5 thoughts on “Ken Yager Running For Reelection: A Look At His Voting Record

  • May 17, 2024 at 4:16 pm

    My check to Teena Hedrick will be in the mail today. I hope other conservatives join me.

  • May 17, 2024 at 6:08 pm

    I was in the Senate chamber on the opening of session a few years ago, when votes are read and the persons in various positions are named. Ken Yager was absolutely slobbering and could nopt shut up with his fawning praise for McNally, Haile, and Johnson. It was embarrassing to see a groan man put on such a display.

    From what I witnessed that day, there should be no doubt that Yager’s loyalty is to these progressives in leadership positions, and not to his constituents.

  • May 25, 2024 at 4:13 pm

    I love reading the records of all these RINOs . It’s absolutely amazing just how many traitors we have in Tennessee that are supposedly Republicans . I think that there is really no difference in either so called ” party “. In days past I realized the truth of what I just said so I stopped voting for either so called party and began voting Libertarian . Now I wouldn’t even vote for them anymore especially because of their open borders stance . Unless we have more Republicans like Bud Hulsey and Senator Nicely ( hope I got the spelling of those names right ) I won’t ever be voting Republican again , The same result every time there is an election no matter who wins . I’m sick of it . The Tennessee Conservative Newsletter is something we all need to keep up with . Thank God we have a source of information on politicians at long last .

  • June 11, 2024 at 12:03 am

    There is no way I would vote for Yager.
    I spoke to someone in Jamestown about his record and informed them of what it was like. According to this person he has done a lot for Fentress county so if he wants to kill babies with abortion and he wants redflag laws to take away peoples guns that is ok because he gets a pass for doing something good for the county. I am totally amazed at the mind sent of these people
    However I contacted Teena Hedrick last week and to this day I have not heard from this person at all.
    So at this time there is NO ONE TO VOTE FOR. One is crooked and the other will not answer emails from people wanting to support her.


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