“Heated” Race Between Tennessee Senate Candidates Harshbarger & Lundberg Continues With More Accusations Of Possible Campaign Finance Violations

The Race For The District 4 Seat In The Tennessee Senate Is Shaping Up To Be What Some Call “One Of The Most Heated Races,” As Bobby Harshbarger Battles Incumbent State Senator Jon Lundberg.

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John Gillespie Running For Reelection: A Look At His Voting Record

Representative John Gillespie (R-Memphis-District 97) Is Running For Re-Election And Is On The Ballot In The Republican Primary. Has Gillespie Been A Fighter For Conservative Values During The Last Four Years? Read The Tennessee Conservative’s Analysis Of Gillespie’s Voting Record And Decide If He Deserves A Second Term In Office.

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RINOs Rally Behind Establishment Candidate Tom Hatcher

Based On Campaign Contributions, Establishment Republicans Have A Clear Favorite In The Pool Of Candidates For Tennessee’s District 2 Senate Seat.

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How Does Your Garden Grow?

The Original Founding Fathers Were The First Master Gardeners Of America. They Believed The Seeds Must Be Cultivated With Care And The Tools Of Freedom Outlined In The Constitution Used Properly, Were Necessary To Survive Any Plague That May Befall Us. One Of The Most Effective Tools We Have Is Our Right As “Citizens” To Vote. Voting Is The Best Defense And Insecticide Against The Weeds In Our Society. Failing To Utilize That Tool Will Surely Lead To Our Demise. Keeping The Tool In The Shed Is Unacceptable Today.

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Follow The Money…Find The Truth

It Is My Intention To Create A “Follow The Money Report” Where We Inform Our Readers And Tennessee Voters Exactly Who Is Beholden To Whom Based Upon The Campaign Contributions They Receive. Visually, It’s Going To Be Like Nascar – We’ll Show You Who The Owners Are. Each Political Will Have A Summary Along With A Race Car, Decaled According To Where Their Money Comes From. Further, We Will Tell You How Much Money Comes From Individuals In Their Home Districts Vs. Special Interests. We’ll Start With Leadership And Work Through Whatever The Funding Allows. It Is My Hope That This Report Will Inform Voters And Help Encourage Politicians To Be More Dependent Upon Their Constituents For Campaign Funding Rather Than Those Who Hate Our Conservative Values. This Is, As I Say, My Hope. It Is A Dream.

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Hamilton County School Board Member Says Teachers Are Smart Enough To See Through Mainstream Media Narrative About Hillsdale (Update 8.1.22)

A Hamilton County School Board Member Told Us That The Majority Of Teachers That He Knows Were Not Upset By Arnn’s Comments And That They Are Smart Enough To Read Between The Lines Of The Liberal Press’ Narrative.

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