A Year of Childcare in Tennessee Costs More Than A Year of College

A Recently Released Report Shows That The Cost Of A Year Of Daycare In Tennessee, On Average, Meets Or Exceeds The Cost Of A Year At An In-State College, For The Second Year In A Row.

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Gardenhire Joins With Democrats To Give Illegal Aliens Taxpayer-Funded College Perks

Sen. Todd Gardenhire (R-Chattanooga-District 10) Is Sponsoring A Bill That Would Give Illegal Aliens Free College Tuition In Exchange For Teaching In A Tennessee Public School For At Least Five Years.

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Op-Ed: Student Debt Is Not The Problem, The Higher Education Cartel Is

The Issue Of Student-Loan Forgiveness Is A Distraction From The Real Problem In Higher Education. Tuition Rates Have Risen Faster Than Inflation For Decades. What No One Wants To Confront, Even As We Proceed To Forgive As Much As $1 Trillion In Student Loan Debt, Is What Has Created The Whole Situation: The Stranglehold That The Higher-Education Cartel Has On Colleges And Universities.

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Tennessee Public Colleges, Universities Will Freeze Tuition Rates For Next School Year

Tuition At Tennessee’s Public Colleges And Universities Will Not Increase For The Next School Year After A Vote From The Tennessee Higher Education Commission Froze Those Tuition Rates For The First Time.

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Affirmative Action At Tennessee Department of Education?

The Tennessee Department Of Education Is Inviting People Of Color To Apply For The Diverse Leader’s Network. This Program Gives Teachers An Opportunity To Earn A Free Master’s Degree In Educational Leadership At No Cost To The Teacher Or District.

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Online College In Tennessee More Expensive Than Attending In Person

College Students In Tennessee Pay More To Do Their Schooling Online Than They Do To Attend Courses In Person, A Report From The Tennessee Comptroller’s Office Of Research And Education Accountability Showed.

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