By Brandon Lewis, Founder of The Tennessee Conservative –
From time to time, it is my duty to tell you the truth about something no one else in Tennessee media will tell you. You will have to decide if I am being honest with you here or if I’m lying through my teeth.
In telling this truth, I run the risk of being alienated in Republican circles.
Further, the topic of illegal immigration makes most RINO Republicans want to curl up in the fetal position in anticipation of the woke TN media descending upon them – or the left-leaning corporatist PACS and lobbyists withholding financial support for their upcoming campaigns.
So, on this topic in particular, the risk of speaking the truth is even greater.
That said, let me ask you a serious question…
Have you ever listened to Tennessee Republicans talk about illegal immigration on the campaign trail?
Boy, it’s something to hear! It’s all about walls, rule-of-law, fire and brimstone!
“If I’m elected, I’ll be different on illegal immigration!” Sure you will chief…
Our own Governor, Bill Lee, made this firm, unshakable promise on illegal immigration in his “Ten for Tenn Pledge”: #10 – Enforce the Rule of Law on Immigration
As far as I can tell, aside from posting breathlessly on social media, Lee has not done much. In fact, he has done far more to make our state a ripe target for illegal immigration.
Lee is, after all, the person who authorized the illegal immigration center in Chattanooga without public comment where foreign children were molested and even lost entirely.
Lest you think Lee is alone in his apathetic approach to illegal immigration, let me turn your attention to two inescapable facts regarding Republican leadership’s stomach for true immigration reform.
These two facts are all the more concerning given our state has never had more of a crisis on its hands regarding the invasion from the south and the hardships it places on education, safety-net programs and the economy at your personal expense.
Exhibit #1
Zero Illegal Immigration Bills Sponsored or
Supported By GOP Leadership
If something is truly important to the Republican Party, there will be series of bills supported or sponsored by the Governor, Speaker of the House or Leader of the Senate. Unless I have missed something, and would be happy if I did, there are none.
If there are zero bills sponsored by our Republican Leadership during the time when we have the largest problems in our history with illegal immigration, what does that tell you?
It can only tell you two things: A) They were not honest about their convictions on this issue or B) They are ineffective at solving this problem.
Neither answer is satisfactory for primary voters who have put their trust in leadership to face tough issues head-on.
Exhibit #2
Illegal Immigration Study Committee
Displays Spectacular Apathy
Generally speaking, when you put together a study committee, you want the best and brightest to look at a problem and come up with workable solutions. You know, something that will solve a problem.
Without listing out the committee suggestions here verbatim, let me give you the summary:
#1 – Beg the Feds to Do Things They’ve Repeatedly Ignored or Refused in the Past
#2 – Make It a Little Bit Harder to Open Up Illegal Immigration Centers in Tennessee
The first thing is as effective as spitting in gale-force winds. The second overlooks the very minor point that no one wants these centers in the state of Tennessee at all – much less right in their backyard!
Months were spent hearing testimony, mainly from those who make money off the illegal immigration racket or government entities who exist to serve them. No one testified about the damage caused by illegal immigration on our educational system, healthcare or criminal justice system – much less the economy.
Why didn’t the committee simply recommend that our state should halt and oppose all forms of illegal immigration? If not that, should they not have suggested no licenses or permission be given for Tennessee to receive, house or transport illegal immigrants?
Nope. This was pure and pointless political theatre. Something that I consider to be shameful as it presupposes Republican primary voters are dumb enough to mistake it for action.
Maybe they are… I hope not.
What WILL Fix the Problem of Illegal Immigration
in Tennessee and WHO Opposes It?
If Republicans wanted to stop illegal immigration in Tennessee, they could do it in this session once-and-for-all. It’s a simple matter of making the Volunteer State appear unattractive to illegal immigrants.
Here are the obvious solutions that are overlooked by Republican leadership. Not that they do not know this would solve the problem, but rather that they do not really think it is a problem in the first place.
1 – Cut off the Job Magnet: Make citizenship a requirement of employment in Tennessee through universal E-verify. This is an easy process and places virtually zero burden on the employer. It’s not full-proof, but it’s a start.
2 – Cut Off the Tax-Payer-Funded Education Magnet: Right now, you are paying to expensively educate citizens of another country.
Children who cannot speak English and have very little prior education cause classrooms to be massively disrupted according to our subscribers who are public school teachers.
Our schools are already failing to teach kids to read, write and do math. We need no further cause to fail in academics in Tennessee. We are failing just fine without these additional distractions.
3 – Turn Off the Benefits Magnet: It amazes me that we will reward those who break our laws in Tennessee by providing assistance for housing, food and other services at your personal expense. Yet, that is what we do. It needs to stop.
So, why wouldn’t our Republican Leadership be proposing any of these common-sense solutions?
Let me tell you why…
First, many Republicans simply lie about their Conservative convictions on illegal immigration to get elected. In fact, I would say most do. If you are unwilling to take political or financial heat on this issue, then you should not say you are against illegal immigration at all.
Instead, you should place this on your campaign website: “I am intellectually opposed to illegal immigration and will talk about it while campaigning, but will never do anything to stop it personally if it should cost me any fashion whatever.” Just tell the truth about it.
Second, Republican state Representatives and Senators suck at raising money in their home districts. I know, I wrote the book “How to Raise Money for Political Office.” When you look at their campaign disclosures, most are full of special interest PAC donations or individual donations attached to PAC board members.
These lobbyists and corporate elites have placed Republicans on a “fundraising welfare program” that has rendered them so lazy about fundraising that they have become addicted to special interest money and need it to survive politically.
From several members of both chambers I have heard this same refrain: The NFIB, Chamber of Commerce and Corporate lobbyists will work you over if you even HINT at stopping or opposing illegal immigration in our state.
So, when push comes to shove, Republicans are choosing corporate money and influence over the earnest desires of the Republican primary voter. Take note of this as you head to the polls.
We do not need any more Republican benchwarmers – we need Conservatives with backbone.
From several members of both chambers I have heard this same refrain: The NFIB, Chamber of Commerce and Corporate lobbyists will work you over if you even HINT at stopping or opposing illegal immigration in our state.
So, when push comes to shove, Republicans are choosing corporate money and influence over the earnest desires of the Republican primary voter. Take note of this as you head to the polls.
We do not need any more Republican benchwarmers – we need Conservatives with backbone.
Is There Any Hope for Real Reform or Action?
The short answer is yes. The long answer is, I’m concerned RINOs will kill these bills. Keep reading until the very end…
*HB1994 calls for the TN Commission of Safety and the TN Commissioner of Human Services to develop and implement a system to identify illegals in TN and relocate them to the home states of President Biden, Vice-President Kamala Harris, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.
The bill has been placed on the calendar for the House Department and Agencies Subcommittee.
Griffey’s House Bill 1648 focuses on making Tennessee a less hospitable place for illegal aliens by denying their access to free, TN taxpayer-funded education.
*HB1648 would eliminate state education funding for students who are unlawfully present in the United State and would require LEAs and public charter schools that enroll students who are unlawfully present in the United States to bear sole financial responsibility for their education.
The bill has been placed on the calendar for the House K-12 Subcommittee.
*HB2128 was filed on Monday by Representative John Crawford. It would help maintain the uprightness of Tennessee Elections by preventing any person who is not a U.S. citizen from participating in any federal, state, or local election in Tennessee. It would also prohibit local governments in the state from allowing those who are not citizens to vote in any local election.
Crawford’s bill has gained a Senate companion bill, sponsored by Senator Jon Lundberg.
So, Will These Bills Pass?
Don’t Hold Your Breath…
As I said previously, these are not bills supported or written by Republican leadership – at least not that I can tell. Instead, they are being offered by the small contingent of real Conservatives in the General Assembly.
Further, there is no legislation for turning off the employment or benefit magnets that draw illegal aliens to our state 24/7… with no end in sight.
Corporate lobbyists want cheap labor rolling into the Volunteer State and they do not care about the impact to the taxpayer our culture. They have money to make and PAC checks to distribute so illegal immigration will be a permanent and growing reality in our state.
What Can You Do?
#1 – Stay Alert to Take Action: This week, I will be sending out very specific action alerts on this issue. Your calls, letters and emails will go a long way toward making RINOs hold their nose and do what’s right in these committees and subcommittees. If you want to get started today, read our articles on this topic and start dialing. Share these articles when you see them online.
#2 – Vote Smart & Share Your Knowledge: If you see your state Representative or Senator is blocking good legislation, tell everyone you know about through conversations, email and through social media. Vote them out in the primary.
#3 – Support Our Publication: No other publication or organization in Tennessee will touch the issue of illegal immigration because of the risks involved. But I’ll be damned if I will stay silent on it.
I did not found this publication to win a popularity contest. I started it to tell the truth from a Conservative perspective. Sometimes, telling the truth comes with a price – in fact, most of the time.
If you value what we do on illegal immigration, >>click here and give<<<
#4 – Your Prayers: Pray our leadership in the Republican party would have courage to do the right thing – even if it flies in the face of their personal and political interest in favor of yours as their constituent.
Pray we here at the Tennessee Conservative will have wisdom to see things the way they are and speak the truth about them. Pray we will find the patriots we need to join us in this fight.
Well, that’s all I have on the subject for now.
You know now, for the most part, as much as I know.
As more becomes available, we’ll keep you informed.
Thanks for all you do as a subscriber. It means more than you will ever understand.
Until next time…
I’m Sincerely Yours in Freedom,
Brandon Lewis
3 Responses
The money and resources spent on illegals could go a long way to help veterans, elderly and proper education for our youth. I don’t see any of our representatives doing very much to help Tennesseans.
If this Data is true there should be a recall election or force resignation.
AS I was reading this I fully agree with it, it seems who ever we elect we get NOTHING DONE about IMMIGRATION