill 0137, sponsored by Representative Bryan Richey (R-Maryville-District 20) and Senator Joey Hensley (R-Hohenwald-District 28), respectively, sought to aid voter integrity by requiring the Coordinator of Elections to compare the statewide voter registration database with the Department of Safety database to ensure non-U.S. citizens are not registered to vote in Tennessee.
Legislation was “hijacked” by the chairman of the House Finance, Ways and Means Subcommittee, Representative Gary Hicks (R-Rogersville-District 9), and taken off notice for the remainder of the session.
As with 2022, more bills were introduced to make the state a more agreeable place for illegal aliens but thanks to significant pushback from conservative Tennessee voters, the bills were withdrawn.
Making It Easier For Employers To Replace TN Workers With Foreign Labor – HB004/HB0260 & SB0151/SB0310, sponsored by Representative Dale Carr (R-Sevierville-District 12) and Senator Frank Niceley (R-Strawberry Plain-District 8) , respectively, would have allowed state and local government entities to forgo verification of a nonresident alien’s status, so long as the nonresident alien either holds a valid J-1 visa, a valid H-2B visa, or holds a valid visa for participation in an international culinary internship program. This would have defeated the point of established verification measures like the systematic alien verification for entitlements (SAVE) program or the student and exchange visitor information system (SEVIS).
After significant pushback from conservative Tennessee voters, Representative Carr withdrew the bill from consideration.
Legislation To Allow Foreign Nationals To Become TN Police Officers – House Bill 0056, sponsored by House Republican Leader William Lamberth (R-Portland-District 44), sought to remove the requirement for military service and allow all permanent residents, including non-citizens, to apply for and be considered for positions in local law enforcement agencies throughout the state.
After significant pushback from conservative Tennessee voters, Representative Lamberth withdrew the bill from consideration.
2024 – Tennessee General Assembly still considering this legislation:
Require Tennessee Law Enforcement To Report Illegal Aliens To Feds – House Bill 2124 (HB2124) sponsored by Representative Rusty Grills (R-Newbern-District 77) and Senate Bill 2576 (SB2576) sponsored by Senator Brent Taylor (R-Memphis-District 31).
The proposed law “requires, rather than authorizes, law enforcement agencies to communicate with the appropriate federal official regarding the immigration status of any individual.” The bill passed on the House and Senate Floor with the only Republican “No” vote coming from Senator Todd Gardenhire (R-Chattanooga-District 10).
Putting Illegal Immigrants Who Commit Violent Crimes Behind Bars For Life – House Bill 1872 (HB1872) sponsored by Representative Monty Fritts (R-Kingston-District 32) and Senate Bill 2770 (SB2770) sponsored by Senator Janice Bowling (R-Tullahoma-District 16).
The proposed law aims to deter those who are coming across the southern United States border and making their way to Tennessee with the intention to engage in drug or human trafficking.
Increasing Fines For Transporting Illegal Aliens Into Tennessee For Commercial Advantage Or Private Financial Gain – House Bill 2432 (HB2432) sponsored by Representative Andrew Farmer (R-Sevierville-District 17) and Senate Bill 2034 (SB2034) sponsored by Senate Frank Niceley (R-Strawberry Plains-District 8).
The proposed law increases, from $1,000 to $5,000, the fine for transporting into the state, for the purpose of commercial advantage or private financial gain, an individual who the person knows or should have known has illegally entered or remained in the United States…
Prohibits Illegal Aliens From Being Housed On State-Owned Property – House Bill 1247 (HB1247) sponsored by Representative Dennis Powers (R-Jacksboro-District 36) and Senate Bill 1151 (SB1151) sponsored by Senate Frank Niceley (R-Strawberry Plains-District 8).
The proposed law prohibits an illegal alien from being housed on real property owned by this state or a political subdivision of this state; excepts incarceration and other housing required as a result of a criminal conviction.
2024 – Failed Legislation
Increasing Fines For Transporting Illegal Aliens Into Tennessee – House Bill 2078 (HB2078) sponsored by Representative Bryan Richey (R-Maryville-District 20) and Senate Bill 2802 (SB2802) sponsored by Senator Joey Hensley (R-Hohenwald-District 28).
The proposed law prohibits any person from transporting an illegal alien into this state; increases from $1,000 to $5,000 the fine for transporting illegal aliens. With The Votes Of Three Republicans And Two Democrats, The Bill Was Killed In The Senate Judiciary Committee And Subsequently Taken Off Notice In The House.
Down votes came from Republican Senators Todd Gardenhire (R-Chattanooga-District 10), Jon Lundberg (R-Bristol-District 4), and Kerry Roberts (R-Springfield-District 23).
About the Author: Jason Vaughn, Media Coordinator for The Tennessee Conservative
~ Jason previously worked for a legacy publishing company based in Crossville, TN in a variety of roles through his career. Most recently, he served as Deputy Director for their flagship publication. Prior, he was a freelance journalist writing articles that appeared in the Herald Citizen, the Crossville Chronicle and The Oracle among others. He graduated from Tennessee Technological University with a Bachelor’s in English-Journalism, with minors in Broadcast Journalism and History. Contact Jason at
7 Responses
Thank U
We appreciate your time and effort to help us keep a target list
Send them all back!!!
Does this not make Mike Pompeo and Bill Lee responsible for the crimes of the illegals and resposible for the welfare of said illegals.
Both are also in violation of immigration laws.
Lee and Pompeo have made the International illegal alien criminals dependents of the taxpayer. Therefore, the illegals can be listed as dependents on tax returns.
Thank you. Timelines & bullet pointed lists are always effective.
Jason, excellent reporting.
Rocky, good points.
Rino Lee is no better than the democrats inviting these invaders to stay in Tennessee. The minors are still here illegally and must be sent home with ALL the criminal invaders and Lee’s “refugees”. If they are allowed to stay and more are brought in, Tennessee will be just another california shit hole. Lee and all those who support this invasion must be brought up on charges of treason.